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All things Halloween (not for the faint of heart)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Hey guys!
SO! It's October and according to my timezone, Halloween is 23 days away.
Mind you this is not a fluffy thread about what you're going to dress up as (although you can make mention of this anyway in your post)
Who is going to 'celebrate' Halloween this year, and why/how do you celebrate it?
I'm curious to see how many people actually know what Halloween really is, too, so if you know please do share with us.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I shall be sat in my room probably watching tv... i love halloween costumes, it's just trick or treaters that bother me.
People on this estate aren't exactly the most warm or politest.


Is not rat, is hamster
Don't do Halloween - going to an alternative kids party instead with two of my children. Light Party, it's called and is nothing whatsoever to do with Halloween.


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
Im going to propably write some paranormal/horror Fanfics, or celebrate Halloween with mine clan mates in SMT IMAGINE, well this celebration is less known in mine country named Poland, we celebrated it when had an English lessons in school only :/


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
I'm going to try to plan a public trolling video or sorts. No idea yet but I do have a plan B just in case..... Dress up as Scorpion from Mortal Kombat (if I can find a costume. If not.... well it looks like I'll find some Ninja costume). Go to a public place, such as Walmart or something like that...... Then do the Gangnam Style along with other dances such as the Caramelldansen ect....

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Don't do Halloween - going to an alternative kids party instead with two of my children. Light Party, it's called and is nothing whatsoever to do with Halloween.

Is Religion (most likely Christianity) the reason your not taking the kids for trick or treating? I'm asking in a humble and a polite way. As a young man who has spent most of his young life studying Judaism and Christianity I'm interested in your response.

I don't trick or treat because I'm lazy. Plus why would I want to give other people candy?! I WANT the candy! :p


Is not rat, is hamster
Is Religion (most likely Christianity) the reason your not taking the kids for trick or treating? I'm asking in a humble and a polite way. As a young man who has spent most of his young life studying Judaism and Christianity I'm interested in your response.
I don't do religion. I'm a Christian though and although that does have strong bearing on why I do not do Halloween (despite its ancient roots in Catholicism and the belief in purgatory) I also think it's kind of unpleasant generally. I don't want my kids dressing up in grotesque costumes and asking strangers for sweets. I also don't like how many teens/kids seem to think Halloween is an excuse to upset vulnerable people such as the elderly and disabled (saw a lot of that sort of thing in my old home town).

I have never celebrated Halloween and I never will. I put a sign in the window stating that our household does not respond to trick or treat requests and then do not answer the door for the evening. All the skeletons, witches and decapitated heads frighten my middle child and as he is someone who cannot process things well, it's all just amplified to him and gives him nightmares.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
I don't do religion. I'm a Christian though and although that does have strong bearing on why I do not do Halloween (despite its ancient roots in Catholicism and the belief in purgatory) I also think it's kind of unpleasant generally. I don't want my kids dressing up in grotesque costumes and asking strangers for sweets. I also don't like how many teens/kids seem to think Halloween is an excuse to upset vulnerable people such as the elderly and disabled (saw a lot of that sort of thing in my old home town).

I have never celebrated Halloween and I never will. I put a sign in the window stating that our household does not respond to trick or treat requests and then do not answer the door for the evening. All the skeletons, witches and decapitated heads frighten my middle child and as he is someone who cannot process things well, it's all just amplified to him and gives him nightmares.

I totally understand that and respect that response. ^_^ Plus AWW! Your such a good mom! :D

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
instead of going to the boring childish village halloween party -.- i'm going to my sister's house we gonna go round town and party with luke, matt and other matt :cool:


Well-known Member
I don't really do anything for Halloween, but this year I will be walking around campus as a "radical feminist." Basically, I'm going to wear a feminist T-shirt and carry around a sign that says "RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!" Cause you know, I can. :shifty:


Welcome to my world....
I’m British so I don’t celebrate it XD

I have a crazy pick n mix of knowledge where it comes to Halloween. I think it may be one of those holidays that has its roots in many different religions and have different meanings in different times and places in the world.

I’ve read somewhere it was originally a Pagan festival that the Christians borrowed. The Pagans celebrated it more as a harvest festival.

I’ve also heard (I think this is probably from horror movies) Is that it is also called All Hallows Eve and it’s the time where the barrier between living and the dead is weakest and they can walk the earth again.

Another think I think I read from a Welsh/Celtic book when I was in school is that the tradition of wearing costumes was due to the fact that evil spirits could come through and the costumes would act as a disguise so they would not harm you.

All this stuff is off the top of my head, never really looked into Halloween before. There are probably reasons for all the seeming random stuff you do on Halloween, like the pumpkins, bobbing apples and such that have probably come from all sorts of cultures. Kinda wanna research it now….

