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Dante's bio question


When the going gets tough, the tough get going

for those of you who have interest on this stuff: do you know if there is official data related to Dante's blood type, marital status...you know.
I never found a good official bio about Dante's character.Most of the bio's information can be told in a one paragraph or two.
We don't know simple elements like height, age, blood type, if he is single, married, widower, whatever...
Is this kind of thing is common to other franchise's characters belonging to Capcom?

V's patron

be loyal to what matters

for those of you who have interest on this stuff: do you know if there is official data related to Dante's blood type, marital status...you know.
I never found a good official bio about Dante's character.Most of the bio's information can be told in a one paragraph or two.
We don't know simple elements like height, age, blood type, if he is single, married, widower, whatever...
Is this kind of thing is common to other franchise's characters belonging to Capcom?

I dont think I've seen anything on his blood type ever so maybe check the art books or ask TwoXaccross as he edits the DMC wiki.

TBH do you really need confirmation on whether or not he was married? wouldnt that be a thing they just show you?


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Oh, come on!:wink: You know what I mean: to be married or in a relationship is basically the same, he is not single.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
Information about Dante as a character? Outside of the games and flashy cutscenes? That doesn't have anything to do with pizza and partying?

Sorry, but...those are things an actual character would have We barely know anything about his childhood or background history...and you want his blood type and marital status?
Oh, my poor sides...

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
TBH i think other Capcom franchises do have a lot of info for their characters but @WolfOD64 has a point @Gel .

Well a relationship is easier to get rid of then a wife and a kid so he's probably has had relationships before but i dont really see them developing that part of his life.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Laugh if you want to, but his background is touched in DMC1 novel anyway( which is dubious canon by now).
Time ago some people asked for more character exploitation and deep and better stories, but everyone said DMC was all about style. Now everyone criticizes DMC for the lack of deep and logical stories.It is always the same.
I was just curious about it now, since I'm counting Capcom will do it with Vergil anyway( or maybe not) to explain how he sired Nero.


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Xen-Omni 2020
According to some of the height charts dante is supposedly 6 foot 7 , his age in the furthest of the canon DMC2 is unknown but in DMC4 he is believed to be 29 his blood type would be weird as he is half demon and trish was said to be a potential love interest but information on it all is practically non existant


Fake Geek Girl.
According to some of the height charts dante is supposedly 6 foot 7 , his age in the furthest of the canon DMC2 is unknown but in DMC4 he is believed to be 29 his blood type would be weird as he is half demon and trish was said to be a potential love interest but information on it all is practically non existant
Trish as a love interest is a little weird don't you think? She looks exactly like his mom. Unless he has an incest fetish.

He's single, but I think he and Lady share a thing for each other. It was implied she has a crush on him in the anime.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
Trish as a love interest is a little weird don't you think? She looks exactly like his mom. Unless he has an incest fetish.
I'm fairly certain Kamiya and Team Little Devils intended Trish to be his sole love interest. The "Fire" scene, the part where his anime schoolgirl moe tears caress Trish's face during the now-infamous "LIIIGHT" scene...hell, the end credits montage with Dante and Trish striking pose is set to a song called "Seeds of Love." They weren't exactly being subtle about this.

Not to mention that in the DMC4 "History of DMC" Recap, the chronicle states that Trish cast off her allegience to Mundus "in the face of Dante's love"...whatever cheesetacular cringe-inducing **** that means.


Fake Geek Girl.
I'm fairly certain Kamiya and Team Little Devils intended Trish to be his sole love interest. The "Fire" scene, the part where his anime schoolgirl moe tears caress Trish's face during the now-infamous "LIIIGHT" scene...hell, the end credits montage with Dante and Trish striking pose is set to a song called "Seeds of Love." They weren't exactly being subtle about this.

Not to mention that in the DMC4 "History of DMC" Recap, the chronicle states that Trish cast off her allegience to Mundus "in the face of Dante's love"...whatever cheesetacular cringe-inducing **** that means.
I still love the sh!t out of scenes like "LIIIIIIIIGHT!"

It's still kinda weird.


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
Laugh if you want to, but his background is touched in DMC1 novel anyway( which is dubious canon by now).
Time ago some people asked for more character exploitation and deep and better stories, but everyone said DMC was all about style. Now everyone criticizes DMC for the lack of deep and logical stories.It is always the same.
I was just curious about it now, since I'm counting Capcom will do it with Vergil anyway( or maybe not) to explain how he sired Nero.
Brings me back to the days where I have asked the same kind of questions and I got laughed at too.:cautious: The RE characters have that (blood type/height/weight/bio thingy) but the closest to that with Dante was that DMC1 novel like you said. They build up these histories with some of their more important characters from their more popular series but when it comes to DMC, eh...mum's the word.
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Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I think you're over-looking this.

Dante hasn't had much character depth like that since DMC1 and after that was just "less character, more walking action style" which is pretty much all Dante is now. Nothing wrong with it (I personally have a problem with it though) but if you're expecting a lot of personal info on him, then you're **** outta luck. I think an appeal about Dante is that there's so little we know about him that it's up to the fans to think of their own headcanons and theories on him. This is what powers most Devil May Cry fanfiction after all. If you ask me, I'd say Dante's 6 feet, and his material status is single and ready to mingle, because...let's face it, you really think the "ladies man" can be tied down to just ONE woman?


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
I still love the sh!t out of scenes like "LIIIIIIIIGHT!"

