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Anonymous attacking Facebook 5th November?

Agree with the decision or not?

  • yes

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • no

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters


Well-known Member

What's your thoughts?
I agree with their decison in light of what has been leaked by Ed Snowden about US spying on people through help of companies like Facebook.

I hope noone votes in poll "No" because they are worried about Facebook being down. Because if Facebook is more important than the issue of Facebook not standing against US's pressure of helping them with spying, then i pity your life.

Facebook's Data Usage Policy
While you are allowing us to use the information we receive about you, you always own all of your information. Your trust is important to us, which is why we don't share information we receive about you with others unless we have:
  • received your permission;
  • given you notice, such as by telling you about it in this policy; or
  • removed your name or any other personally identifying information from it.

Facebook's response to Snowden saying they are one of many companies aiding US to spy on people:
"We do not provide any government organization with direct access to Facebook servers. When Facebook is asked for data or information about specific individuals, we carefully scrutinize any such request for compliance with all applicable laws, and provide information only to the extent required by law,."


Devil hunter in training
While I have a facebook account, I haven't used it for years, since I realised early on how it was rapidly becoming a way to advertise and spy. Not sure why I haven't closed it yet:/

However, it is made clear in the terms that any information on a facebook account is there because the owner of the account put it on there of their own free will. If people don't want facebook spying, then don't have an account, or if you really need an account, put false information on there.
The problem is, people are caught up in how 'cool' facebook is, and as people are like sheep, one person has an account, then everyone else follows. Fortunately, people are beginning to wake up and close their accounts.

This isn't just about facebook. What about twitter, instagram, tumblr, youtube or blogs? They are also used as information gathering tools by companies like google. Why else are all these sites able to be linked up...

It's safer to just not create any account on the internet, or if you do, don't share much information. It's better to be anonymous these days because you don't know who's watching.


Well-known Member
While I have a facebook account, I haven't used it for years, since I realised early on how it was rapidly becoming a way to advertise and spy. Not sure why I haven't closed it yet:/

However, it is made clear in the terms that any information on a facebook account is there because the owner of the account put it on there of their own free will. If people don't want facebook spying, then don't have an account, or if you really need an account, put false information on there.
The problem is, people are caught up in how 'cool' facebook is, and as people are like sheep, one person has an account, then everyone else follows. Fortunately, people are beginning to wake up and close their accounts.

This isn't just about facebook. What about twitter, instagram, tumblr, youtube or blogs? They are also used as information gathering tools by companies like google. Why else are all these sites able to be linked up...

It's safer to just not create any account on the internet, or if you do, don't share much information. It's better to be anonymous these days because you don't know who's watching.
Yeah i dont have a facebook account. If rumors are true that Facebook helped US, and it may be reveled soon when Snowden reveals more documents, then i will be so glad to see Facebook be taken down.

Would also be fun to see the reaction of people, ofc i dont expect it to be permanent hence why i love the idea of the attack.

Will be a wake up call to people. WAKE UP!


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Why would anonymous warn us? why not just do it, like they usually do?

I know the UK is being monitored as my service provider is one of the companies that has been named (they hack into the connection just off the coast from where I live).

Heck, they're probably looking into this site...

FACT: Nothing is secret anymore and now we have to live with that knowledge. They aren't just watching one person, they're watching all of us, everything we do...


Devil hunter in training
Yeah i dont have a facebook account. If rumors are true that Facebook helped US, and it may be reveled soon when Snowden reveals more documents, then i will be so glad to see Facebook be taken down.

Would also be fun to see the reaction of people, ofc i dont expect it to be permanent hence why i love the idea of the attack.

Will be a wake up call to people. WAKE UP!
The only way to kill facebook is for people to realise facebook is a fad, and then close down their accounts. Already, certain companies are banning it because employees waste working time using facebook.

I know the UK is being monitored as my service provider is one of the companies that has been named (they hack into the connection just off the coast from where I live).

Heck, they're probably looking into this site...

FACT: Nothing is secret anymore and now we have to live with that knowledge. They aren't just watching one person, they're watching all of us, everything we do...
The UK is being monitored for sure. There are too many security cameras which are here 'for our protection'.

