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Just vote.

  • I want the chatroom back.

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • I dont want the chatroom back.

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
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Is not rat, is hamster
Has it been a month yet? I forget...how do others feel about having the chatroom back?


Sir Fretalot
i'm glad because i think people are sticking to the dmc part of the forums more now, plus i was growing tired of reading through all the thousands of posts to see my last post. i'm not fussed about it.


Lost Soul
It depends on what sort of forum you want. If you want it to be strictly info only then I wouldn't add a chatroom. Do we really need it anyway.


Well to be honest, considering and taking into account what happened last time we had the Chat room, I would prefer if this Forum didn't have one. I mean sure, it is a really nice feature, but for this board, and the continuous use of it, all the time, for non sensical conversations, it would be a definite No for me, I am sorry, but I prefer this board quiet, and not having so much friction as the Chat room caused on numerous occasions. Lets be honest, we have improved a great lot by not having the Mallet Island spam place, and I like it like this, because, well, we don't get so much random crap that no one wants to read. C'mon guys, how many pages did the last Chat room have, until we put it on pause? About 300-400, sorry, but I don't think having a chat room is a good thing, if anything, it is a step backwards. Because, well, look how organised and tidy we are now, without the Chat room, the Devil May Cry boards are actually becoming active again, which is a nice thing to see, as they are considered (IMO - In my opinion) to be the most important boards on this Forum.

Hope you take all I have said into consideration.


TimeLord Detective
Yes, I am also against the Chat Room. So many days when it "existed" most posts of the day were on the Chat Room and for the most part, from the same users. As other users saw that it was the only active topic, they joined the conversations and it became chain reaction.
The boards actually feel great right now. Even though the posts are not so many, they are mostly important and nice threads, which adds to my "Yes I don't support the chat room" ~_^


Sir Fretalot
Steven;39275 said:
Lets be honest, we have improved a great lot by not having the Mallet Island spam place, and I like it like this, because, well, we don't get so much random crap that no one wants to read. C'mon guys, how many pages did the last Chat room have, until we put it on pause? About 300-400, sorry, but I don't think having a chat room is a good thing........look how organised and tidy we are now, without the Chat room

i concur!!

Tony_Redgrave;39276 said:
The boards actually feel great right now. Even though the posts are not so many, they are mostly important and nice threads

exactly! without the mallet island you can keep up to date with every new post made and without it we're getting a lot more information into the dmc threads.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Never really been a fan of 'Chat Rooms' as these are forums not chat rooms, MSN is used for chat (other programmes are available).


TimeLord Detective
I don't see what that has to do with bringing it back. If people wanted it, this thread here would have lots of posts already. And the fact that a month passed and no one else cared should prove that the Chatroom is not so important for our Community here;)


TimeLord Detective
We have agreed that it is better that people post less, but more in the Devil May Cry Sections rather than the opposite;) . And no the Chatroom was hidden to test how long members would last without it. As know the members don't want it it should remain hidden. If you use it, I will immediately lock it=]
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