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Darkslayer 13's Birthday (not a fun event this year)


Enma Katana no Kami
i am now 20 years old and nothing else of significance will happen today. i will have cake and ice cream and nothing else because that that is what happens when you have no income and live with your mom who also also has no income and you have a useless father who's focus in life is his manipulative bitch girlfriend.

as you can probably tell by now my life has not been going well recently but at least next year i can develop crippling alcoholism and hate everyone around me (i still don't get why the drinking age in the US is 21 people who's lives suck are the same at any age.)

but who knows my life could get better by then. my dad could suddenly act his age. i could suddenly find a winning lottery ticket. anything can happen. so lets all hope that next year i can post something that is a bit less depressing (if you don't like me just try not to wish for anything bad)

and because i can't resist the urge to quote this even though i am having a really bad day:

" Worst birthday ever." Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)

PS: if anyone uses this thread to complain about their own problems i will hate you forever.


Is not rat, is hamster
Aw, I'm sorry it's not a great birthday for you. Reminds me of the time I had this problem...

...nah, I won't be mean ;) I hope you feel a little more chirpy tomorrow if not today - no one should be down on their birthday :)

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Everyone has bad days and even bad years (looking at you 2006 *shakes fist*) but things are often never as bad as they seem and always someone out there worse off than you. Try to look at the positive things and if everything really does seem to be heading the wrong way just occupy yourself with a hobby or something productive to make yourself feel you are achieving something or contributing daily not just wasting days wallowing in self pity. You will see this thread one day and cringe at how negative you seemed to be ive done the same thing myself.

Happy Birthday none the less, drinking isnt all its cracked up to be and this is coming from a drinker. :lol:


TimeLord Detective
Happy Birthday. Don't sweat it. Better (and unfortunately worse as well) times will come. Keep a strong spirit and you should be ok. Wallowing in despair doesn't really help, so keep your wits about you. >_<
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