Then there's the BBC scandal with those sickos doing things to children, covering it up and silencing people using UK tax payers' money. We don't pay taxes to fund perverts.:mad:

I've even had instances of phone conversations suddenly being cut off due to discussing certain topics.

And Tescos sends coupons in the mail for your food shopping based on what you buy at their store. They know what you buy, so they send you coupons for those items to get you to shop there again. I don't like the idea of people knowing what I buy. I guess the best way to stop that would be to pay in cash and not use a debit card.

Plus, if you install a blocker on your internet browser, you'll see all the sites and widgets that are watching you.

Even video game consoles are being turned into spying tools. I don't trust the xboxone. If that kinect camera can hear people and see people, then who is gathering that information? Plus it's going to be linked with other companies and services, same as the PS3 is with Lovefilm and BBCiplayer in UK. But at least with PS3, you can unplug the camera.

With all of these tools at their disposal, they know what we buy, what we watch on TV, what websites we use...then they can gather that information to either use against us or use it to advertise to us. It's getting to a point when you don't know who or what to trust with all these scandals and confessions suddenly happening.


Enma Katana no Kami
i think people are being too paranoid. most modern governments have the ability to watch just about everything you do but most people don't do anything their government would care about and they don't have the resources or motive to actively watch everyone. as for corporations watching, i don't see the problem. they can try to sell me things i like all they want.

as to the poll question my answer is no i absolutely do not agree with the idea of random individuals interfering with the lawful actions of a corporation that provides a free service to people and does not harm anyone. the only valid action that may be taken in response to lawful actions by a corporation is to refuse to use that corporation's products and services any other action is both illegal and immoral.


Fake Geek Girl.
This video was uploaded in January 2012? :/

The 5th of November? Maybe they do watch V for Vendetta too much. Remember remember the 5th of November.

You know, this whole NSA spying on us happened before. It's just this time it's getting more attention from the public. The excuses for doing this is to try and prevent terrorist attacks and yada yada blah blah blah blah. Yet, I feel as if they are only really going to uncover how I recently got a haircut and I got in to a very in depth conversation with my friends about sex robots.

I don't want the NSA spying on me. I'm totally going to write a letter. Hmm, I don't have any stamps. How can I get them to read this? Oh, I GOT IT. I'll just leave my letter in drafts.

In all seriousness though, this NSA stuff is BS. As for Anonymous, I don't always agree with them. I can get behind them shutting down a child porn ring and getting those sick f#cks arrested but, I won't think getting stuff like DDoS attacks legalized is something beneficial. Yea, occasionally I'll say f#ck those guys.


Fake Geek Girl.
Why would anonymous warn us? why not just do it, like they usually do?

I know the UK is being monitored as my service provider is one of the companies that has been named (they hack into the connection just off the coast from where I live).

Heck, they're probably looking into this site...

FACT: Nothing is secret anymore and now we have to live with that knowledge. They aren't just watching one person, they're watching all of us, everything we do...
The world is becoming a cyberpunk reality without all the snazzy bits. That's lame.
I didn't ask for this.


Why can't Anonymous do something more productive? Y'know, like, hack into NASA again and spread all the dirt on whether aliens are real or not all over the internet? Just leave FB alone, man, I've got over a thousand photos on mine and I don't have space or time to move them back onto my PC.
over 500 of those photos are DMC fanart. You touch, you die.


the horror was for love
I voted "no" because I see no point in them attacking facebook. I don't have an account there--never have, probably never will--but I do have a Twitter account that was recently hacked. They will pay for that.... While the hacking annoys me, it brought one thing to light: there's no point to hacking ordinary people. If an ordinary person cheats on their spouse, buys porn, whatever...who cares? They're not making the world a better place by revealing it, they're not bringing to light some terrible conspiracy by saying what someone like myself is doing on their computer. It's pointless.

Slightly off topic, but I don't understand why everyone is suddenly freaking out about being "spied on". As long as people have had hierarchies, we've been watched by the government; I don't see why this is such a huge revelation. :/


Well-known Member
People are trivializing things as usually.
First of all attacking Facebook for no reason is not why i made this thread.

Facebook, Google, Skype and many other companies are said to have helped US spy on their people and others in the world.

If this is true (and it may be leaked soon), then consider what that means. In my first post i added what Facebook has said about what they will do before using your information. Signing up on Facebook gives FB permission to advertise and use your data for ads.

