Capcom can be bought now.

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- ''You can continue a combo after switching a weapon''. You could do that in previous DMCs too (at the very least in DMC4). If you were too slow to do it, that's not the game's fault.

Wrong. You got it wrong. I said continuing a combo after weapon switching. Free flow combat as Frostmourne says and how I explained it. From here on, don't mention it again.

- ''Malice is different an aspect of the gameplay to immerse the player in the game''. Sounds like a sales pitch to me, not an actual argument. It kills you if you don't move at the right time, therefore it is nothing more than a QTE in disguise. It can shorten game levels substantially by stretching them out, putting huge stretches of *nothing* (holes in the ground, etc) between platforms. This gives the illusion that the levels are big when in fact they're quite small.
So no, it is not an amazing innovative gameplay feature. Haven't gotten obstacles created during combat either: only when I progress through the game by moving forward.

Wrong again. Who else has a environment trying to kill you in a hack and slash game? Who else spices up their hack and slashes in such a manner? Also QTEs don't allow you to move, you have to press a button to progress, whilst in DmC you can do whatever you want as long as you don't get squashed. Hey, it's a hack and slash, not an adventure game. The levels are supposed to be a certain size or else you'll have a game like DMC 2. Are you sure you've played these games?

- People on this forum (who support DmC) specifically said that to me. If they were wrong and I was indeed right, then I guess they only said that to support their arguments at the time. Kind of annoying. Also, what first gameplay trailer? I remember a trailer that showed Dante fighting enemies, shooting them with his guns and stuff, and grappling and throwing cars on top of them (I think), but it did not show off the gameplay: it was just an introduction video. Just like the intro video of Halo 3 (with him using a bubble shield and jumping into a pack of brutes) wasn't gameplay either.

When someone says "gameplay", do you just immediately think CG qualifies? If so, then how long have you been a gamer? Cause that's not what I meant by "first gameplay trailer."

- Well, it doesn't literally force you to, but it does throw enemies into the air without your consent. It's kind of a shame: the DT makes you powerful, but then slaps you in the face by telling you to ''try out combos in the air'', as you put it. If you want to fight on the ground, there's not much you can do. You can fire ebony and ivory at those flying enemies, or you'll have to bring them down to the ground one by one. Or wait for them to come back down. It's just very restrictive. Period.

Wrong. What is with you? Have you even played DmC? All you have to do is grapple them to get them on the ground. Just because you didn't think of it, doesn't mean it's not in the game. I suggest you hold off on saying anything that has to do with DmC 's creativity level from here on.

- If Bayonetta felt like a ripoff of DMC, that might be because it was... you know... made by the guy who developed DMC1. It's also kind of weird to call it a ripoff if the same developer made it - that's like saying the sequel to any game is a ripoff of it. Anyway, Bayonetta had several gameplay features that set it apart from DMC. You could transform into different animals, becoming able to fly or run at high speeds. You could pick up enemies' weapons. You could start QTEs yourself and increase the power of your combo. There were minigame-like things you could do, like flying in a ship, shooting enemies out of the sky. And there's probably more that I can't remember.

Wrong. The most Bayonetta had were things already implemented in games. Slow motion dodging, QTEs, animal transformations and this is what impresses you? There is nothing that separates it's combat from the norm. That's all they did, add gimmicks that make the inexperienced believe it's different. You already know from the moment you beat the game that nothing will ever change with Platinum Games. They will continue to do gimmick after gimmick and believe it sequel worthy. If I play Bayonetta 2 and there's nothing new about it's QTE, slow motion, animal transformation gameplay, then back on the shelf it goes. I'm not into games with reset combos, it looks like my character is doing the robot.....OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

''They can't say that it's something new or that it innovates. All it is "flashy flashy flashy PAUSE flashy flashy Really flashy. Seriously, when you're playing a Platinum game, just say that as you do a combo. You'll understand what I mean.''

- Well, that was the idea. Bayonetta and DMC were kind of like that, wouldn't you agree? Platinum did plenty of new things with Bayonetta, like I said in the previous paragraph. Just because you don't want to acknowledge it (or think it's less important than DmC's new things) doesn't mean it's not true. Also, they're not ''remaking the same game over and over''. Does Bayonetta have exactly the same story as DMC3 or DMC4 or something? Does it have the same characters? Does it have the same combos? The same weapons? The same world? I could go on and on, but I think you're criticizing Platinum too harshly. Why do I think that? Because I remember several people bashing Metal Gear Rising for 'not being DMC, but trying to be DMC'. Well, I never got the idea that Rising tried to be anything other than Rising. If it plays similar to DMC, that's probably because it has some of the same gameplay features, like giving you the possibility of doing combos. It's even made by the same guy who did DMC, so his likes, humor, and interests are obviously reflected in all of his games. I'm not going to whine about how Mighty No. 9 looks so much like Mega Man, because it's common sense that it looks similar.

Criticizing Platinum too harshly? I criticize anything that needs it. If a Platinum Games rep came here and saw my post, she'd consider it constructive criticism because I'm not truly insulting them. I'm telling them that I like their games, but they need to step it up! We're not fools, you have props in your games, but nothing changes. MGR is doing giant boss battle QTEs, Bayonetta is doing giant boss battle QTEs, Max anarchy is doing big boss battle QTEs, Vanquish is doing big boss battle QTEs, etc. I mean, just......try something new in your games for once.

The guys at Capcom have better gameplay ideas then Platinum and they just proved it with DmC. They are actually going places with their ideas. If you really wanna get technical, all Devil May Cry has to do from here, is add more combos. Then what does Bayonetta's existence look like?

I'm also getting sick of this view that each and every game needs to innovate. Seriously? So when devs can't come up with new things anymore - because they've already tried almost everything, or another developer already has - does that mean they should go bankrupt because they can't innovate anymore? I'm certain there are plenty of games from the '90s that didn't innovate at all, but were excellent nonetheless. I think Croc might not have done anything new either, but it was still a decent game. Shouldn't innovation take a back seat to good gameplay? Gameplay that doesn't force you to do anything?

Innovation creates new enjoyment. Therefore, it could mean great gameplay on top of the good gameplay. DmC, to me, found that balance and delivered it. If there's a developer out there that doesn't want their names to be remember as innovators. Then, to me, they are doing cash grabs. It's not hard (for me) to think of something awesome and then implement it in a game. Especially if you're in a team. You have no excuse as to why your game is exactly the same as the last. Push the ****ing genre forward or remain in mediocrity.

They have no ambition. DMC was built off of ambition. Viewtiful Joe was built off of ambition. Okami was built off of ambition. If I see a once ambitious person not being ambitious, I lose my freaking mind. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? I am disappointed in Platinum Games.

PS: I'm not going to reply again, because I really should take a break from this site. If I don't, I might get problems with my school work. I also don't want to completely derail the thread.

Yeah. Because a couple of seconds to post is crippling me on my school work.
I thought this thread was about Capcom being in such a state where they can be bought from other company
Whats up with the DMC/DmC comparison ? Lol