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Am i the only one who think Street fighterXtekken sucks ??


Keyser Söze
I know this wasn't going to be anything like tekken but it just fails miserably to make me play anything which resembles SF4

Idk Why i just hate SF4 Its just 24/7 offense Mindless button mashing the characters controls feels slow and restricted like you can't move all you can do is just attack

Don't ge me wrong The first aracde game i've ever played was SF2

but SF 4 doesn't feel anything like SF2 its just button mashing and chaining as many as hits as possible SF2 never "Forced" you to do that

Another Unforgivable thing is The Character designs they look like this >>

They seem like they're overdosed with Steroids to the brim I know they were muscular BUT PLEASE Don't exaggerate them to level 10

i just couldn't resist myself from playing SFXtekken which is really murder of Tekken characters

All they retained is tiny bits of their movesets and character names that's all otherwise the game exactly plays like SF4 which i do not like at all...


Dante enthusiast!
I bought it - played it twice and could t get into it. I play Tekken more anyway, so I'm looking forward to Tekken Vs Street Fighter. But yes, this game was disappointing. :-(


Keyser Söze
I bought it - played it twice and could t get into it. I play Tekken more anyway, so I'm looking forward to Tekken Vs Street Fighter. But yes, this game was disappointing. :-(

As a 2d fighter its pretty neat but in 3d it doesn't just do the justice to either 2d or 3d style its just mishmash gone terribly wrong and unbalanced and most of all you can't play as anyone else unless you're good with that character otherwise you gotta find a way to deal with Ryu and ken AND ****ING AKUMAN >_< !! i hate to see myself so terrible with kazuya

Seriously why In the earth are they both exactly the same ? its just that ryu happens to spam more fireballs and ken happens to ignite shoruyken

Imagine if they would've done the same with jin and kazuya in Tk4
even though Devil-jin shares similar moveset yet he's distinctly different than kazuya/jin's moveset

I think they should just go 2D now that's what it should be

In 2d it looks okay >>

In 3d it looks weird >>

That's why i still love playing Kof Collection on my psp
and boy the gulity gear series is also a really under-appreciated gem

I wish they make one 2d SF game with...
>>lots of combos (Not ****ing spamming the buttons in the hope of getting successive hits)
>>fluid movemets (Not Restricted)
>>Nice likable character designs (Not weird)
>>Both Offence and Defense balanced (The game shouldn't try to force to one the either side it should be balanced)

It'll automatically have the best online capability because a 2d game doesn't need much GPU to pull it out so i think that would definitely make one hell of a multiplayer (only if done correctly) Because i don't like kids online who're just mashing buttons


Keyser Söze
Try BlazBlue. It's made by the same people who make Guilty Gear.

It isn't like GG the art style is repulsive for me it feels like animish or more like final-fantasy characters

This is how GG was pure kick-Ass >>>


To me GG is way more fun than BB which just feels like FF characters in a 2d fighting game

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I only like SFIV because...Well, Juri's hot.

Seriously, I used to like SF a great deal as a 2D fighter, but it seems to have gone the whole Sonic route of suffering somewhat from dabbling in the 3D department.

Again, SFIV was only remotely worth playing because...Well...




Keyser Söze
I only like SFIV because...Well, Juri's hot.

Seriously, I used to like SF a great deal as a 2D fighter, but it seems to have gone the whole Sonic route of suffering somewhat from dabbling in the 3D department.

Again, SFIV was only remotely worth playing because...Well...


DO you notice something else ??? Yes Her Body It looks normal O_O Wow something really rare

Even the Gameplay model is normal WHY ?? Why couldn't have they done it with others ??

Too bad i stopped playing SFXTekken before i could try all the characters because i suck so bad playing as Kazuya

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
DO you notice something else ??? Yes Her Body It looks normal O_O Wow something really rare

Even the Gameplay model is normal WHY ?? Why couldn't have they done it with others ??

Too bad i stopped playing SFXTekken before i could try all the characters because i suck so bad playing as Kazuya

Yeah that's something I did find odd, Juri definitely had some muscle to her (dem abs), but she genuinely looked positively normal compared to everybody else.
Everyone else is a muscle bound roid freak, then you've got Juri that just looks like she works out, the whole roid freak school of character design in fighters isn't one that appeals to me.

Give me characters that look normal, but in a way that actually suggests they could hold their own in a fight over characters that would make judges at a competitive event ask for urine samples.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I absolutely hated it. I don't like Street Fighter anyway, so I only bought it for Tekken.
It just felt cheap because to get a certain ending, you had to team up two certain characters... there were other points that I hated.

