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Alone in the dark : A New Nightmare !!


Anti - Little D
Well as Ryan has posted a review of Driv3r , i thought i should post a review of a game we both HATE and wish it was never made due to its all-round ****-ness.
The story is that Edward Carnby is going to Shadow Island to find out why his friend died and he brings along Aline(a side character who you may play as but i wouldn't as she doesn't have a GUN !!).
The plane crashes on Shadow Island and Aline and Carnby are separated(shock horror) and Carnby says he will find Aline which she doesn't listen to and go's off searching for some stuff(You never find out til the end).

Anyway The gameplay is terrible as its a 2001 game and you have to use the DIRECTIONAL BUTTONS(Come on !!) and the way they move is terrible as if you see something you want , the characters will move around it and miss it completely e.g " Argh i walked through a door and a monster attacks and hurts me , oh wait of course lets turn on the light !! No not though the door i just came through (waits 10 seconds for loading) and then turns around and walks back through the door and then finally turns on the light"

And in certain areas of the game , weird images appear out of no-where and try and i stress TRY to scare you ... Epic Fail..

The graphics are as bad as the current global economy :lol: they are really bad and no glimmer of hope that the game maybe be fun .. and when you start to have a tiny amount of excitement you have to listen to aline and carnby radio transmissions (which are really bad ).

In the end they escape after using magic which has nothing to do with the game and the reason why aline is on shadow island is because she think her father is on the island (shock horror) ...

In all the game is **** and the camera angles change every third step you take and some angles are fine but no the game wants them to change... Overall rating - Epic Fail of all standards ..

Damien And Ryan~


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Furthermore I would like to add, no health packs for about a quarter of the game. I mean seriously? I know the game isn't hard, but because it is so difficult to move you do encounter blows. From this, I desire a health pack to cure me when I so wish. Is it really that much to ask from a game? Oh no, put that element in it to give it a real sense of survival. I see what they did there, very clever :rolleyes: What isn't clever, or funny however, is being attacked right away on entering a new room, with no time to even move or fire. And if you haven't saved, then you start from ages ago. And considering death was inevitable in the first place, it feels like the game just hates you from the start.

Ammo wise, don't even start. You will definitely have enough ammo to make it through, no doubt. But the point is, if I pick up a rocket launcher, I think "Oh cool, a rocket launcher"... If I am then told you will not have more than three rockets for the weapon in the entire game, I then think "Oh g.r.e.a.t... A...Rocket...Launcher...Wow..." You can see the fun dies there!

The game spends a hell of a lot of time explaining things, examining things, and not enough of actually doing things. I mean, who the hell misplaces all these keys in their own house anyway? And who lives on a demonic island, where it's constantly dark? Freaking nutjobs do... The whole game makes no sense...

And come on, the last boss gets killed by an Ancient Indian spear?!! o_O Where the hell did the mentioning of said spear come into the game? Absolutely nowhere!!! The spear is totally irrelevant and pointless, much like the entire game itself.

>>>Epic Fail!!!!!!

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Fitting really, how the game is as craptastic as the film that drew inspiration from it, though frankly, I've never been a fan of Alone In The Dark, I always saw it as a pathetic excuse for Survival Horror.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Angelo Credo;182401 said:
Fitting really, how the game is as craptastic as the film that drew inspiration from it, though frankly, I've never been a fan of Alone In The Dark, I always saw it as a pathetic excuse for Survival Horror.

^ This!

Yes, I totally agree. The film is truly a disgrace. And I think they even made a sequel to the film >_< Why bother? Can they not see how terrible this stuff really is? Save me now Lord >.>
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