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Article I wrote


Well-known Member
Interesting article. Obvious room for improvement but it is a good start. Good on you for starting writing!


Gorram Browncoat
Interesting article. Obvious room for improvement but it is a good start. Good on you for starting writing!
Thanks, bro :D
Anything specific I should work on as of now?
-other than the obvious factual mistake, DmC is a finished product.


Here's my problem with this, and this the first I'm I've 'straight-up' I've addressed this.
(I'm in no way critiquing your journalistic skills or trying to insult you in anyway) and it's actually well written.

1) You made a point about what kind of game DmC is...
Now let it be stated here:DmC is not a perfect game.
But my question is, how do you know what kind of game DmC is? If isn't a perfect game, then what game is it? But I also ask the question, have you played the full retail release to write such a lengthy article on?(I know it's not a review but a "see from out skeptical perspective).

2) I still think it's about the hair and that it's and exaggeration of smaller points. It's been no surprise that this forum has been digging DEEP into their thoughts over the last 2 months since the demo came out to counter-argument each criticism that's been brought up about the game.
“because the hair looks different! Let it be known from now ’till the end of days that those who speak ill of DmC have looked not upon the tweaked mechanics, decreased difficulty, glitches, or faults in script however large or small they may be, but all unite in their hatred of Dante’s hairstyle!”
Tweaked mechanics we've already talked and experimented with what's possible in the demo. But the point is, what is exactly bad about tweaked mechanics? Jump mechanics may have changed but has it changed to a point it's beyond recognition and doesn't function the way it was supposed to? They've given us pretty much everything that makes DMC very much in-depth.
Deacreased difficulty - again I can't stress enough that this is a demo and we're playing on the medium/normal level difficulty. We still have Dante Must Die and Hell and Hell to unlock. Coming to a conclusion about a game based on the demo is meaningless. I could also draw a comparison in saying that RE6 demo was bad due to decreased difficulty but that's because demos are always limited to what they can show.
Glitches - I've already made points about this before about how DmC is the ONLY game to never be given a pass on anything.
DmC having glitches = Lazy game design (regardless of glitches that come with the demo). Fallout: New Vegas or Ocarina of Time being on the most BROKEN games ever created = funny and fine.
DmC has swearing = puerile. GTA having swearing = Within context of the game and so on and so on.
Faults in the script - Like? Whenever I'm told that DmC has a bad script I can easily bring up the entire series of DMC for it's cheesy dialogue or that DMC1 has one of the worst lines in video gaming, so again it shows DmC isn't allowed a pass on bad dialogue (which I don't think it has and could potentially have the best-serious-well voiced dialogue to date).

When I rule out any criticisms what's left? The fact Dantes hair is black. You can't talk about swearing being a negative point since I've already explained that other mature rated games have swearing and why doesn't anyone get offended by those games? You can't point out glitches because then you'd also have to crack the whip at Fallout or Zelda with the INSANE amount of glitches they have. You can't talk about bad dialogue since you'd also have to admit DMC is about cheesy dialogue. You can't talk about bad game mechanics since it's still a very much in-depth game with mechanics we all know (Prop cancel/Jcing etc) and can be played to an advanced level(just based on the demo).

It's probably no surprise to people on this forum where I stand(I'm in support of this game) BUT, I'm one of the few people who actually have logical reasoning behind what I say. I might be counter-arguing your points made but that doesn't mean I fully support the game. I may think swearing is trivial point to bring up since there's more to the game than dialogue, but I' in full support of us having Bloody Palace, Turbo Mode or having hard-lock. I don't think there's any problem with wanting those and I think it's valid criticism. Not only that but I also think NT have a slightly stubborn attitude towards constructive criticism which bothers me.

Supporters, you’re here to support DmC; and if preorder sales mean a thing, you’re pretty good at that. More importantly though, you should promote competent discourse on the game. You shouldn’t be the reason its very name leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth and a murderous glint in one’s eye upon mention. As of press time, an astounding number of you are that reason. Stop that.
I'm buying the game because I genuinely think it's got a lot going for it. I'm not buying it to say "Eff you haters nyeeeeh", I'm buying it because it looks good.
Lastly I haven't come to any conclusion about the game. It looks good and gave me a good first impression but I didn't say it IS good. I haven't once reviewed the demo because I feel that anyone in support/against DmC based on the demo shouldn't even be playing games.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Very well thought-out. Better than I could write, and more humorous too. You should write articles for Cracked! ^_^


Gorram Browncoat
I've already made points about this before about how DmC is the ONLY game to never be given a pass on anything.

I agree with that a good bit. People have been really critical of DmC, but I'd like to think it's out of love.
Obviously not all of it is. Obviously.
But many people are afraid of Capcom releasing a game that's not perfect, if that makes any sense.

