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Dante: A Devil Hunter not a Demon Hunter

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Okay I've seen recently people here argue about DMC Dante's stand on demons and humans and this subject is all over the place.

However, I recently noticed something and a light bulb went over my head and I realized WHY DIDN'T I REALIZE THIS BEFORE!!! or WHY DIDN'T ANYONE REALIZE THIS BEFORE EITHER!!!

Dante isn't a demon hunter HE IS A DEVIL HUNTER!!!!

Dante's job isn't to hunt demons. Its to hunt devils. He even said it multiple times.

What is the difference....a demon is a dark being or spirit (usually from hell) or genetically of a dark nature. A devil is a being of zero remorse for its actions, zero emotions, zero sympathy, evil, lawless, soulless, and etc. A devil may not technically be demons alone since you can technically call anyone a devil. I mean Lucifer is referred to as the Devil (granted technically he isn't a demon well based off of Christian lore anyways).

Why is this significant?

Dante isn't a nazi...he doesn't just hunt down demons because they're demons he hunts down evil demons or devils who are causing trouble and this insinuate he may even hunt down evil humans (Arius being an example).

In DMC1, Dante referred to Trish as a devil because she used cheap, dirty, underhanded tricks to deceive and betray him. However, he respects Griffon and Nelo Angelo, to the point he considers Nelo as honorable and he didn't say he was too honorable to be a demon no he said he was too honorable to be working for Mundus. As for Griffon, he sensed Griffon's strong sense of loyalty and even worried about his opponent's health and even offered to not finish him off since it wouldn't be fair and got mad when Mundus killed him off like nothing. You don't see him comparing to Griffon to a human since he showed loyalty (a virtue). Shocking for a guy driven by revenge he can still show mercy, concern, and even respect for the minions of the person who killed his mother.

In DMC2, Dante said he only hunts Devils a couple times.....although I don't remember most of them. However, the one moment was when Lucia wanted Dante to kill her because she was a demon but Dante refused on the basis he only hunt Devils, claiming to Lucia she is wrong to think that being a demon will change who she is, and that Devils Never Cry to claim that Lucia being able to shed tears about the fact she may one day be a threats to humans to signify she is not like or will be like the demons that Dante hunts.

In DMC3, Lady states even humans can be as bad (if not worst than demons) but she said there are demons who can show emotions and be kind so when you think about that some humans can be as bad if not worst than a species that has shown to be able to show emotions and be nice so its like who is really evil humans and demons or there is no difference based on race both can be good or evil (although demons tend to be most common evil). I know Bayonetta isn't canon but since Kamiya made it with DMC in mind let me say this. In Bayonetta, Bayonetta and ENZO (a character pretty prominent in DMC even if not in games) do apparently hunt down and kills humans as reference to the beginning as they took some guy to the graveyard named Eggman (I think they may have killed him too it sounded like they killed him) and they described Eggman as a guy no one will miss and belongs in hell (so he was a pretty vile and evil man apparently) and since this plays into Dante killing humans in the DMC1 novel (Kamiya wrote that)...well Dante is a bounty hunter and I remember in his bio Dante (in the DMC3 manga) also specializes in burial work or something drastically similar to what Enzo and Bayonetta did in the beginning with Eggman. So its strongly implied that if Dante does hunt humans as a bounty hunter and graveyard work he most likely hunts criminals or people with huge bounties on their heads so the humans he does take down are as bad as serial killers, terrorists (Osama), and devils...basically as Jack Cayman would say "They deserved it". Since the DMC1 manga takes place before DMC3 (despite the inconsistencies and well the DMC3 manga) it would seem after building his shop in DMC3, Dante may have stucked to hunting demons/devils or may still dabble in dealing with human criminals as well.

In DMC4, Dante here seems to value humanity as a main source of power and he never told Agnus or anyone (especially the viewers) what humans have that demons lack so its a huge mystery (like 75% of DMC4's plot). Now this isn't similar to what I've been saying before however in DMC4 Dante didn't express much on the demons vs devils thing in fact NERO expressed a lot on this subject (by saying even a demon can love a human and that Sanctus was wrong about power and emotions) to the point it seems that Capcom didn't forget the theme or established idea but chose not to exemplify it with Dante but Nero instead (since he was the main character at the time).

Now moving on I think this also plays to Vergil as in DMC3 Vergil referred to himself as a devil by saying "Don't underestimate this DEVIL's power". Vergil isn't technically a demon but a cambion but he is one thing for sure a devil, not a demon but a devil since he tossed aside his emotions for more power. Arkham even referred to him as a devil.

