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any tips for improving?


Well-known Member
im trying to improve at FPS mainly halo but some other help for general fps would be go

let me make this clear i have already looked on the internet for help but most wont give there secrets fearing they would lose their high ranking position or something when the people looking are only around amateur ranks so i was hoping you guys might have something very helpful (i know there must be some FPS and halo 4 mastery secrets out there somewhere because me and the same guy where put in the exact same situation i instantly died and he killed all of them aliens)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Being good at FPS games is all practice and muscle memory, there really are no secrets that'll suddenly help you become better in a very short space of time.

Seriously, it's 50% practice, 50% muscle memory. Recoil control (pulling down/diagonally on the mouse/stick to compensate for recoil) takes practice to do well, but once you've done it enough, you'll start doing it automatically out of habit.
The same can be said for sharp camera movement, it's all about knowing how far your sensitivity will take you, and no, this doesn't mean crack your sensitivity up to the max possible, because it really won't help, it's all about finding a sensitivity that feels comfortable to play at and then learning how far round a sharp flick of the mouse, or sticks, will take you. Again, it's something that, with practice, you'll automatically be doing after a while, it's also the reason why you see legitimate players who seem to snap round with peak precision to where you are and kill you, it's because they know exactly how far a certain movement of their mouse will take them.

Those are probably the biggest two things outside of stuff like situational awareness, that is, being aware of what's going on around you and keeping an eye on the obvious routes and flanks of attack. No secrets, just practice.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
First thing's first: Pay attention to your HUD at all times. If you see enemies, do NOT charge in blindly and attempt to melee them all and stuff like that. Don't get all up in enemies' grills, they don't like that.

Second point: Grenades. Use them wisely. Trust me on that.

Third point: Share your vehicles! This is an incredibly important point.


Well-known Member
I remember some pro player telling me he practiced his "tough" angles of aim. Aka if someone is at your 8 o'clock or something and if you have to drag your cursor on him is probably harder than someone 90 or 180 degrees from your center of aim. But it is much easier to practice that on a PC with a mouse than a controller.. Though you could hook your controller to your computer and work on your aim by downloading some programs for that..


Well-known Member
well i guess practice is all it really is thats fine by me i love halo and play it daily sooo i guess just keep playing
at least im not a bad player i dont instantly charge the enemy as soon as a match starts


Single life for life
I can give some more "deep to the bone" tips for Halo (This is multiplayer based but can be applied against single player AI). I recommend using the DMR and aim for the head constantly. Even though 4 shots take out a shield then 1 shot to the head gets a kill you'll probably end up becoming sloppy if you don't get use to aiming for the head from the start (This is for practising purposes only, if not practising then do 4 shots body then just make the 5th a headshot). As for secondary weapons magnum or energy pistol work well. The magnum is used for back-up in case you run your clip in the DMR, or can be used as a superior close range weapon to the DMR (Talking about shotgun range or so and rapidly firing for the body/head final shot). The energy pistol can be good for taking out vehicles (charge shot EMP, recommend for any vehicle heavy maps) and as a quick way to take out shields in close range (Takes 4 standard shots I believe) then you can switch to DMR and get the headshot or melee (Results in faster kill than just using DMR since the energy pistols fire rate is close to unrestricted).

As for control scheme a lot of people I know who are good at Halo use bumper jumper so they can jump and aim/shoot at the same time. Unless you practise gaining a fluent claw grip (index finger on face buttons) I recommend this set-up. If you want to practise getting a claw grip just train your ring fingers to pull the triggers, once you can do that begin using your index for the buttons (I use the side of my index) and keep your thumb on the analogue for aiming. Training both left and right hands will help in all shooters as well as all game genres, especially DMC. (Don't give up if you can't do it right away, this is a somewhat rare skill to have and does take a long time to do perfectly)

Also personal preference for me is aim assist off across all FPS, if a game has the option to turn it off I recommend doing it so you don't rely on it. Doing this will make you better overall with practice. However if it's too difficult keep it on until you feel you can't aim any better then take it off. Also once you get use to no aim assist you gain the advantage of being able to do a full spin without having it slow down your speed and making you mess up your aim when an unexpected enemy is nearby, enabling you to pick specific targets easily. As a bonus people that use aim assist can actually be effected by Halo 4's hologram (At least I think, didn't play enough to analyse fully) so you can not only use it as a distraction but can also be used as a way to gain a small but useful advantage against anyone with aim assist on.