If it doesn't, I have a cold, and I'm blaming my incoherence on the medicine. Glad you liked the article, 8bh!
Very well thought-out. Better than I could write, and more humorous too. You should write articles for Cracked! ^_^
Thanks a lot man! I wanted to for the longest time, and now I may have a head start!
You definitely have plenty of skill man! Just don't use the caps lock and watch your spelling.

Thank you :D
Gosh, those spelling errors are gonna be the death of me :p


Well-known Member
I agree with that a good bit. People have been really critical of DmC, but I'd like to think it's out of love.
For those who are making genuine complaints, yes.
They're mad because they don't want their favorite series messed with, which I understand.
It just depends where you draw the line at.

Anyway, great article. I really enjoyed reading it.


Gorram Browncoat
Basically everything i would have possibly said 8bithero said for me. :p
Actually, you and 8bh say my defense isn't strong enough, while an anti-DmC friend of mine says my offense isn't strong enough. So I guess I'm half-assed enough to appeal to everyone? :p

But nah, I'll work harder on that next time. I also hope to give a full review of DmC once it comes out, but problems with my PS3's Blu-Ray reader say otherwise...


Well-known Member
I just hope you understand that some people like me don't appreciate being addressed for " having sh*t taste" for liking the game .

Other than that, that was a nice article!


Gorram Browncoat
I just hope you understand that some people like me don't appreciate being addressed for " having sh*t taste" for liking the game .

Other than that, that was a nice article!
Oh, I understand. I love DmC a lot, so that happens to me too.
When people say things like that, it's best to take it with a grain of salt. If someone insults you for liking a game, it's safe to assume that the person isn't all that smart.

Unless you meant my words about RE6.
I've never played the game so know that I have absolutely no right to talk about it or its fanbase. The example I used went something like, "If I thought I could judge you on your gaming preferences, I'd be sort of a prick"

Didn't mean to offend you ^_^


Well-known Member
Oh, I understand. I love DmC a lot, so that happens to me too.
When people say things like that, it's best to take it with a grain of salt. If someone insults you for liking a game, it's safe to assume that the person isn't all that smart.

Finally...FINALLY someone understands too! I mean I'll admit that I do sometimes come off as a "pro" here because I'm getting sick and tired of them saying that to me. I see people here and some of my friends like DMC2 and I didn't bash them for liking it by saying "they have sh*t taste in games". Jeez, people these days.


Well-known Member
Unless you meant my words about RE6.
I've never played the game so know that I have absolutely no right to talk about it or its fanbase. The example I used went something like, "If I thought I could judge you on your gaming preferences, I'd be sort of a prick"

Didn't mean to offend you ^_^

It's fine, as long as you don't go too far by telling me that I don't like the "good" games. I didn't really like RE6 as much as I liked 4 and 5.

Furious D

Calm Stylish Fury
I'll try to put this as non-confrontationally as possible, since I think you're a level-headed, well-reasoned guy who has written a fine article, and I never like getting into flame wars, despite how overly-simplistic and dismissive I might be about to sound...

But I really think it is just about the hair.

Don't get me wrong, there are a few, like ChaserTech, who have very good reasons not to like the upcoming game. They want fluid Capcom fighting game combo engines to create really nifty videos demonstrating high levels of execution, creativity, and finesse. That's cool, the new game just isn't for them. But for the people who still complain about the changes to his appearance, and even those who claim that it isn't about appearance anymore (usually before they go into a rant about trivial BS, resolved issues and even outright falsehoods), I think the hair has never stopped being a problem for them, even if they don't know it.

Simply put, they want the game to be bad, and will seek out any information they can find to support that claim while rationalizing ways to dismiss any evidence to the contrary. This is due to my fairweather friend "confirmation bias," which outlines the human tendency to do exactly that. It's a sort of mental gymnastics, used to force the way we see the world to make it look the way we want it to. Sometimes it preserves our sanity, other times it turns us into incorrigible dickholes. Combine this with the entrenchment they've undergone defending their position against "traitors" who have opened up a little to see that the game has some good points, even if they're still not interested, and they gain a vested interest in defacing the game at every opportunity, exaggerating every small change into a franchise-ruining flaw (your mileage may vary on whether an issue is minor or major, I only mean people who overreact to everything). If they did not, they would be forced to change their worldview to accommodate the world, instead of the other way around. I don't mean to come off as snooty or elitist when I say things like this, because everyone has confirmation bias. I do it, too, though I try to recognize when I am and work against it. It's part of being human.

When someone says that all the haters care about is the hair, it's a bit of an generalization, yes, because it's aggravating when you're dismissed as an irrational "hater" simply because you have no interest in DmC and would prefer something more like DMC3 and 4. But when someone says that it isn't about the hair, then prattles on about how Dante is a "bad character" or the style ranking is "broken" or how the game is "Heavenly Sword with a jump button" or other depleted rhetoric, they can't admit that the reason they've constructed this elaborate fantasy, where every major journalist is wrong and that DmC is secretly a 2/10 game, is something as trivial as a hair style.
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