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Best way to start my DmC journey?


Well-known Member
I played the DmC demo and absolutely loved everything about it. Lately I've been trying to distance myself from games like Call of Duty (mindless killing and repetitiveness) and take up titles with more substance and quality. I think Ninja Theory's game fits the bill and my question is where should I start.

Since the HD collection is out, is it worth playing through the first couple of games or can I just dive straight into the new one and experience the same satisfaction from the story?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The Darkness

Thrash Metal Enthusiast.
YES! The first three games are the best man. The HD collection was definitely not a disappointment, although I have to admit that I've also been moving towards different games than Call of Duty, I have to say I disagree with you on saying it has no substance and quality. I'll leave it at that because this is a DmC forum, not CoD. But of course, you should go get the HD collection, it's totally worth it :)


Well-known Member
YES! The first three games are the best man. The HD collection was definitely not a disappointment, although I have to admit that I've also been moving towards different games than Call of Duty, I have to say I disagree with you on saying it has no substance and quality. I'll leave it at that because this is a DmC forum, not CoD. But of course, you should go get the HD collection, it's totally worth it :)
Thanks for the response mate - I used to be a big fan of CoD but have moved on a bit. It's all personal preference I guess. Will go to the local game store and get the HD collection when I can. Hopefully they play similar to the DmC demo, even though they were made many years ago.


I Saw the Devil
I have to agree. Specially for the price you are paying, which by now should be under $20, it worth checking out where DmC came from.


Well-known Member
Thanks for the response mate - I used to be a big fan of CoD but have moved on a bit. It's all personal preference I guess. Will go to the local game store and get the HD collection when I can. Hopefully they play similar to the DmC demo, even though they were made many years ago.

The demo regenerated from the original so, you will feel the same thing.... almost. DmC has lower framerates compared to its previous installments which run at a 60 framerate, which is smoother and feel like it's fast paced.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Get the HD collection.

DMC has always had great gameplay. (except DMC2 which is a bit sloppy but still fun)

However expect the stories to be less then perfect and plotholes everywhere.

Also be careful of DMC4. It make look good gameplay wise, but it's story is very poor.


Well-known Member
The serise is a hack'n'slash, so, it kinda entails senceless killing and repetative nature. just sayin'
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God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
The serise is a hack'n'slash, so, it kinda entails senceless killing and repetative nature. just sayin'

It's not really repetitive unless you make it repetitive. There's so much stuff you can do and try out to see just what works and what doesn't. The problem is that most gamers get complacent gaming syndrome. They find one thing that works and endlessly use that because f*ck exerting effort to look cool, they found an easy way to beat the game.


Well-known Member
like I said, it kinda is. I love the games. I'm a monster at hack'n'slash, but thats part of the nature of them, no matter how expansive the move set, there comes a repetitive nature to the move set, and the level layout. This doesn't subtract from the story or the enjoyment you can gleen from it. Just filling you in. And to answer your question, DMC3 is the begining of the story, DMC1 next, DMC4 , then DMC2. Give them all a play.


Well-known Member
Hey there, long time lurker, 1st time posting, blah blah blah... :)

I'm with the OP. I haven't been this excited for a DmC title in a long time, so I was considering getting the HD collection for a while. Was lukewarm on it until I read an article that went over the Achievements for them. Reminded me how much I liked the older titles, and hey, new cheevos, so why not, right?

Anyhow, that got me all worked up, so I'll be playing through the HD collection first, then jumping into DmC. :)


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
best way for anyone to start DmC is to say goodbye to the old. a friend our hero and companion. Dante.


Friendly neighborhood DMC/DmC fan
You should read the post I wrote about the new game, and the subsequent comments, they may help :) If I could make a recommendation based off of what I did, Go ahead and play all of them in order. it's nice to see the evolution of the gameplay and story (as convoluted as it may be, but enjoyable at least to me) and to use as a comparison for the new game! if you keep in mind that the original story and canon has been established to a point, you can then view the new game as more of a reimagining than a reboot. Same basic story, different take. kind of like Christopher Nolan's Batman, or the Daniel Craig Bond. keep in mind that the controls will be similar to the demo you have been playing, but in their entirety compleeeetely different, in many respects, from each other. I think you'll like them all though :)


Humanoid Typhoon
You can also play Heavenly Sword. Its good 1 time playthrough and its pretty cheap if u can find it.
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