P.S This is all from my own experience from what I think is the most versatile set-up possible from a low rank. Use these methods, but if you find after a long time of using them you don't like the style of play go back to what you find most effective for you. If this ends up being the case feel free to ask for tips more suited to your play style.

Also if you need any extra tips for any kind of shooter I have tons more. Rainbow Six, CoD, Battlefield, Mass Effect, Borderlands, you name it. I got tips for almost of 'em specific to how they work and what play styles there are.

Phew that was long, I always have a lot of things to say for games :p lol


Entertain me.
Getting good at Halo does have a lot to do with sensitivity. If you can't play at high sensitivity, I recommend putting it on at least 5. As you get used to the current level, bump it up until you're playing comfortably on 8+. It's easier to aim sometimes by strafing rather than actually right-stick-looking. Walk your crosshair to where you want to shoot and save the right stick for fine adjustments.

While doing this, you want to play lots of SWAT. Why? Because even though most Halo gametypes have shields, the player who can consistently hit the opponents head will win 9/10 times. Choose the DMR and learn it. It's the most effective starting weapon that's making Halo purists cry out about weapon balance.

Tips for SWAT: Pay attention to where your team is and where the enemy ought to be. You can suspect that wherever your team is not, the enemy team either is or will be spawning. Learn the common camping spots for each map and how to kill someone who is occupying them. With these rules, you should have no problem finding enemy players without radar.

Since an opponent could come at you from any direction, constantly check each corridor you pass but keep your crosshair aimed ahead. It's far less likely that someone will attack you from behind if you are constantly moving. Though it will happen, you will maximize your odds of meeting an attacker head-on if you keep your sights trained on the path forward and the various corners you pass where someone could be lurking.

As you roam around, try to estimate head level and keep your crosshair constantly there, focusing it at the edge of corners so that when someone does come from around the corner, you are most of the way to having a shot lined up. With your crosshair constantly at the right altitude, you only need to worry about moving it right and left as long as your opponent doesn't jump. If he does, then you better learn to diagonal/vertical aim on a high sensitivity real quick. :)


Well-known Member
thanks guys and yes i do use bumper jumper secondary i find the boltshot overpowered for less open maps (adrift haven etc)

oh and one last thing i need the opinion of somone who does not care one way or the other is 4 a good kill death ratio?


Single life for life
oh and one last thing i need the opinion of somone who does not care one way or the other is 4 a good kill death ratio?
Put it this way, if you play team slayer and your entire team goes positive by at least +1, you wouldn't lose.
Also is that K/D spread rather than ratio. If that was ratio that would be 4 kills for every death, so put into stats it would be like 5 deaths, 20 kills. If it's spread it just means 4 more kills than total deaths so 5 deaths, 9 kills.


Single life for life
If that's ratio then yes gaining that in a multiplayer slayer match is very good.
One thing, can I ask why you wanted to know if it was good? It just seems like a really weird question to put if it's that kind of ratio, since it seems pretty obvious it's good.


Well-known Member
i know but my friends are stupid about fps so i decided to ask someone else according to them im either a god to the people who are knew to halo or general fps or the worst player ever if you talk to my friends who are bitter by playing much halo and being bad because they cant keep calm


Single life for life
Ignore their input, to me it sounds like their the kind of people that would blame their losses and low K/D's on aimbots or other stupid excuses. Something I have the wonderful joy of hearing from when I finish playing matches all the time :/

I will add a little bit about K/D's though. Personally I never count K/D as a skill scale, since it's dependant on how you play, who you play, what you play and who you play with. For instance I've seen millions of people with really high K/D's but low Win/Loss ratio, and they always turn out to use the same styles of play that focuses on themselves and just themselves, which is easy as hell to win against.
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