Here's a little bit of background and inference for ya.
The picture here is titled "David with the Head of Goliath" by Caravaggio. The image is considered a self- depiction of Caravaggio with his adult self as a decapitated Goliath and his yonger self being the saddened David.
The picture you're referring is off Dante doing the same pose with a decapitated Rage demon, and they're several inferences in that picture alone:
1) Unlike David's face in Caravaggio's painting, where he is saddened and almost compassionate, Dante's face is determined, disgusted, but possibly confused.
2) While Goliath's face looks defeated and pitiful, the Rage still looks beastly.
3) David's clothes are nice and unscarred, but Dante's are ripped- a sign of the battle he just had.
4) Dante's stance is still on- guard and he's holding the Rage head as if presenting it while David's seems melancholy and is ready to place Goliath's head down on some place to rest.
5) The big difference is in what each picture means. Caravaggio's painting is depiction of how Caravaggio's life was scarred by the carelessness of his youth. The painting of young Dante is almost a prediction of how he's going to triumph over his demonic blood- sort of answering the question of whether he's human or not.