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Dante Must Die! (the game mode i swear!)


Well-known Member
JUST finished SoS mode and started Dante Must Die.
No I didnt start a thread just to tell you this, but to highlight some things i've noticed between difficulties...


His weapon upgrades change depending on what difficulty you face him on...

Human and Devil Hunter:
Rebellion + Ebony and Ivory

Son of Sparda:
Rebellion, Giglamesh, Ebony and Ivory, and Coyote

Dante Must Die:
All of the above + Lucifer and Pandora.

This also made fighting him during the first mission very unnerving especially since his first move was to use the Laser Cannon on me >.<


So, I thought I may post a few tips (as i progress and from past experiences) here for beating the ominious DMD mode...


-Dante Must Die..before he KO's me!
When fighting Dante charge shot lv3 is your best friend. Use it on him and then rush him, within a few moments he will fall down due to the explosion allowing you to slash/DT+Buster him. This actually saved me in this fight (still adjusting from SoS techniques), I used it he Stingered me and I was a hit away from death and so way he...he exploded before he could get me =p

-WTF! You can DT now?!
Do not fear the DT of enemies. When they glow keep cool and keep fighting normally (however get high and buster to reduce overall damage) most enemies don't change very much at all when in DT they just become more resilient, fight them as you would, just be aware of the change.

-How did you guard that?!
Enemies, even scarecrows guard against your hits. This stops all forms of offence so beware if you hit falls flat. A solid offence can break a guard but also leaves you open to assault from other foes. Using Buster to hit their guard is very effective once its broken try and get as many hits on them before they try it again...its all about crowd control.

-Instant EXCEED!
Tapping the Exceed trigger when your blade makes contact with an enemy (or mid-swing) can (if timing is good) give you a bar of exceed or even a full gauge, this is important since it means tough enemies such as Frosts and Assaults can be taken down quicker.

-DT is a lifesaver
Finally (for the time being) dont WASTE your DT. I know its tempting to just storm in and try and do lots of damage quickly but it doesnt work. Dante becomes much more evasive and without the ability to turn DEVIL you will be VERY vulnerable to the most potent of enemy attacks. For example when Agnus says 'your strength will be mine' he will grab you and drain your HP to restore MASSIVE amounts of his own. If you DT as he grabs you this stops the attack dead and stuns him enough for a few slashes (not a Buster sadly), the same goes for IceFrog, if he eats you DT'ing frees you. The other main thing about conserving at least 3 DT points is when the opportunity does arise that you can DT+Buster a foe you will want it, ESPECIALLY since a DT Buster is hugely more potent than a standard one - particularly on bosses. Not to mention if you need the DT recovery (oops just mentioned it).


My new pet-hates of DMC4. Peice of cake on every other difficulty and now they seemed to have remembered their underworld combat training and also the annoying thing named team work.

These guys were a walkover. Now they can freeze you in a heart beat and they work better than a horde of Gonados (RE4).

The main elements to watch out for are their freeze attacks, but you see what makes them truly devilish in DMD is their (skillful or coincidental) teamwork. When one of them heals, the other will hit you with projectiles or even the dreadded icecrawler (it crawls along the ground and homes in) to protect their ally.

This makes a duo partucially formidble, the best way to tackle them is an early offence. Offload a lv3 charge shot onto the first and a few Exceed slashes on the other, DONT TRY AND SNATCH THEM, they dodge >.< which leaves you painfully vunrable to their attacks, instead wait until you knock them off their feet and then DT Buster them.

Table Hop is your friend here, it allows you to avoid their projectiles and prepare a counter-attack. The WORST thing to happen here is to get caught by one of their long range attacks, of which there are a few...

ICE SPEARS: Several spears launched at you, impale you (if you get hit by one expect all three), these stun you and knock you back, leaving you open.

FREEZE BLASTS: As above but these travel in a wider angle and freeze you on contact, and also leave frozen 'hedgehogs' on the arena, these explode after 10 (a guess) seconds and do damage to you, which will stun.

ICE TRAIL: A homing attack, freezing hedgehogs appear along the ground and move towards you, particually annoying if your about to hit a recovering Frost.

TIPS: Keep BOTH FROSTS in sight and concentrate your attack power on one, use Table Hop or simply roll/jump to avoid projectile attacks and take advantage of Nero's HelmBreaker styleofattack on the way down again. When they are DT'd keep your distance and use Charge Shot, OR you can use your own DT and fight fire with fire (or DT with DT) but since they are harder to knock about this can result in ALOT of damage take by you so only do this if you are confident that you can deal out the damage and dodge too (remember while in DT the ghost of Virgil slightly restricts your view depending on where you are)

Hope this helps someone...I will update when I can.
I encourage others to post their own tips here for DMD. :D


Fearfully and wonderfully made
This also made fighting him during the first mission very unnerving especially since his first move was to use the Laser Cannon on me >.<
I know what you mean! :lol: I almost crapped myself when I saw him whip out The Pandora and proceeded to blow me away with that laser cannon.

I hadn't noticed a few of the other things on your list, though, Keaton; particularly the instant-Exceed thing you pointed out. +rep

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
I tried to make a start on this mode a few days ago but I dont think it is worth the stress its a bit too hardcore for my liking. It was tempting for the super costumes but I probably would have thrown the disc through the window before I finished this game on DMD.
And I think I could die happy without ever playing with Super costumes I rarely use DT anyway.

I dont get any kind of thrill out of dying a load of times times then finally beating a certain part of a game I got no sense of acomplishment out of beating SOS mode all in all it just made me swear at the screen more.


Well-known Member
While on DMD, Dante, Mission 10, I found it quite easy, if you don't even try to use a strategy. I just jumped, used air hike, tried to grab him twice, and then evaded his Coyote. Now, Sanctus first form, that, I do find pretty hard. That hit with the stautes takes about 50% of your HP ffs.


well i just finished dmd mode and i got the super characters and they have unlimited d/t but when ever u attack u dont gain health


Don't trust people
WHAT! THATS EVIL! in DMC3 there was an Ultimate Devil form but not in DMC4..... but the DMC4 Super Costumes was NO HEALTH RECOVERY!!!! it was on third with Ultimate Devil form that was fun to have..

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Well I am halfway into it now I may as well go for the end. I am going to try and make a start after work tomorrow is Dantes part harder or is it pretty much the same as SOS? I am not looking forward to fighting the bosses again >_<


Well-known Member
Dante is a really easy boss, if you ask me. Just jump try to grab him twice, then dodge because of the shotgun. If he counters your grab, do a quick split. Best Style to grab him in is Royal Guard and Trickster. Whenever you have DT, abuse it. Turn it on, grab him, and smash him in the ground.


Well-known Member
Added to first post as promised...



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