One thing i did like, Kunimitsu in the background of one of the stages. That is all.


This partys getting crazy
What do you mean when you say BlazBlue 2?
there has been 5 versions/balance patches to date. I'm assuming you mean the first release of Continuum Shift, then yes it was un-balanced, but since then it's gotten much better.

There are still more powerful characters than others but it is regarded as one of the more balanced 2D fighters around now-a-days.

Oh and BTW GG:AC Plus is coming out on XBL and PSN and is apparently set for a Sept release, so you don't have too long to wait if that's what you're after.


This partys getting crazy
Balancing characters is more complicated than speed changes, there are numerous things they take into consideration, damage output, mix/cross-up possibilities, frame traps, gatlings and what moves link via hit stun amongst others.
It's not un-common for fighting games to receive updates to the balancing but normally it's for variation not necessity, patching game breaking mechanics is not the same as a version update which was what I was referring to. Continuum Shift 1 featured a lot of new mechanics that were changed/different than CT and as a result the first version was a bit un-balanced for a few characters, however in the next version these problems were resolved and each new version has balanced the game better and better.

I know what you mean about character usage though, there will always be a more used "easier" character in every fighting game that doesn't mean to say they're un-balanced (though 9 times out of 10 they are) it just means they are the easiest character to use however at a higher skill level that same character may not be as effective, in most decent fighting games you can pick who you want and as long as you're willing to put in the effort to improve skill you can still perform well in any matchup unless it's a top level play, but how many of us are going to ever go to EVO anyway?


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
It isn't like GG the art style is repulsive for me it feels like animish or more like final-fantasy characters

This is how GG was pure kick-Ass >>>


To me GG is way more fun than BB which just feels like FF characters in a 2d fighting game

Trust me bro, don't let the graphics fool you. That game is intense. I can't even do an "Astral Finish" without difficulty.


Keyser Söze
Wait for Tekken X Street fighter.

Or, if you're anything like me. Wait for a Power Stone-ish game.

But i've heard that its scrapped because they were bust making Tekken tag 2 and porting that to consoles

BlazBlue was very unbalanced, you could see which characters were favored, & BlazBlue 2 was worse. It went into the category of games to be traded in with StreetFighter4, ResidentEvil5 & DeadRising2.
BlazBlue is nothing like GuiltyGear, GuiltyGear is fun exciting & enjoyable & balanced.
BlazBlue your restricted to combo strings, unbalanced cheap characters. I'll take GuiltyGear five times over BlazBlue.

Agreed, It Looks B.A Period Blublaze just feels like Final fantasy and i hate the "Fairy styling" of Square enix look parasite eve for ps1 it had a totally different art style


the heck happened to her ? :blink:

That's one of reasons why Parasite eve 3 on psp was kinda annoying for me

And i'm so surprised, i thought i was the only 1 that don't care for Streefighter4.

Not at all !! only good street fighter game was the SF2 that's all then they started making bazillions of version of that and then i kinda lost track

oooh and as far as unbalanced character goes only two things comes into my mind

SF4 Ken/ryu/akuma

SF4(potheadface edtion) ken/ryu/akuma that's the balancing Capcom does add more rag-dolls and some costume and you have a NEW edition

Blah blah Gimme mah Money !

Actually i'd even go as far to say that EX3 had MORE balanced characters which you can pick-up and play but here you only get three choices

>> Play as Ryu
>> Play as ken
>> play as akuma


Keyser Söze
Some things should not go cell shaded.

Donte it's that realism everyone thinks all the gamers want, they're dropping the anime style for realistic actual human characters.
I actually like Aya Brea in ParasiteEve The3rd birthday but hate some of the DeadOrAlive5 characters look.
Some things work going realistic & some don't.

uh.. what do you mean by "Cell shaded" ?? never heard that term before

I though this was Cell shading >>


Keyser Söze
Lol That's how I felt. They made him way to buff.

just Look at this >>

And you're saying cole looks weird...

Yea that.
lol my comment Some things should not go cel shaded. was referring to how cole looked & how some of the Streetfighter X Tekken characters don't look so well when cel shading is used.
That's why i had the gap between that & my next paragraph lol.

Since the whole game is cel-shaded you can't avoid that but i have no problem with its just the bizarre physique which makes everything look bad even kazuya looks and plays bad... :/ i hate this game
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