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Bloody Palace As Its Own Game

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wont it be hard to give them any move..it will be better to get pre-exsisting moves set for a weapon

if the character were to use a sword...wat kind of sword is it?
-like with dante the sword is the main attack
-vergil the sheath is also used
-lucia when she fights she not only uses the swords but her feet as well
then what about guns?..how will that work out? will they have to create a gun from scratch with mods and stuff?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Guns and weapons are preset, but the moves for said weapons are not. You pick moves from a roster to give to them. There's a limit, but I don't know what it should be yet.

Specifics for mission creator: Creatures, rooms, objectives, bosses, environment packs, puzzles, and miscellaneous. The max height of the creator is ten floors along with four basement floors. However, there are exceptions. For example, if you are making a cave themed level, you can go up to ten floors below ground, whereas a tower themed level would be able to go fifteen floors up. Memory is gauged as a bar that fills with every object you place. When it is full, then nothing more can be added to your map/mission.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Darius Blakhart;287224 said:
why have a memory bar?

Because making a map with unlimited memory is nearly impossible. The dudes at Bungie tried and gave up. Same with the guys who made Timesplitters: Future Perfect.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Darius Blakhart;287272 said:
ahhh i see..havent heard of timesplitters tho

would linking maps together be a good idea?

You could probably do that. I intend to put in two modes. Beginner gives you less options and less memory to work with because of the lesser amount of options. To get a feel for it. Advanced gives you as much memory as possible (You'd have to fill in all fourteen floors completely to fill the bar) and as many objects and such as possible, plus a logic and event system to make cutscenes/puzzles/events occur.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Darius Blakhart;287490 said:
how wud we make cut scenes? wudnt that require giving them voices?

I mean like placing in cutscenes from the games to represent what you picked up, what boss you're fighting, etc etc.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Darius Blakhart;287612 said:
oo cool..and then jus replace the main character from game with with new one..and give it pre-selectd voices

Pretty much. It'd be cool to hear what an Alto or Bianco Angelo sounds like, considering they're going to be playable along with many other demons.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Devil Trigger. Like in the games, they'll look more demonic than they already do, and they have a dark aura.
how bout for certain demons..they get a more updated look like assaults will get a like darker, bigger shield..walk on 2 legs etc etc


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
They could turn into earth versions of Frosts with their reptilian features still intact, the Angelos could turn black with purple trim and have bright glowing eyes... We're going to have our work cut out for us.


Enma Katana no Kami
playing as demons should feel different from playing as human/half-demon charicters. they move differently and fight differently from dante, nero, virgil etc. the gameplay should reflect that. and do they really need devil trigger they are already 100% demon they should have their own thing.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
darkslayer13;288217 said:
playing as demons should feel different from playing as human/half-demon charicters. they move differently and fight differently from dante, nero, virgil etc. the gameplay should reflect that. and do they really need devil trigger they are already 100% demon they should have their own thing.

They have devil trigger in the games. What else could they have?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Darius Blakhart;288289 said:
how bout a online multiplayer?

That could work. In fact, that'd be awesome. Although fans may complain that it's "not DMC", the idea of it appeals to me.
yea..u cud have online modes
-1. we put 2 ppl in a room with 20+ demons and see who kills the most
-2. most style against a boss
-3. co-op

i cant think of anything else rite now


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
These are what I have.

Wrecking Crew: Placed in an arena of choice with varying amounts of enemies. First to kill the most is the winner.

SSStylish!!!: Fight against a boss or horde of enemies of choice. Most style points at the end wins.

Brotherhood: Co-op Bloody Palace or parts of missions. Kind of like ZOE2's EX Missions.

Blood Feud: Deathmatch with up to 4 fighters.

Bloody Valley: Like Bloody Palace, but a long stretch through an increasingly hellish valley. You can only go up one level at a time, but you can bring in a roster of characters to use. Say you pick Bianco Angelo, Alto Angelo, Dante, and Vergil. You'd start as a Bianco, but go to the Alto if you die, and so on.
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