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Dante's Voice Actor

N. Buffalo

Everyday is Tuesday with me!
Since it looks like Reuben Langdon won't be voicing this new Dante, who do you think will be the VA for this guy?

From the little we've seen of him speak, I'm going to guess it might be Will Friedle (he did the voice for Terry McGinnis aka Batman Beyond in "Batman Beyond" and is also doing the voice of Lion-O in the Thundercats reboot). Or at least that's what new Dante sounds like to me from what I've seen.
Who do you guys think is the voice for new Dante?

So what's everyone's theory/guess on new Dante's voice actor? Who do you want to see do the voice (besides Langdon)?
Also who would you like to see voice any other classic DMC characters in the reboot (assuming they will be in the game)?

(BTW this is my first time making a thread in this forum (or any forum)... so I guess this is also my "hello" to everyone in this forum) :D:D:|


Well-known Member

Sup? :D

I dunno about the voice actor for sure, but at least it's cool for me that Reuben's out because I don't like DmC and I wouldn't like him to star as the new "Donte". Reuben's gotta star in real DMC games, 'cause he's awesome.

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Gorram Browncoat
N. Buffalo.
Anyway, MY GOD, I didn't notice.
That does sound like Will Fridele! Like a mix between his Terry voice and his Lion-O voice. It could very well be someone else though, as Dante's voice sounds like it's naturally a tad deeper. I'm just comparing "The Fight" to a Thundercats clip though.

Additionally, you may want to look at actors who have experience on stage or in sitcoms. In the behind-the-scenes footage for Enslaved, they said they were moving towards that. Will Fridele certainly is a candidate in that case.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Reminds me of the dude who did the voice of Adrian for X-men destiny.

It could be anyone as the voice is very non-descript.

Could be someone young as they could be looking to cast the voice actors for the movie if it ever happens.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I heard rumours somewheres that they've got the guy who does Sonic's voice to do Dante's, but they don't sound all that similar to me (sorry I forgot the dude's name and I'm not into Sonic so don't even know which Sonic they were referring to).

He sounds like Steven R. McQueen. Yeah. The dude from the Vampire Diaries TV show. They've got the same accent anyway. I know it can't be him (unless they've got him booked down to play Dante in the movie...oh....oh no....oh nonononono...that makes me wanna cry) because he's not a voice actor.
*goes to compare pictures of Steven with DmC Dante design*
*absolutely paranoid right now*

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I heard rumours somewheres that they've got the guy who does Sonic's voice to do Dante's, but they don't sound all that similar to me (sorry I forgot the dude's name and I'm not into Sonic so don't even know which Sonic they were referring to).

He sounds like Steven R. McQueen. Yeah. The dude from the Vampire Diaries TV show. They've got the same accent anyway. I know it can't be him (unless they've got him booked down to play Dante in the movie...oh....oh no....oh nonononono...that makes me wanna cry) because he's not a voice actor.
*goes to compare pictures of Steven with DmC Dante design*
*absolutely paranoid right now*

Which guy do you mean? which game did he start with?

Trip was voiced by Lindsey shaw who did Ned's declassified and Aliens in america so its not that much of a stretch. Besides most actors got their start as regular actors.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
It does remind me of terry but batman beyond was on back when i was only like 5 or 6 back when it ended in 02- 04 so really i think he is too old to still sound THAT young


Gorram Browncoat
It does remind me of terry but batman beyond was on back when i was only like 5 or 6 back when it ended in 02- 04 so really i think he is too old to still sound THAT young
When it ended, he was in his late twenties, and in Kim Possible his voice was even higher and younger-sounding. I'm pretty sure he could pull it off if he wanted.

Though I still don't know if he's the voice of Dante.


Humanoid Typhoon
Which guy do you mean? which game did he start with?

Trip was voiced by Lindsey shaw who did Ned's declassified and Aliens in america so its not that much of a stretch. Besides most actors got their start as regular actors.
I think she is the one who is playing the "mysterious hooded girl"
In the TGS 2010 Debut trailer the narration at the beginning is voiced by the same guy who played Monkey in Enslaved.
at least thats who i think it is

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I think she is the one who is playing the "mysterious hooded girl"
In the TGS 2010 Debut trailer the narration at the beginning is voiced by the same guy who played Monkey in Enslaved.
at least thats who i think it is

To soon to tell as Kat and Dante sound non-descrepit to me.
For all we know, the kingdom hearts guys could have come in and voice them.

Yes that was him and maybe he is attached to the game in some capacity.
I got a friend named KenKen who wants him to voice Sparda and Anna Torv to voice Eva.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
You know speaking of batman beyond
The same channel showing friendship is magic (HUB) is showing reruns of it


Gorram Browncoat
To soon to tell as Kat and Dante sound non-descrepit to me.
For all we know, the kingdom hearts guys could have come in and voice them.

Yes that was him and maybe he is attached to the game in some capacity.
I got a friend named KenKen who wants him to voice Sparda and Anna Torv to voice Eva.
That's me, isn't it?
From the NT forums?

but yes, it would be pretty superb if Andy Serkis voiced Sparda. I never said Mrs. Torv should voice Eva, but it would be a pretty kickass cameo, come to think of it!

That would make this quite the expensive game to produce though...

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
That's me, isn't it?
From the NT forums?

but yes, it would be pretty superb if Andy Serkis voiced Sparda. I never said Mrs. Torv should voice Eva, but it would be a pretty kickass cameo, come to think of it!

That would make this quite the expensive game to produce though...

I think you did but mrs torv will be more expensive as she's famous for fringe and might not have time to do it.

Quic question for the thread-
Should they get the same actor who voices him in thegame to lay him in te movie.?


Well-known Member

Sup? :D

I dunno about the voice actor for sure, but at least it's cool for me that Reuben's out because I don't like DmC and I wouldn't like him to star as the new "Donte". Reuben's gotta star in real DMC games, 'cause he's awesome.

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yeah i thought the same. reuben is too awesome for DmC.


Well-known Member
i think the vampire dairies dude may be right possibley i watch an interview and it seem to fit on andy serkis im a bit tired of him being plugged in nj games im sure he is in it though i will tell him this work on his american accent


Gorram Browncoat
Quic question for the thread-
Should they get the same actor who voices him in thegame to lay him in te movie.?

I think they should.
But I also think the movie should be completely CG, like the upcoming Heavenly Sword film...

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I think they should.
But I also think the movie should be completely CG, like the upcoming Heavenly Sword film...

There is a heavenly sword cg film in production?
Didnt know that.

Im not against it being CG, I just dont need it too.


The great pretender.
:mad: (listens to the sound of a confused crowd running in circles and figure eights while fingers steadily clinch and teeth grind.)

>_<AAAARRRGGGH!!!!! NO,NO,NO!!!! None of you are familiar with ninja Theory are you?!!!!

There is no voice actor for Dante! There is only an ACTOR!

You're all looking in the wrong places! Ninja theory has only and will ever only hire real professionals of stage and screen. Not some voice over artist who kinda had a spot on some Disney sitcom in the 90's but has never proven the ability to actually create a real connection or evoke a response from the audience!!!

...And Power Rangers make ****ty actors. They just do. :p

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I'm not against them bringing a Power Ranger actor to do voicework just so long as they can act and are given a great scriptand something to work with.
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