Except that that's not how it went down. First Dante doesn't remember Matier's name, nor the Argosax, which makes him come off as a moron. Yeah, they have the excuse that he only cares about one demon name but I'm sure this Dante remembers every flavor of pizza he's ordered and what's the excuse for not remembering Matier's? Then the way he treated Lucia when he got back was just cold and d'baggy. The whole thing came off as more like Dante just having an attitude of 'I don't wanna' much more than 'I can't because I have reasons.' I get the notion that he acts almost like he finds her gross or attractive.
Dante has become completely charmless and even unlikable. I really don't like what they turned him into and all the excuses in the world, all the 'ah, well, you see, there is a reason for that' won't make a difference, he still acts like a dismissive a'hole. If you had described to me the sequence of events from this novel 10 years ago I would've thought it a fanfic from someone with a low opinion of Dante.