ROCKMAN X Keyser Söze Jan 20, 2012 3,150 1,415 5,915 Oct 9, 2013 #21 Human fanaticism knows NO BOUNDS !! Let it be religion or a video game character it always ends up with someone's blood sacrifice ! :devil: Though TBH Dante is an awesomely stylish God XD Reactions: MigsRZXAStylish and Jak
Human fanaticism knows NO BOUNDS !! Let it be religion or a video game character it always ends up with someone's blood sacrifice ! :devil: Though TBH Dante is an awesomely stylish God XD
MigsRZXAStylish In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone! Feb 7, 2012 913 1,065 1,375 38 Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines Twitter migsrzxadvent21 Oct 10, 2013 #22 ROCKMAN X said: Human fanaticism knows NO BOUNDS !! Let it be religion or a video game character it always ends up with someone's blood sacrifice ! :devil: Though TBH Dante is an awesomely stylish God XD Click to expand... Except that he doesn't die that easily...
ROCKMAN X said: Human fanaticism knows NO BOUNDS !! Let it be religion or a video game character it always ends up with someone's blood sacrifice ! :devil: Though TBH Dante is an awesomely stylish God XD Click to expand... Except that he doesn't die that easily...