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Crimson Moon


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Lance clenched his fists. "You're lucky I'm a pacifist, or you'd have a broken nose!" He yelled, angry.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
"What do you think you are, some god?" Lance said angrily. "I bet you couldn't even break a brick!"

HQQR - Solid

"A god, non of you are but I. Please calm this senseless fighting, you have not even declared a war!" he said sternly, fairly unaccustomed to the way the human world has changed since he had visited last. "If you wish to fight, I will give you my blessing wolf. Though the other will have no assistance of mine." he commented as he sat down, with his legs crossed and arms folded across his chest. "Show him no mercy WOLF!" he called happily waving a fist in the air.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Lance looked at the man. "My name is Lance." He said. "And I don't fight. I'm a pacifist at heart. I only fight if I'm attacked first."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Lance gritted his teeth and looked around. "I wouldn't mock him. He'd probably shock you so much your eyes would melt."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Lance's expression went dry. "Immortal god vs. demonic teen. The odds are stacked against you."

Satsui no Hado

Amaku was enraged at the word "demonic"."You better not be calling me a demon,I'm no demon...I'm a chimera....and I'm proud of it!"he snarled at Lance.

HQQR - Solid

Blitzschnelles laughed as he listened to their conversation. "I do not engage in battle with mortals." he said as his fingers began producing tiny currents of electricity. "Though for the next 50 years, I am not Immortal. So the circumstances are severely changed... you se I have been given that small period of time to live life as mortals do, and start a family, have children, be happy; the things that mortals take for granted." Blitzschnelles added as his tone became less happy and more irritated. "You pathetic excuse for a demon... I'd smite you with the tips of my fingers!" he said, releasing an immensely powerful bolt of lightning from his index finger towards the 'irritating pest' as he referred to demons.

OOC: Btw, his powers are severely depleted in his mortal form. So a bolt of lightning from his finger tip that would usually destroy hundred of demons, wont kill instantly. Though it would hurt like hell. Also he is unaware that as a human his powers are depleted. :p


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Lance instinctively dove out of the way and behind a nearby garbage can. A metal garbage can. Son of a bitch... He thought. I don't even know who he was aiming for! And I'm sure as hell no demon! I look like one, but less than 1/16 of my blood is demonic...

HQQR - Solid

Blitzschnelles completely stopped his onslaught and laughed hysterically. "Why did you run wolf? Why would i cause a creation of my people death, or suffering?" he asked sounding hurt that Lance thought he would kill him.
"Do wolves no longer pray to the mother moon and thank her for the gift of life?" he asked in a saddening tone, as though he was heart-broken.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Lance looked up at Blitz. "Sorry. My self-preservation instinct kicked in. Usually when lightning strikes, I run away. But, according to my religion, I am supposed to worship the moon. I do pray, but I haven't gotten the time to do so often because of demonic attacks..."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Lance looked at Blitz, right into his saddened eyes. "On the contrary, chimera." He said, his voice matching Blitz' mood. "It seems that I've misplaced my faith."

HQQR - Solid

Blitzschnelles sighed then walked towards the young demon. "I do not wish to fight you... I must complete my objective of mortal life before I am called back to the heavens. It would surely be millennia before I am given with such a time again." he said as he placed a hand onto the demon's shoulder. "You must not live your life with constant angst and mockery. I could have easily released my light many times faster you know."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
"Can you at least take some of that time to help us?" Lance said, feeling sorry for Blitz. "There are these demons trying to kill me and take my blood for some weird ritual. And I'm sure your blood, and the chimera's blood, and the pale guy's blood are all needed as well."

Satsui no Hado

"Sorry to interupt your nigotiation speech,but whatever happened to the nice girl you were with?"he asked Lance.
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