But.. if Facebook is giving your data to US which is not a commercial company but a COUNTRY.

Then...where is the part in Facebook "Privacy" that says "We may give your data to US for terrorist preventation"?

This is violation of trust if it is true. And it is unforgiveable and unacceptable.

We are monitored from a small to big degree in our lifes but all of those must be examined carefully to see if it's ethical wrong for them to do that.
Facebook using your data activity for services and ads is not ethical wrong because...that is your agreement with FB when you create a account.

But US spying on citizens and the world is very wrong. Even if they want to do something good for the world and their own citiziens, YOU CANT DO THAT.
Otherwise - why not just live in anarchy? Isnt democracy about permission and what the people wants?
How is this democracy.

Oh as for US being "good", Ron Paul describes it well:
Meanwhile, the citizens of US have issues with health and obesity and so on.


the horror was for love
I never said the US is good. What I said is that it's pointless to hack facebook and, therefor, if Anonymous is so intelligent, they would know that and would probably not bother.

If people are so worried about the government--any government--getting their information from social networking...well, they probably shouldn't be online posting it for the world to see. By using the internet, people have a responsibility to monitor themselves when it comes to information about them getting out. If there's private details you don't want anyone to know, then don't put them online. I never use my real name in social media sites, nor do I usually use my whole birthday or address. Why? Because I don't want people who don't need to know them to know them. Like hackers. It's a matter of common sense. As for it being wrong for FB, or another site, to give your data to the government...think of it like church: what you say in confession is a secret unless it touches on something illegal. Then they're obligated to inform the authorities.

And...really, you don't need to slander my country for its "health and obesity issues". We're talking about facebook helping the government spy, not obesity or health problems, and, frankly, it's a little insulting.


Well-known Member
My point with the health issue is...why is terrorist preventation "bad for the people", but bad health system isnt ?
And no i dont use my real identity online. I do my best to avoid giving out my identity.

As for FB giving info to US? Do you understand the context of this topic?

I am not talking about FB giving data of a user whos a criminal.
I am talkng about FB giving data of all people who use their service.

I am for justice and helping out countries and policemen with their work, everyone is, but noone is for spying on people "in case" people turn out to become terrorists.

And i dont mean to be insulting as US has alot of good things. But no offence you also have idiots in your goverment and around you as well.


the horror was for love
Look, you asked for our opinions and I gave you mine. I can assure you I possess the necessary mental facilities to understand the topic. I'm also leaving the thread. I came here to leave my opinion, and I've had a bad enough day as it is without having to debate semantics and opinions and what the government is doing. It's the internet, believe what you want. Bye.


Well-known Member
I think if Anonyomous attacks Facebook only to take it down for maybe 1 day. Then its ethically fine by me.
Its a good method to make people aware of the topic.

However, if anyonymous goes after Facebook because they want to destroy Facebook forever or possible for many days or weeks, then yeah your stepping on peoples rights.

But a day? Is that so wrong? I mean its a way to get people to know.

If all facebook users hear Facebook is down because of Anonyomous they will wonder "Why?" and then they will investigate and understand the accusations Facebook is under.

However, making a anti spy program...wont necessarily work and could lead to issues.


Well-known Member
When playing Robin hood & spreading the message of justice you don't become menace to both the evil empire & the innocent towns people you're trying to save. Because you still end up looking the villain.
I'm not for hacking anyone or anything, i'm saying find a better way if they're so-called intentions are good.
I dont know, i find that taking down Facebook for a day could be a good way to make people aware of the situation with Prism.
It makes people curious. "Why was Facebook hacked?"
I guess instead of taking down Facebook they could change the ads to Snowden/Prism ads?


Well-known Member
I'd rather put my trust on anonyomous than US goverment. Even where i live there is bs.
There are things where i live that goes against freedom, yet the goverment allows it.

Makes me think "Why are you doing this? Isnt this a democracy? I havent given my permission for you to do that! What purpose does it serve?!".

And i understand the whole mask thing but they cant show themself or they will be arrested, thats really what keeps them safe as a group.


Well-known Member
But if accusations against the companies are true, haven't FB then shared info with US when it was ethically wrong i.e same thing that people fear Anonyomous may do if they hack FB.
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