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Current gaming industry V.S. my idea of an ideal one.


Well-known Member
oh,c rap, this is kinda off-topic from the title,uuuuuh, my bad!

this is my opinion on current gaming, don't like it then running away would be better then cluttering up the forum with hate. i can't stress that point enough, my opinion, no rage, discussions( even disagreement) = yes

first off is graphics, while several thousand pixels is pretty it doesn't compare to the lower quality but very varied look of older games, i have most experience with DMC1 and that is my main example.

in dmc1, the graphics were low-end, but i enjoyed watching the game play out in a unique way when compared to current games, see a modern game is typically a military FPS, you are a grade 9001 bad-ass who is awesome and kills stuff really well and makes explosion noises and pew pew noises often. you are fighting aliens with mostly uninteresting designs (i love halo series, but only the hunters felt cool to me) or terrorists or an army of masked men of some sort. blood is ALWAYS on the screen, so is cool guns with sights and fancy military slang that make teens feel cool.

in dmc1, you are a grade 9001 bad-ass who stabs things and looks stylish doing it, with a bit of pew pew.
you are not on a battlefield/alien planet, you, amazingly apparently, are in a Gothic castle, the enemies are demons who are very interesting as, while some are rather unimpressive, they are based off actual phobias, clowns and marionettes are similar in the sense they have distorted human features to create fear(don't beleive me? open up the hd collection and check their enemy render) shadows are based the human habit of associating dark with fear or evil, while some are more interesting, such as ram skulls, scissors, clockwork clowns, nameless monstrosities with an highly acidic body (nobodies).

it beats current games in the way i think suspense is far scarier then some cheap jump scares that will UNDENIABLY MAKE ME SCARED but only briefly while suspense lingers.

so! in short of that section, a great design matters far more then stupid amounts of pixels, as long as the image can be recognized and everything isn't too dark to see.

so gameplay! surely modern games beat a limited combat system from over 10 years ago! nope, actually they don't, for a start they have become easier, they have also become more about either planning (rts) stealth( stealth) or shooting first and having better aim(literally every fps i have ever played, even the fun ones)

the reason this is important is because of something called flow, i believe flow to be real because it matches my own experience, in flow, the task is doable, but requires full effort, the balancing of such a challenge is VERY important, you become fully focused until you lose awareness of surroundings and yourself.

compare difficulty increases now to difficulty increases then, in the past enemies become more aggressive, had more hp (but not enough to warrant more then a 4 minute fight in most cases on even the highest setting) and in modern games, look,dark souls is the modern pinnacle of hard games but i disagree with it , the difficulty increase is a stat buff, very few things push you to make absolutely zero mistakes( 20 estus flasks and the ability to increase hp and armor at any time) other then falls and boss nuke attacks, you are being challenged, but once you win once or a few times even, the challenge is gone because the threat of failure is now easily avoided with the correct knowledge of which dramatic animation is the nuke or when to block and when to dodge.

so difficulty prevents flow nowadays more then it promotes it.

next we look at story telling.

dmc1 had many cut scenes, but the castle itself was a breeding ground for speculations, from both serious (why was it built? how do humans not know it? why does fire need to be used to open the damn door? etc etc) or serious (who's stupid enough to have slow moving puppets as their master?!)

dmc1 also had many nods to the divine comedy and took some general concepts from it, this is a good thing because it provides a more meaningful base for the story upon which original content is plated, it even made me, an aethiest, say "man, this is awesome! i don't care how religious it is! must see impact on media!".

modern games have a more allegorical base, nothing is wrong with this, but having your story use something else as it's base to better set the themes (sin and hell go hand and hand with the divine comedy/ dantes inferno, i'm like 70 percent sure they're the same thing) then having something unrelated, take DmC, exposing the demons in the world by brutally murdering them is not the same theme as explaining to people how the media can so easily become a fear-monger (punching bob barbas does not count, nor does the oversimplification of the antagonist as "filthy demon scum" when opposed to DMC's way of saying "demons are what they make of themselves, kinda like people".) and that oversimplification thing? the reason i avoid zombies utterly and with a hatred.

so there we have it!

i could mention the lack of variety in games and how gamers selfish demands are driving most publishers into a hole, but i don't think they need explaining.
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