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American Dad - The Movie


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
American Dad - The Movie
Stan narrates: It’s just another gloriously glorious day in the beautiful land of America. Another glorious and tediously tedious day.
Francine: STAN! Breakfast is ready.
Stan: Ah Francine, my unfortunate wife. The killjoy of the party. The opposite of interesting. The dullest of…
Francine: *Staring at Stan angrily*
Stan: Oh, Francine. I was just, lying to myself like I usually do.
Francine: Hm *Leaves in a huff*
*Stan goes downstairs*
Hayley and Steve are sat at the kitchen table. Steve has a bowl of cereal flakes in front of him. Hailey has toast in front of her.
Steve: So dad, I’ve got to write this School project on anything I want to, and I was thinking that I could write it on you.
Stan: *Stan spills cereal off his spoon and onto the table* Why me son?
Steve: Oh just because, you know. You’re always acting really suspiciously, like you have something to hide. And I’d want to know what that is. So what do you say, dad?
Stan: *Hides his talking into a walkie talkie* Mental note, the boy is onto me.
Hayley: Steve, if you want to write about anything interest, why don’t you just write about the sexism that goes on every day in this house. Do you have any idea of the amount of housework dad has mom do, the list is almost endless…
Stan: Oh blah blah blah, Hayley. Besides, I thought women were meant to help other women out. There are some creased shirts of mine over there that still need ironing *Points to a pile of clothes that’s up to the ceiling*
Hayley: You sexist bas…*Stan cuts her off*
Stan: Oops, gotta go *He rushes out of the door and heads towards his car*
Steve: Very peculiar. He never even finished his cereal.
Francine: Steve, your dad had to go to work.
Steve: Yeah, I know. As a librarian, right?
Francine: *Looks nervous* Right.
Steve: Hm, somehow I’m just not buying it mom.
Francine: *Laughs nervously* Hahaha…So Klaus, have you got anything you wanted to discuss? *She turns her attention to the goldfish bowl*
Klaus: God damn it, who interrupted my beauty slumber? Ohhh, it’s you Francine. You can wake me any time you like *Imitates kissing her with his fish lips*
Francine: Oh Klaus, you old charmer.
Hayley: Look Steve, why don’t you just do your project on something else? I could give you a hand writing it if you like?
Steve: Hm, yes, but what?
Hayley: How about we go down to the Library for some inspiration?
Steve: *Has a little think to himself* That’s lame, but okay.
Hayley and Steve leave the house and head off down to the Library.
Avery: Stan, were you late for work? Again!
Stan: No Sir *He lies through his teeth*
Avery: Why is there coffee all on your shirt, Stan? Get yourself cleaned up man *Throws Stan a clean shirt* Now Stan, I've got something rather important to show you. Follow me.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Stan: What have you got to er, show me sir?

Avery: Our top boffin brainheads have reported a distressing signal from outerspace, Stan.

Stan: Outer space?!...

Avery: Yes Stan. Now its our job here at the CIA to be on tip top alert. If any form of alien life were to make it to our planet the results could be catastrophic.

Stan: Hehehe, cat...

Avery: Are you paying attention Stan?

Stan: Oh er yes sir, catastrophic.

Avery: Thats why I'm setting you up with Benson and his team of men to make sure this 'unknown' force never enters our atmosphere, understood?

Stan: Oh absolutely, sir!
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