My Halloween this year: Recovering from a Muse concert in the morning and turning the lights off and pretending I’m not home while peeking out of the window to make sure no brats key my car. :mad:

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
DS, even though we're in the same country, I have never, nor will I think I ever, have actually celebrated Halloween, let alone go trick or treating...
That's right, you heard me correctly, I have never in my life been trick or treating...
Why you may ask?...
Because it's just another holiday, and I've never really seen the point why...
But sometimes, I will cosplay on Halloween as one of my fav characters, just to scare the little kiddies...:devil:

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Yeah, the Christians were pretty dumb back in the day to try and 'Christianise' a pagan holiday. They're having 'Light Parties' over here as a way to combat Halloween, I guess, but at the end of the day the fact is that they still celebrate on the same day. With the difference that Halloween always was and should have remained a pagan holiday, as it is a celebration of the harvest. I find it a bit morbid whatnot with the celebrating the 'dead'. I grieve for and miss and think about those who have passed away quite often throughout the year. I cherish their lives in my heart, so for me, I don't see the point in celebrating or commemorating their deaths on only one day a year.

I had in on the Halloween fun for the past couple of years, despite my mum telling me that it's not part of our religion and that I shouldn't be partaking in it. Anyway, my mum could never explain to me (other than 'it's wrong, it's paganism') exactly why we don't celebrate it, and I started to see it as harmless fun. Dress up fun, candy, making gross tricks, watching horror movies, all that stuff. I was born again at the start of this year (in spirit and faith, for anyone who thinks it's funny) and decided to dig around and learn more about the roots of trick or treat and carving pumpkins, etc. Halloween (or Samhain) was celebrated by the Celtics who went over to Ireland (from Asia, no less!!!Never knew Celts were originally from the Asian region). Old Hallow's eve they believed the veil between the worlds (*fangirlmoment*) of the living and the dead were thinnest and they were able to call upon their familiars/ancestors for guidance or predictions, or whathaveyou. They also believed that there were bad spirits and so, in a way to protect themselves, they would wear masks on the night to disguise themselves (today known as dressing up). They also used to light candles to either keep the evil spirits away from their homes, or to guide the way for their deceased loved ones, I can't remember which it was. They used pumpkins as food offerings to appease the bad spirits, so no harm would come to them. They still do this tradition in Asia somewhere, lighting candles and setting out bowls of food for the dead (at least, that's what I've heard).

The Americans are very innovative and creative in denying what Halloween really is. Jack O'Lantern actually doesn't come from the silly legend someone made up. Trick or treat doesn't come from a woman who decided to put out treats for the pranksters in her neighborhood so they would leave her house in peace. WTF. Who gives TREATS to brats that toilet paper your house? And, as some Wiccans I know claim, dressing up on Halloween is, in fact, NOT about what you aspire to be or what you'd rather be. You may tell yourself that for peace of mind, but that's not what it's really about (sorry I'm just ticked because it was such a sorry-arse answer she gave me as to why they do the dress up thing).

Coming to a new country where there are actually kids knocking on my door asking for candy and Batman and Superman walk the streets of the city on Halloween, it's really easy to just go with it. But, you know, if I were back home, I would have seen at least a dozen dead cats in the fields and abandoned lots and empty houses up for sale by now. It's disgusting and it is very real. Maybe they're the minority over here or just a lot more discreet about it, but we have as a rule of thumb back home to 'keep safe and guarded' during October through to mid-November. Meaning, keep your pets locked up in a safe place, and keep your little kids even safer.

Albeit I will now admit I understand a bit more about the 'dark' side, if you will, and that they tend to keep a very low profile so they can continue on their evil doings (breeding human sacrifices, for example), but it was common knowledge back home that a lot of people were into paganism and voodoo. Last year, a couple of weeks before Halloween, a working mother discovered that the maid/nanny she had hired had tied string around three of her baby girl's toes to cut off the circulation. This was someone that had been working for her for a while, whom she trusted. When she questioned the maid, it came about that she had been planning on cutting off the toes at some point as an ingredient to an offering she was going to make. This is not a scary story someone made up for fun, I saw the evidence and those little toes were purple and bloated :(

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
i want to scare the children by standing on someones shoulders to become in human height and dress as slenderman XD then follow the kids and see their reactions


TimeLord Detective
We have a similar kind of thing to celebrate here in Greece, instead of Halloween. The major difference is that we celebrate it around February instead of now, and that it doesn't require that you be scary, as long as you "transform" into someone that is not yourself. We don't go around for trick or treat either, just dressing. It's becoming less popular as the years go by, but it still has major fans.

As a kid I went to school dressed as Spiderman once.


Welcome to my world....
Old Hallow's eve they believed the veil between the worlds (*fangirlmoment*)

I was sooo tempted to say that too :lol:
I’ve changed my mind, I’m gonna dress up for Halloween. All I need is some vampire teeth and glitter and try and look as if I’m gonna throw up all the time. Yes Matthew, tonight I’m gonna be Edward Cullen!


Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
me and my sister were origionally gonna dress up as these freaky things i saw on a game with their scary glowing red eyes we would run down the street dressed as them at pitch black at trick or treaters all they will see are 4 moving red dots XD
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