Birthdays of Dante (& Vergil) & Nero?

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Age of Nero

The End is the Beginning is the End!
Dec 2, 2012
IDk why, but i have a deep interest in knowing game characters b-days. Does anyone have any idea about their b-days? those who do or may know, what site/source did you learn ths from? Thanks in advance! :)
*Sounds crazy, but I'm almost tempted to ask Capcom!*
uhhhhh do we even know their actual ages? heck we dont even know their last names the only person excluded from this is trish
Funny you mentioned that- I also wonder their last names!
It sounds nuts, but I like knowing these things for various reasons, one being that I have a humorous character I've made up- have her b-day, full name & all- so, when I write silly play plots, it can come handy of their b-days...
most people just call dante and vergil dante sparda and vergil sparda which is stupid :P
We do know that the twins were 8 when their mother died. Trish's comment "lost a brother and a mother to evil 20 years ago" shows that Dante's 28 at the time of DMC1. DMC4 is to have taken a couple years afterwards. There are actually some great threads that are alot more knowledgeable about the age of the characters. But as far as an actual date, one doesn't yet exist from the writers, or hasn't been shown in the games
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And those we only know from interviews. Something like actual information inside the games would be helpful. Not that I see any light coming towards us soon.
When DMC 1 came out Kamiya said that there would be very little information relrased regarding Dante's personal history & information because the more you know the less misterious he would be.
I just count Dante's age from the person who last voiced him, who was Reuben Langdon, and his birth day is July 19

And since Vergil's voice is Dan Southworth then that would be September 2.
It's kind of funny you should ask that as my birthday just passed
I would assume that Dante is in his mid twenties at the time of DMC1 and probably in what would be his forties by DMC4, as Nero would have to have grown up and be in, at least, his twenties by that point
We do know that the twins were 8 when their mother died. Trish's comment "lost a brother and a mother to evil 20 years ago" shows that Dante's 28 at the time of DMC1. DMC4 is to have taken a couple years afterwards. There are actually some great threads that are alot more knowledgeable about the age of the characters. But as far as an actual date, one doesn't yet exist from the writers, or hasn't been shown in the games

Thanks a super bunch! :P

There is a problem with that idea. Dante and Vergil are twins so they have the same birthday.
LOL I was going to say the same thing! xD
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It's kind of funny you should ask that as my birthday just passed
I would assume that Dante is in his mid twenties at the time of DMC1 and probably in what would be his forties by DMC4, as Nero would have to have grown up and be in, at least, his twenties by that point
Based off of this information, and assuming he was born the same day that dmc 1 came out (not likely but its a guess), dante's birthday is august 23rd, 1981

Based off of this information, and assuming he was born the same day that dmc 1 came out (not likely but its a guess), dante's birthday is august 23rd, 1981
Which would make him a virgo by this info!
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@ChildOfSparda13: This thread is over 3 years old. Since you're new, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but in future please check how old the topic is first. And also keep in mind not to double post.

Anywho, I don't think you can get an exact idea of when their birthdays are. Let's consider the fact that most of us aren't even entirely sure of the age of these characters from game to game. It seems even more farfetched to be sure of their birth dates, yet unknowing of their age within the games themselves.
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