It's still kinda weird.
Oh, dude, I do too. I think it's up there with the original Resident Evil's voice-acting as some of the most hilarious dialogue ever put to screen. Although, my sides were already drifting in orbit by the time I had reached the "You'll have her face, but you'll NEVER HAVE HER FIRE", scene.


I Saw the Devil
Dante was intentionally left as a vague character. Blood Type, age, height, birthday and by extension zodiac sign, and other bio material. Aside from the height (which is only there from DMC4's height wallpaper) you are not going to find anything solid on him. If I remember right it's because they want to still have an air of mystery to him so details like that may never see the light of day. It might even be possible that he doesn't have any, that none were created for that very reason.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
First at all, I want to thank you all for answering me.
Well, what I gathered until now is the following:
-Some Japanese sites state Dante's height between 185cm(6"1)/190cm(6"3)
-In terms of Age: DMC3(19), DMC1(28),DMC4(36). When DMC4 was still in works, some magazines already said Dante was near his forties.Nero is 16/17 and, if Vergil was 19 when the boy was born, Dante's age in DMC4 is correct.
-Blood type unsure
-About his marital status: from what I found there is a lot going on.If he lives with Trish, that probably means he is not single, since they were never stated to be roommates or friends, only partners (which is a convenient word).Capcom never said yes, but never said no.(backlash, perhaps?!)
-Seeds of love is Eva's theme too; if we are to believe Kamiya, Eva was a witch( grain of salt, please!) just like Bayo and Jeanne, Trish behaves much like those two.Rumors say Trish was produced with something from Eva: blood, DNA, her soul, whatever.
Dante admits in DMC4 novel Trish is just like Eva ( he admits too Vergil is just like his father).So yes, if she is love interest, definitively Dante wants to marry his own "mother".The " I have no luck with women " part is basically bluff and Lady seems to be a smokescreen to this all. I was waiting for Udon translation on DMC artworks book to shed some light, but it was put on hold.

Sorry for the wall of text I just made!

PS: DMC storyline is more similar to Oedipus Rex than Divina Commedia: Oedipus marries his own mother and sires a pair of twin boys.These boys hate their father, but love each other until the days both of them want to get their father's power.So their viciously fight each other, provoking " Seven against Thebes"war.This rings a bell to you?
Alighieri never was Beatrice lover.Beatrice was his guardian angel and guy was married to a real woman.


Well-known Member
First I have to say, love is a broad term, yet you all treat it like it leads into lust.

From what we were presented, Trish is nothing but someone for Dante to be devoted to, like he was devoted to his mother, the one human that always loved him no matter his heritage. To her, he is the man that showed her life out of darkness. I see them as nothing more than really good friends.

It was said in first novel that Dante dates women from time to time. Considering the novels status, this info is not certain, but is most logical, since he is not without emotions and needs. Marriage would be farfetched and something I expect to see in fanfiction only, given Dante's dangerous life and the fact he ain't one for commitment of that kind.

If Trish was made from Eva's soul, it would be in theme with Nelo Angelo, and later on Angelos from DMC4. They were all made by putting a soul into a vessel.

DMC does sound similar to Oedipus rex at first glance, but then one remembers Sparda didn't marry his mother and Dante never really wanted the power of Sparda.

Yup, Alighieri loved the image of Beatrice, never got really close to the woman herself, and he was married to Gemma.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Sunny, as I said before, you're probably right about Dante/ Trish relationship status quo by now, since it seems to become more of sibling relationship at this point( or, at least I wish to), but I cannot discard the fact that it is possible Trish was projected to be Dante's lover in Little Devils team's mind at that time ( or at least she was when DMC1 was "their" RE4).
It doesn't help Capcom seriously sucks when it comes to tell a coherent story or even to form relationships between their characters.They dance around the subject but never answer( which makes the fact of they assuming Nero's Vergil's boy something without precedents).
Now the vessels subject: while Nero Angelo is a vessel to Vergil, Nero Angelo is still Vergil. If Trish is a vessel to Eva's, isn't she still Eva or her sister/daughter/cousin or whatever?!:cautious:
If I remember well, in DMC1 novel, Dante was interested in some girls, but never dated for too long.I remember too, girls( and all the town, by the way) calling him " momma's boy". Apparently women usually avoid him and describe him as a delusion.

Kamiya not only admitted not knowing Divina Commedia very well, as he said to dislike it.So, why he uses it as inspiration? I don't know.


Well-known Member
Maybe deep down Trish has some of Eva's memories and feelings, but with Eva being all human and dead for a longer time period, it's possible these could not resurface quite so easily like with Vergil. Trish has been said to act somewhat motherly to Dante, but if it's just played for fun or there is more into it lies on personal choice for now.

And then again, there are certain differences between Nero Angelo and Trish that show they are not the same type of creation, with Trish being all flesh and Angelo having that special armor. In fact, since it's been said that Angelos in 4 were created with help of fragments from that armor, it's possible that it's simply a hollow thing infused with magic that keeps the soul in it (with Vergil's actual body being somewhere else), whereas Trish is organic and could have been grown like a child grows in a womb, with the soul and new body being one from the start.

Inspiration is a funny thing. The Hell part of Divina Commedia is pretty heavy on soul, I hate the fact I had to read it in school, but respect it as a very imaginative and logical depiction of Hell. As such, if I had to write something involving demons, it would be my first choice.
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