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Anyway good way to get of a sore throat??


Hey :p

i just have a quick question... earlier today on my lunch break at school i started gettin a bit of a sore throat and by the end of Biology (2nd last class of the day) it was unbearable.. also im havin a bit of trouble keepin my breath aswell... like it hurts my chest if i try to breathe and my throats still sore.....

anyone have some sort of remidie for me?? :wacko:

nd thanks in advance if anyone can help *is embarrased*


The devoted
1. Doctor
2. Medicine forum
3. Rest
4. Plenty of drinks
5. My advice

Those are the things that you should use, in order pretty much.


i'll leave 1 & 2 out for now but i'll see if it goes by morning and ive had like a bazillion drinks already LOL

thx :D


The devoted
There is no quick cure to getting ill, nor preventing it. If you've got a bad immune system, like babies, elderly, those in 3rd world countries, you get ill more. Whereas if you have a good immune system, healthy people that have a good diet and plenty of exercise, are a lot less likely to get ill.


i very rarely get ill infact... but this is unbearable... now its turning into abdominal pains... my throats still back and my chest but this is actually unberable now >.<

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
My advice, and the only advice I've ever needed for sore throats.

Strepsils kick ass.
There are extra strong ones which make your throat go numb so you can't actually feel the pain, get some of those and stay on them for a while and it'll go away in its own time.
There's no fast way of getting rid of something like that, but there are plenty of ways to ease the pain while you wait.


i guess i'd better persuade my mother to get some tommorrow then.... she achilly sux.. she thinks im lying about no feeling good ¬_¬

i actually feel terrible >.< i feel like my insides are on fire :O , but i'll get somone to get strepsilss XD


i really cant go at this time of night lol... i'll see how i am in the morning.. i'll go to school see how im feelin if no , i'll go the school nurse , altho she doesnt do anything to help i'll demand her to call my mother or something >.<... i cant move now without hurting


well im just off to bed now... a bit late as i have school tomorrow D= , but hopefull i'll be feeling just a little bit better...


Sister of the Creed
When i get sick i get plenty of rest, play a little bit on computer xD, my mum giving me medicine and...sleep. :3


New Member
You don't discuss health issues on a forum, seriously.

Not to sound mean or anything, but If you ain't going to a doctor, you're just being silly.


^ yeah ano... i really shouldnt have but it was weird how it started wif jst a throat then like.. everything :S srry i jst panicked :p , but yeh im feelin better now tho :D throats still bad but im great apart fae that :D
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