Now lastly I think Dante fights for justice not just humans or humanity like his father once did "He took up his sword for justice." Sparda didn't betray his demon brethren because he sided with the humans but took pity on them and for some reason chose to save them but did it out of justice and even then the fact he was the ruler of a island where there was a Hell gate in which he can deactivate and activate at anytime seems he may have missed his demon home. Dante is doing the same fighting for justice and what is right not just for humans but for the innocent, weak, and some money (but considered how he puts himself in debt, sells some of his stuff, and was even said in some outside game sources to cut people who uses his service but can't afford it fully some slack and even does some jobs for free) I guess the money is just to support himself not make living off of it but Dante doesn't only hunt devils (the anime shows him be a bodyguard, helping people with their gambling problems, and etc) and I remember DMC3 Dante would consider stuff like that boring and wouldn't do it.

Chibi Dante

Keepin' it Stylish!
DMC2 Narrator: And now... The Legend of Sparda, has been inherited by his son. The demon slayer; Dante.
Dormammu (In MVC3/UMVC3, to Dante): I shall strike you down, demon hunter.

Demons, devils, meh. Same crap! I mean you bring a good point but demons/devils have the same context in DMC which is why this is somewhat irrelevant.

Also... DMC Anime Dante: You have a pretty face... But you're worse than those demons.

> Worse than those demons
> Demons

^ More evidence that demons/devils have the same context in DMC. Also, in the story recap for DMC1 (In DMC4, "The History of DMC"), its stated that Dante's family was attacked by a DEMON invasion. This is what led him into becoming a DEMON hunter. Mundus is also known as "The Demon Emperor". And Dante went out to hunt his ass. What does that make him?


Well-known Member
thats a bit to dismissive the idea actually does matter to a small extent besides as much as i hate nero i have to agree with him DMC is even called Devil May Cry not Demon May Cry it does matter this thread helps explain dante's motives and reason from a FACTUAL point of veiw this stuff is actually correct

if there was a rep system i'd +1 the OP


Fake Geek Girl.
Demon and devil was pretty much referred in the same context. They don't really go out of their way to separate the two. Maybe a higher hierarchy are considered devils but, I don't see them really keeping up the trend because they still toss the word demon around like it's going out of style.

His business is pretty much established to take on jobs dealing with the eradication of supernatural creatures that cause trouble. These can be pretty much demon and devil if there really is a difference. Most of the time people think of only one person when they hear devil, Satan. You know, you shouldn't take the script so literally though. There's something called metaphors too you know. You need to know the context the word is being used in before you start thinking that's some clarification.

And the entire name of Devil May Cry is based on how allegedly demons can't cry or feel emotion. You figure it out in the first game why the game's called Devil May Cry. When Trish cried for Dante it shows that well, evidently they can cry too. Hints the name Devil MAY Cry. It's very simple and also rather sappy. I don't know why people continue trying to think it's really anything deeper than that.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Dante just hunts demons/ devils; it's up to them to demons to show if they deserve mercy or not.
About hurting/ killing humans: I just gave arguments against the common belief he never hurted or killed human beings.This has nothing to do with his beliefs or if he is a good or a bad person.


Well-known Member
I don't see a difference when someone is mentioned a demon or a devil. They both mean the same. At the end of DMC 3, Lady says , "somewhere out there, even a devil(Dante) may cry". When there is a confrontation between lady and dante near arkham's body, she says "wat do you know. You're jus a demon(dante)". So they are interchangeable.

I know DMC has a lot of hidden metaphors but don't think this is one.


Vergil's apprentice, the successor to yamato
I actually think this makes a lot of sense. The devil hunter thing was a bit over analyzed but, it is true that Dante only kills the bad demons. He is demon himself and im pretty sure he wouldnt kill his own father. On top of that n the anime he didnt intend to kill sparda's two students. He was forced to killed them as he was challenged by them. He also spared another demon, which he thought was good but turned out to be a villain. I never saw the anime but I read the story on wiki so my facts might be inaccurate, forgive me for that.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I actually think this makes a lot of sense. The devil hunter thing was a bit over analyzed but, it is true that Dante only kills the bad demons. He is demon himself and im pretty sure he wouldnt kill his own father. On top of that n the anime he didnt intend to kill sparda's two students. He was forced to killed them as he was challenged by them. He also spared another demon, which he thought was good but turned out to be a villain. I never saw the anime but I read the story on wiki so my facts might be inaccurate, forgive me for that.

You pretty right on the anime though.


Vergil's apprentice, the successor to yamato
You pretty right on the anime though.
I really wanted to see those students making an appearance in one of the games, it'd be great to have more good demons in the game. Especially ones who, can give dante a run for his money. DMC needs more higher classed demons


Under the Promised Flag
I forget but i do recall hearing somewhere that Demons are lesser than Devils....Plus Jester does call Dante "Devil Boy"


Well-known Member
As far as I know; the devils are chief entity of demons. The demons are the angels they went bad.
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