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Dear DMC.Org


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Firstly, I just want to clarify what this Thread is all about. And specifically what this Thread means to me, personally. This Thread is my way to appreciate this site, and all of its members. So if you don’t take the time to read it all, understand that I appreciate you.

As I know that quite a few of you people here appreciate me, I would like to share the appreciation with you. So I thought that I would take the time to personally appreciate the people here. The members, and the Staff members. And to appreciate the things in which people have done for me in my time here.

I’d just like to personally say, that I am seriously glad that I came back to this place. From this I have met old members that I admire. And I’ve made new friends in doing this also. Giving me a chance to welcome people into the Community. I missed this place a hell of a lot when I left. In my time here before I left, I enjoyed helping out and welcoming new members. And since I have returned, nothing has changed. I still enjoy taking the same approach.

I’ve met some genuinely decent people here. Shared emotional feelings, and bonds with many of them. And those friendships that I have gained in my time here, have really made a great difference. So basically, thank you all, for just being my friend here. There isn’t anyone here that has ever honestly troubled me, and I respect that a great deal. So thank you.

From the beginning of my time here, people have given me more of an understanding of the place and how it works. Explaining to me that we are one big happy Community. And it only takes certain negative vibes to shake a happy Community. Meaning that we all should stick together, and appreciate one another. Because we are all in the same boat here.

I couldn’t carry on with this, without appreciating the Staff members also. As I said I was going to earlier. And why would I not? As the Staff are aware, I hugely appreciate them. They have been helpful from the very start of my journey here. With Tony Redgrave making the rules clear to me. He gave me the understanding of accepting the rules, that I still have today. I’ll admit, I had a few bad times, nonetheless. But my intentions are never to cause problems upon this place. I hope this comes across in what I say and do. Keaton and Angelo Credo have always been extremely friendly towards me, since they first joined. I’m truly happy that I voted for them to get the position they hold today, as respectable Staff members. Not to mention the work that the Admins have put into this place. It was extremely upsetting for Angel to of gone the way she did. I truly hope she returns soon. As for Dark Drakan and Steve, their work is incredible. You won’t find more decent people, than the Staff members. Putting time and effort to help us all out here. This is why we should appreciate them the most. As they help us with anything and everything, and are always friendly towards us.

Speaking of being friendly. At times I feel like I am good and bad in a sense. With the way that I reward certain people with the Gold Member status. And then there are all of those that get left out. But no, you honestly don’t. You don’t get left out in my mind. I don’t ignore you, or place anybody else as my favourite. And if you appreciate me, and respect me, I will share the same feelings towards you. So whether or not it may seem like I put other people first, I truly do not. I don’t have favourites here. Never have done, and never ever will either. So in such a case, I won’t be naming any names for members that I appreciate. As last time, those I didn’t name complained. Therefore, if I base this to everyone in general, then nobody should have a problem with this. As I do appreciate everyone anyway, so I couldn’t name you all, even if I tried.

But seriously, this place is a second home for me. A way in which I can escape. To some people, that won’t seem clear. But to others, it’s understandable. And in my three years of being here, I’ve enjoyed my time an incredible amount. Through everything that I have seen and witnessed. I don’t want to seem like I am coming across as too crazy in my words, but I honestly love this place to pieces.

And quite frankly, without this place, there would be a huge part of my life that would feel empty. I want you all to know that I am always going to hold these feelings towards this place, and all of you members. You’re all wonderful people, and I wish all of you a happy future. Thanks for making my time here amazing, all of you.

~LoD ^_^


Well-known Member
LoD! ;_;

I swear you're like the nicest guy ever. That was so sweet. Well know that I appreciate you as well as everyone else here to. The way I see it, everyone here contributes in some way, so we're all important. This is the longest I've ever stayed on one forum. Partly because members actually take the time to talk to me which was unheard of on all the other forums I've been on in the past, but also because the staff is so helpful and awesome. I mean it when I say you guys are the best staff on any forum I've been on.

There's a lot of great people here, some I've talked to a lot, some not so much, but you all seem cool in some way. Honestly, I could easily say something nice about each member. I'm not going to though because that would take forever. XD

Anyway. I really like you guys. I think you're a good bunch. I wouldn't still be here, with a high post count no less, if I didn't think that. I can think back to some times when I really felt like this place was one big community, like LoD was saying. While lately there has been problems I'm confident they will all get worked out. :)


Don't trust people
LordOfDarkness;288419 said:
But seriously, this place is a second home for me. A way in which I can escape. To some people, that won’t seem clear. But to others, it’s understandable. And in my three years of being here, I’ve enjoyed my time an incredible amount. Through everything that I have seen and witnessed. I don’t want to seem like I am coming across as too crazy in my words, but I honestly love this place to pieces.

And quite frankly, without this place, there would be a huge part of my life that would feel empty. I want you all to know that I am always going to hold these feelings towards this place, and all of you members. You’re all wonderful people, and I wish all of you a happy future. Thanks for making my time here amazing, all of you.

~LoD ^_^

I will have to agree to this. =D


Dante enthusiast!
:wub: It's members like you that make me come back again and again - I told myself never to get addicted to a forum again and here I am!

Nice one LoD

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
We appreciate all the nice comments and compliments and we enjoy having members around who actually enjoy their time here and use it productively. ^_^


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Sorry for the pretty late response, but I just wanted to say thank you ^_^ I also appreciate the rep that was given to me greatly :D

Cheers everyone!

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