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Blu Ray vs. HD DVD


Well since we don't have a topic for the Next Generation Disc war, I thought I would create one. Now, I think we all know in some Basic manner about the Two new Disc formats. The Blu-Ray discs are run on the Playstation 3 and are created by Sony, where as the HD DvD's are just the Upgrade from the Regular DVD, and therefore they do not need to Buy all new things in order to make these.

I will start by posting information on them.


Proper Blu-Ray players cost in the Region of £1,300 which is a big price for that, but they will come down eventually, the reason why the Players are so Pricey are because they have to Buy all new things in order to make this new Format of Disc. But since they are making so much off the Playstation 3 games, it should come down quite soon to an affordable price.

Blu-Ray boasts a Tremendous 25GB disc space, and they have been working on 50GB, 100GB and even 200GB. So for Gamers that means a Lot of game, and for the Movie Lovers that means a whole lot of special features, clearer pictures, and basically better all round. Now, it may take a while for them to release the 100 GB - 200 GB discs, but when they are eventually available to us, they will boast a whole lot of movie or Game, whatever you prefer.

Now, the Transition of the two Formats may take quite a couple of years since not everyone can afford the £1,300 price they ask for, but some people are resorting to buying the Blu-Ray format as part of the Playstation 3, because it is built in for a Bargain Price of £425. Now people may still look at this and think well is it really worth it? That is a Debatable point really, it depends if you are the Kind of person who likes to watch Movies in High Definition Format.

Blu-Ray format supports everything that HD DVD boasts, and much more, it supports all Formats in which you can View on a HDTV. So it supports the 720i, 720p, 1080i, 1080p, where as HD DVD's only support 3 of them. So, as you can see from all this information, Blu-Ray are leading the Disc war so far in all their High Tech stuff, but is it really worth paying all that Money?

Ordinary DVD players, and HD DVD players use a Red laser with a wave Length of 650, Blu-Ray uses a much shorter Blue - Violet laser that has a Wave length of 450 Nanometres. This means there is more correction over the way the Disc is read, and therefore no more pauses, because the Laser functions more stabely than that of a HD DVD player.


HD DVD's are the step up from normal DVD's, they have a Capacity of 9GB to store Movies and Xbox 360 games, though they do plan to fit more on the Disc later. How much more you ask? It is un-confirmed, we do not know how much they intend to add on in the near future to combat Sony's 25GB discs.

HD DVD players range in a price of £499 which is higher than the Price of a Playstation 3 (that has Blu-Ray), although it is cheaper than the actual Blu Ray player, it is not cheaper than the Playstation 3, so that could be off-putting to some people in terms of that.

It is said that HD DVD players support better Codecs than that of a Blu Ray player, but they Boast a VC-1 Codecs, but Blu Ray are planning to get a step up from this, again it is un-confirmed how they plan to do so.

HD DVD discs have better compression for the Movies, and so they can fit a lot on one disc, but still not as much as a Blu-Ray disc can fit. So, again they plan to add more.

How the two compare.


While a Standard HD DVD can hold 9GB of Data, a dual Layer HD DVD boasts an impressive-sounding 30 GB of storage - enough to hold 9 Hours of Hi-Definition Video Clips.

The Manufacturing process is very similar to the current DVD production, so factories don't have to be entirely refitted to start banging out HD-DVD discs. This makes the Production process, and therefore the cost of the disc, much cheaper.

Microsoft, Intel and Toshiba are the big names behind HD-Dvd, mostly because of the Price. A few film studios - New Line, Paramount, Universal and Warner bros. have also signed up to the Format, although most of these seem to be keeping their option open.

HD DVD comes out fighting with it's "Cheap as Chips" move but you have Lower Capacity, short term cost effectiveness and Limited Hollywood support Leave the wounded format battered and Bruised.

Blu Ray

Blu Ray takes that 30GB that HD DVD are offering on a Dual Layer disc and raises it by almost 70% offering 50GB on a Dual Layer disc. Plus Sony is working on a 100GB and maybe even a 200GB disc.

Blu Ray is new technology, and therefore inherentlymore expensive- although the cost should come down. But given that Blu Ray movies and PS3 games are priced competively with their HD DVD and Xbox 360 equivalents.

Blu Ray has the Backing of Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, Dell and Philips. All but one Major film studios has pledged support, so if you want to watch all those Movies in Hi-Definition, there really is only one choice.

Blu Ray absorbs the early knocks and comes out windmilling, Landing shots with it's massive 50GB storage and corporate backing. And it's saved the Killer Blow for last - it's the Standard PS3 format.


Your thoughts please. And just so you know, all information was wrote by me, I didn't copy and paste anything.

Now, we should all know that HD DVD is currently in the Lead, due to the early release, and use of it on the Xbox 360. Because it has been out for a year, it has had the decent Headstart. But, now that Playstation 3 is becoming more popular, Blu Ray are gradually catching up.

Well, I posted this on another Devil May Cry board, and other various boards, so I am hoping here I could get some feedback off you guys.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I think if Blu Ray became more well known and cheaper then it would gain ground even faster and although the storage space is massive not many companies are making use of this yet and wont for some years. I think its like the VHS vs Betamax war all over again, on paper the Betamax was superior in most ways but was more expensive and not many widely available players to play it and it eventually went bust. I dont believe Blu ray will go bust but i think without the right marketing ideas and companies making use of it, it will take alot longer than it should to be the dominant format.


Well they are gradually dropping the price of the DVD players, but not by that much, which really sucks, the only way they are currently making Big money off the Format is through the Playstation 3. I think that Blu Ray have more features and more backing off the companies, but yeah, still they have to drop it down a bit first to get any real following.

HD DVD boasts the cheap as chips attitude, which can make for more following off the public.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Steven;37916 said:
Well they are gradually dropping the price of the DVD players, but not by that much, which really sucks, the only way they are currently making Big money off the Format is through the Playstation 3. I think that Blu Ray have more features and more backing off the companies, but yeah, still they have to drop it down a bit first to get any real following.

HD DVD boasts the cheap as chips attitude, which can make for more following off the public.

Plus you mention the words Blu Ray to most people and their first words are 'Whats that then?' as even my Grandad knows what a HD DVD is but a lot of people any age i mention Blu Ray to dont have a clue what it is. So they need to somehow get information out there like the HD format did and inform people of its features and such.


But that is something that Sony don't do a lot of these Days, they just think "OH we put our brand name on there, people are bound to buy it and support us". Where as others, like HD DVD have actually released press statements saying what the features are; and provided Links to information on the net. So, they have most of my support so far.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Steven;37918 said:
But that is something that Sony don't do a lot of these Days, they just think "OH we put our brand name on there, people are bound to buy it and support us". Where as others, like HD DVD have actually released press statements saying what the features are; and provided Links to information on the net. So, they have most of my support so far.

Yeah and also cant forgot the HD TV channels that have grabbed everyones attention all the old people love watching Blue Planet in HD and others like watching the Football/Soccer and just things like that, that has got the word around and helped people see HD format in different light and given more understanding of it.


Sir Fretalot

seriously though blu-ray does need to get noticed. i mean, the only thing i know that uses it is the ps3 and not many people want to spend £400 on a games console... it'll catch on after a while;)

i think the main thing is that it's come out so soon after HD DVD. companies are rushing to try to get to the very best of their product and the consumer can't keep up with the the speed these products are being made at. some technology is just too ahead of its time.


Lost Soul
I don't think Blue-Ray will be all that big until they drop there prices and let people know about it. A part from people who have the PS3 or know of the PS3 capabilities how many know what Blue-Ray is?
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