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Bloody Palace Control Config. [X360]


Well-known Member
I got my 360 and DMC4 a few days ago (yeash this sounds more like an into post >.<), and i've swept through Human and Devil Hunter Modes (as expected) and now i've moved to Bloody Palace.

I've been using Nero primarailly due to the advantage he gains through the Devil Bringer, but I was wondering if anyone had any Control Configurations that may make it easier to Charge Shots while dealing out the damage with the Red Queen.

I do use the Exceed (and Instant Charge), just incase that makes a diffrence.

  • Left Bumper: Devil Trigger
  • Left Trigger: Exceed
  • Left Analogue: Movement
  • D-Pad: No Use
  • ____________________
  • Right Bumper: Lock-On
  • Right Trigger: No Use
  • Right Analogue: Camera Adjustment
  • X: Ranged Attack (Blue Rose)
  • Y: Melee Attack (Red Queen)
  • A: Jump
  • B: Devil Bringer

X-Box 360 Controller (if it helps):

Thanks in advance for any help :)


Fearfully and wonderfully made
First of all: Welcome to the Devil May Cry Community Forum, Keaton! ;)

Personally, I still use the default controller layout and I, too, play Devil May Cry 4 on the Xbox 360. I do find that holding down the X button to charge up the Blue Rose whilst attacking with the Red Queen is quite a challenge in itself but, after a while, I found that I kinda got used to it. It's also quite rare that I feel the need to charge up the Blue Rose unless I'm facing a Blitz or Faust.

Wish I could help more by suggesting a more beneficial controller config but, if you don't mind micro managing your fingers, then I'd recommend sticking with the default layout. Good luck!


Don't trust people
well it would be a little easier this way but not with the devilbringer so don't think this is bad ok....
X:Meelee attack
it will be easier to charge the gun and attack but sorry it won't be easier with the other things :(


Well-known Member
Thanks for the replies and help :D

I guess without that extra thumb i'm going to need to practice a little more LOL ^___^

Pho3nix Dark0

Well-known Member
I have a good one that I recently switched to. It works great for Nero.

R = shoot
X = nothing
Y = sword
B = devil bringer

It works great for charging the blue rose.


Well-known Member
yep i second that last one ive recently started using it and you can pretty much charge your gun non-stop and still be able to pull off all your other moves withpout hindrance!

the only thing thats taking some adjusting is using my middle finger for targeting instead of the index finger!
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