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Dante is NOT in his 20s!

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Your breasts are illegal!!
I am so sick of people keep saying that Dante and even Vergil are in their 20s! Guys, if you pay attention, Dante and Vergil are over 2000 years old! Lets state the facts......

- Dante and Vergil are sons of Sparda. Sparda has been dead for 2000 years! No ****ing way they can be in their 20s when their pops died 2000 years ago!!
- If you notice the picture of Eva, Dante and Vergil's mom, on Dante's desk, she wears a old European-esque dress. Its style is considered relic nowadays.
- Dante and Vergil are half-demons, which would grant them longivity in life and long youthful appearance.

I hope this would be enough to let you know that Dante and Vergil are well over 2000 years old.


New Member
dante and vergil r 2000 years old in DEMON YEARS in human years yes they r in the 20's in dmc3-19 dmc-23 dmc4-26 dmc2- 29-30


Your breasts are illegal!!
little_d;113291 said:
dante and vergil r 2000 years old in DEMON YEARS in human years yes they r in the 20's in dmc3-19 dmc-23 dmc4-26 dmc2- 29-30

Dude, what are you talking about? In HUMAN years, Sparda has been dead for over 2000 YEARS! They say it in EVERY SINGLE GAME! Any child concieved by him HAS to be over 2000 years old! Its really not hard to understand. If Dante is a little bit over 20, then his father CANNOT be Sparda. Heck, his mother CANNOT be Eva as well! Also, the games hasnt been specific about demon years and human years so in game it is JUST YEARS.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
No...2000 years ago refers to when Sparda rose up against the demon world, Sparda reappeared towards the end of the 20th century.

He then met Eva and had the twins with her, before disappearing once more, this basically puts Dante and Vergil's ages at the time of DMC 3 to be about 18-20, if not slightly older.


Your breasts are illegal!!
Angelo Credo;113300 said:
No...2000 years ago refers to when Sparda rose up against the demon world, Sparda reappeared towards the end of the 20th century.

He then met Eva and had the twins with her, before disappearing once more, this basically puts Dante and Vergil's ages at the time of DMC 3 to be about 18-20, if not slightly older.

Okay, I see what you are talking bout now about the 2000 years thing, however, Dante and Vergil still have to be well over 20 years old though. Honestly, his mother looks like over 500 years old. Maybe Dante and Vergil is not 2000 years old but they are still older than the average human.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Eh, not really, if the time span of DMC 3 is set somewhere close to the present day, then judging by the fact that Sparda reappeared in the human world towards the end of the 20th century, it'd still make the twins roughly 18-20 years old.

Maybe a little older at a stretch, but not inhumanly old,


Wesker's #1 fan!
Dark Esura, not trying to insult you, but you shouldn't get mad when people say that because you are the one who has the facts wrong. As I said, im not trying to insult you or make you feel dumb, but Sparda didn't die 2000 years ago, he sealed the bulk of his demon power causing him to be...lets say humunish. But he never died untill later. (Well some beleive he's still alive.)

And think about, there also a couple of things that hints that. For example, the picture of Eva, they didn't have pictures like that 2000 years ago and im sure they didn't have chocolate birthday cake parties. Im mean yeah chocolate cake might have existed at the time but not in children's birthday parties as we know them today.


Your breasts are illegal!!
Oh, I wasnt mad. I get excited during debates. Sorry if I offended anyone. Oh, and I stand corrected. You guys were right. I looked it up.


Wesker's #1 fan!
Oh, I was referring to your first post. But im glad there is no hard feelings. I wasn't offended, just wanted to make things clear.


Your breasts are illegal!!
Dante seemed so much cooler to me when I thought he was over 2000 years old. He still uber cool to me, but now, just to a lesser degree.


Though not 2000 years old, I do find a little discrepency regarding the twins' age:

In DMC, Trish said right at the beginning that Dante lost his mother and brother to demons 20 years ago. Given that we know Eva died from protecting Dante from a demon attack and that time the twins were about 7-10 yrs. old, Dante in DMC should be closer to late-20s.

I have no problem with the twins around 18-21 in DMC3.

In DMC 4, if Dante calls Nero - about his age in DMC3 - a "kid"; also, knowing that it's few years after DMC events, he should at least late 20s (i.e. 28-29), more likely 30s. No?? :\

DMC2... "far future" huh? well then, guess I won't even bother how old he is then. ^_^


New Member
We all know DMC3 Dante and Vergil are 19 years old, and that DMC4 happens 10 years later after DMC3, so that means Dante is 29 years old.

Sparda could be like 3500 years old, although in appearance he'd look like a 35 year old guy.


Your breasts are illegal!!
Oh, okay. Now I feel stupid for bringing up this situation. Act like I never posted this, lol.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
This is all stupid, me and Dante had sex and he told me that he was 20.


Anyway, that sexy body says enough.

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