The Incredible Hulk was a reboot all the way and not a sequel to the first film. That movie disregarded the first plot in its entirety to tell something completely new and it's ok to skip over the origin story because it's safe to assume alot of people already know the origin and all it did was do a quick recap of it. Incredible Hulk was a reboot to set up Hulk for Avengers because even if also someone else played Bruce in Avengers it was Edward Norton's version that was used for that film.Fair enough.
I think the problem with your argument is that you are using the wrong movie as a example because the incredible hulk(2008) with Ed Norton would be a better example than Tron legacy because Incredible hulk was a sequel but it was a reboot because it wiped away the previous movie and started fresh while not repeating the origin story.
Batman is supposed to be rebooted in 2016 and its confirmed that it would be a story that will have Batman already established without going through any origin story. Are you saying this will be some follow up to The Dark Knight then? It isn't, because The Dark Knight was stand alone and this new Batman for 2016 I'm pretty sure going to be the Batman that is going to be used in The Justice League film.