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I really don't like the timer one bit.
I feel like all it does is force players to play effectively rather than stylishly. Playing effectively is all I'm about, but I really wanted BP to whisper in my ear "psst...hey... hey you... take your time, be stylish", but it seems like it'll be screaming "QUICK MAN, QUICK, QUICK, QUICK!!!". I was honestly hoping that DmC's BP would have a counter that counts up, rather than down. To avoid abuse, they could have just had the time severely outweigh style after a certain point. This way I wouldn't really have to worry about time and I could play BP for the sake of just screwing around and being stylish (something that became a bore in story).

I could totally be over reacting though... I find it hard to tell from the video alone, but maybe it gives enough time to screw around... if not, Demon Dodge + Eryx all the way!
I agree, that timer really is annoying. However, in case you play DmC on the PC, it might be possible to disable the timer altogether with a future mod/trainer just like it was the case with DMC4.
Maybe there's an option for having it on or off,(wishful thinking) one just gives more challenge and a bigger reward at then end.
Geez, a timer again? Nobody liked that on DMC4. D:
And please tell me there's difficulty settings for BP, because the player in the video suffered almost no damage.
As DarkSlayer54 stated, I like to take my time in BP and be stylish, because the story always restricts. It seems that this BP will rush me just as 4's did. :(


DAT photoshop XD