Post about it and rate or rant.
Currently playing Curse of Darkness rating 7/10
Hector is underdeveloped and shallow and looks all too simmilar to Soma and Alucard.The boss battles also take no effort unlike in the previous games. Overall though the game will give you at least a week of play time(if try and get everything). the best part of this game is the weapon forging and material collecting, oh and corpsey.
It's been out for a while and if you like DMC your bound to like this. Just play Symphony of the Night or one of the two sorrows(Aria imo is better) and you'll see what i mean.
Currently playing Curse of Darkness rating 7/10
Hector is underdeveloped and shallow and looks all too simmilar to Soma and Alucard.The boss battles also take no effort unlike in the previous games. Overall though the game will give you at least a week of play time(if try and get everything). the best part of this game is the weapon forging and material collecting, oh and corpsey.
It's been out for a while and if you like DMC your bound to like this. Just play Symphony of the Night or one of the two sorrows(Aria imo is better) and you'll see what i mean.