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Blockbuster Closes Its Doors

How Often Did You Go To Blockbuster Before Its Demise?

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i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i was real cool with blockbuster. i mainly went for the old batman tv show volumes and 007 movies and the videogames.


Fake Geek Girl.
You can never replace the feeling of browsing through a video store though. My dream when I get my own place is to make my movie collection look like a mini video store.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I always found that they never had the latest releases, had to wait forever for new ones to come out for rent whereas they are instantly available online and most the time come to those first.


Fake Geek Girl.
That's not really the point. Something as simple as a video store gets me all nostalgic thinking about old times. I mean, I was born in 92 so video stores for me as a kid also still had shelves just covered with VHS tapes.

My friends and I use to walk down the road to this local video store and grab random movies to marathon. Half the time we didn't even know what we grabbed. We just looked at the box art and was like, this looks cool. Add it to the list.

We watched so many different movies all night long with also occasional breaks playing the Nintendo 64. (staying up late taking turns trying to beat Super Mario 64 and Banjo Kazzoie is also something I miss)

See where I'm coming from? Being a massive movie fan all my life a video store was a big part of my life at one point. I use to scrap up any little money I had just to go to Blockbuster and rent me a movie.

I can't help but feel a little bummed now to pass by that now boarded up building that use to be the video store. People use Redbox now but it's just not the same. :/


Goodbye Blockbuster


Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
That's not really the point. Something as simple as a video store gets me all nostalgic thinking about old times. I mean, I was born in 92 so video stores for me as a kid also still had shelves just covered with VHS tapes.

My friends and I use to walk down the road to this local video store and grab random movies to marathon. Half the time we didn't even know what we grabbed. We just looked at the box art and was like, this looks cool. Add it to the list.

We watched so many different movies all night long with also occasional breaks playing the Nintendo 64. (staying up late taking turns trying to beat Super Mario 64 and Banjo Kazzoie is also something I miss)

See where I'm coming from? Being a massive movie fan all my life a video store was a big part of my life at one point. I use to scrap up any little money I had just to go to Blockbuster and rent me a movie.

I can't help but feel a little bummed now to pass by that now boarded up building that use to be the video store. People use Redbox now but it's just not the same. :/


Goodbye Blockbuster

I was born in 86 so way to make me feel old haha but although I feel a little nostalgic they just cant offer me what I want as well as the new services can and for a cheaper membership price I can get more elsewhere. So they got what they deserved for not moving with the times, along with most other companies of this sort and other media stores like HMV. They just arent advancing with the times fast enough to stay relevant.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
I always found that they never had the latest releases, had to wait forever for new ones to come out for rent whereas they are instantly available online and most the time come to those first.
really? i remember getting some movies right after they were released on dvd. like batman begins and the latest volumes of some tv shows. i think i had got hellboy as well as soon as it was released. granted it did take a while for them to be released back then


Smile it confuses people
I remember years back when I was little and my family made a habit of going to Blockbuster to get a bunch of films. Comedy section, horror, renting videos games you had to rush through in a few days before giving them back, ah good times...

It's sad though, the reason we stopped going was because they just didn't rent as many films at one near me anymore, they were trying to make you pay them more than anything and that was pretty much it, didn't go back as much after that.

Oh well, at least they're going digital so they won't be dead, but I'll miss seeing that widdle store in the carpark, all blue and yellow...T______T

Anyway! Here's some South Park for all you pussies =p


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Blockbuster out of action you say? That's not a good title. I guess they couldn't movie with the times. I hardly rent there much. Never really made a game of it.

Puns intended.


Devil hunter in training
Got to admit, I'm sad to see it go even if I don't go there at all now. I spent a fair amount of my teenage years there bying up second hand PS2 games and snacks with my friends...weirdly enough, I never rented movies from there.:/ Actually, it was at Blockbuster that I bought DMC, so I have that place to thank for introducing me to Devil May Cry.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I used to go to Blockbuster all the time until my mom decided that I wasn't allowed to rent there anymore because they were a hassle. When I saw the building empty and the sign stripped, my stomach felt like there was a pit in it. I felt the same when the Hollywood Video nearby closed down. Now all we've got is Family Video and I'm not sure how well they're doing.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
really? i remember getting some movies right after they were released on dvd. like batman begins and the latest volumes of some tv shows. i think i had got hellboy as well as soon as it was released. granted it did take a while for them to be released back then

Ours was really slow at getting new releases, most of the video stores in our town were and they have ALL now closed so I could see it coming years ago. Soon as Netflix, Lovefilm etc came out I knew they would start to kill them off. I mean I dont even have to leave to the house to get DVD's until im posting them back now.


Supporter 2014
Actually, it was at Blockbuster that I bought DMC, so I have that place to thank for introducing me to Devil May Cry.
I bought mine at... EB Games, I think. Which then turned into Gamestop. And now GS is dying.

They're all... dying. D':

Not to mention, I also remember playing N64, Dreamcast, PS1, etc... and then watching movies late into the night.

There's no online equivalent of that.



Anyway! Here's some South Park --
LOOOOOOL @ The Shining reference. hahahahaha!



Something Randy said about DVDs caught my attention:

"Many rural areas don't have the bandwidth support to stream movies, and won't for years to come; making DVD's still the best way to watch movies."

He's got a point there. And even if the rural areas downloaded the movies before watching them, the low bandwidth would still make the wait rather considerable.

My conclusion: Maybe... just maybe... a few mom and pop stores out there are still getting by because of this.

I dunno, that's the only theory I'm coming up with. I'm just glad that small businesses haven't been completely wiped out yet (there's still farmers' markets out there, so it's not all bad news).

I'm putting way too much thought into this.
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i like turtles
Supporter 2014
I bought mine at... EB Games, I think. Which then turned into Gamestop. And now GS is dying.

They're all... dying. D':
good. i hope that sorry **** stack dies. the costumers were terrible and the managers were worse.

me: welcome to gamestop, how may i help you?
dude: i'd like to return this game. i know the recipt says after 7 days and its been a month, but can i get a refund?
me: sorry. not how it works. if you're intereste--
dude: this is such bullshit!
me: i know. but i don't make the rules guy. i ju--
dude: **** you. ****ing f@##*!
me: look. lets be adult about this and--
dude: i wanna talk to yo manager
*manager uses asshole senses*
manager: what can i help you with?
dude: this employee is treating me with disrespect
*manager gives me eye and then proceeds to wipe customer's butt. later that day, i get a lecture on how the customer is always right...even when they're an idiot*

and that is how i grew to hate gamestop

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
To be honest in my 19 years of existence....I.Have.Never.Been.To.A.Blockbuster.

Well I did but I didn't go inside.....no wait was that Blockbuster? Nevermind.
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