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Computer troubles

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The devoted
As some of you may know, I have managed to break 3 computers in the space of a week. It's all software issues and BIOS issues, so it's not that expensive to fix. With the help of my dad I should be able to get back up relativity soon, but my time will be shorter. I still have my iMac and that's keeping me online and with music and stuff. So I won't be gone. Just not on as often.
I hope that I can get this huge computer mess up of mine sorted before next week so I shouldn't be down for too long.

One Winged Angel

Legendary Dragoon
You broke 3 computers in less than a week O_____O Well, at least ya not gonna be offline completely ^^ hopefully ya won't be down for too long^^


The devoted
After spending 6 hours at my dads, and intalling XP onto the hard drive, then coming home I found out that actually, we didn't test to see if when we started it up it would work. I STILL have no PC. I've got rid of one of the broken PC's because it was so old it was useless. I've got both PC's open in my room, leaving me nowhere to sleep but the spare room, or not at all, And I've almost lost the will to live because of the annoyance it has caused me. Gah. Why are computers so annoying.
i am glad that you didn't lose the will to live. becuse if you did. i will really feel bad and sad. becuse i already miss three members from this forum they were my best friends. ad i don't want to lose a fourt friend


The devoted
Awesome dragon BTW

I'm not going to. Just the most annoying thing I have ever done. Even after my english coursework combined.
I may just stick with the mac and try and get used to the lag, slow loading pages and crap MSN. Hope this all works out.


The devoted
Another update:
I've managed to get my PC up and running like a beauty. Really happy with it. I still need to set up my games, and all the other stuff that a PC must have. But I should be back to speed tomorrow. I knwo that I wasn't gone long, but nobody notices because of my ninja skills of invisibility. :ninja: :lol:

EDIT: Got everything up and running now. I'm back full time. ^^ With a dead dragon I see... :dry:
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