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The devoted
Just discovered this game after a friend pointed it out to me.

It's an MMORPG being released in Europe on 25th September. It has great graphics and looks like an overall great game. It'll be a £44.99 disc price followed by a £10(?) monthly fee. To me this seems a little much, but I've found it for £30 :p

Anyone else know much more about it?


LoD Come Back!!!
well...i heard it's graphics and gameplay are much like world of warcraft...i myself am excited about it, though i do not like how u have to pay to play...i think that's retarded

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I think it looks terrible, I'm not a huge player of MMOs mind you, but the one I do play consistantly is Guild Wars, another one done by NCsoft, and I think it looks like a real letdown, Guild Wars kinda spoiled me and my guild in the sense that every area outside a town was instanced, so there was no fighting with other players for monster spawns, you could just grab some friends and go out and have a laugh.

This on the other hand...Well, the graphics look far too WoW for me, looks like it's going to be a step back into "Hey, let's set here and grind our asses off for months to get decent equipment!"
Also, seeing gameplay, it's uninstanced, meaning hours spent interacting with whiny, neurotic, pathetic, socially maladjusted people who refuse to leave you in peace just because they have some god given right to grief you.

Meh, I have my resentment because NCsoft are advertising the hell out of Aion in Guild Wars, I've had enough of seeing messages on the GW homepage about it, people always on about it in game etc, me and my entire guild came to the same conclusion, we're staying the hell away from it.

I just never understood the concept behind making people pay monthly fees for a game they've already bought, if ArenaNet and NCsoft can do it with Guild Wars, the NCsoft team should be able to do it with Aion, I mean, they must be swimming in money by now...But hey, who am I to judge?

I could rant for hours, I really could, but I won't.

Summary: Screw Aion, I refuse to be forced into kill stealing and petty arguments with the unwashed masses.



Holy crap Batman! Actual information, and not just misdirected rage:

Alright, alright, info about Aion? You got it.
The key feature of Aion = Flight, your character has this funny ability to sprout a pair of odd looking wings and fly wherever the hell you damn well please, of course, there are other methods of travelling, none of which have been specifically mentioned yet.

The game combines PvP and PvE, which NCsoft calls PvPvE, PvP is focused in an area known as The Abyss, inside of which, there are castles which can be controlled by Legions, which are Aion's guilds, guilds fight for dominance over these castles, think of it like instanced wars and raids, of the WoW/Archlord variety.

Four primary classes, each class has two additional subset classes, you must choose between one of the two subsets at level 10, not much going for it there...Yay for lack of customization I guess?
And finally, you have quests, two types, one type is the usual quest which has no bearing on the story, kill random stuff, collect stuff for reward etc, the other sort however are the campaign quests, these actually advance the storyline.

Oh, NCsoft are charging £9 a month for it too.
Personal opinion: Avoid this and buy Guild Wars 2 when it comes out, why? Because it's this, just better, and free.


LoD Come Back!!!
well...i like the sound of it...except paying...how much does guild wars cost though....and wat does that translate to in american money?

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
GamblingGambitCloud;187094 said:
well...i like the sound of it...except paying...how much does guild wars cost though....and wat does that translate to in american money?

The originals are probably about £10 per game, four games in the original lineup, 3 standalone campaigns and one expansion brings it to about £40, and that's the standard price of one new game, not sure about the exchange rates, but I think that relates to about $20-$25 or something, per game, and about $65 for all four.
Guild Wars 2, I'd imagine it would be in the region of $50-60 when it's released, but don't quote me on that, I'm taking a rough estimate.

It'll also have no monthly fee, and I love ArenaNet/NCsoft for that one. ^_^

Just checked the online store, you can get the original three games in one bundle for $48, roughly, which ain't a bad deal, then you can get the expansion pack for roughly $21, which I believe would run you to about $60.
I can see the new game costing maybe about $40-60 when it comes out too.


The Last Goodbye~
I would never pay for any MMO game. I'd rather much use that money for other crap that's worthwhile..my brother already wastes $500 year on that stupid WoW game (we could've had a ps3 by now lol) >>; I usually go for the private servers, the good ones at least.

I tried playing this one Aion private server with my friend, it doesn't have all the features yet but we were hella bored. My crappy desktop pc can't handle it so I gave up on it : /
The game looks nice, and apparently does look similiar to a bunch of other MMO's people play. but you can't really expect any new ones to be any different by the means of grinding, quests and getting equips. And that's why I got sick of them, unless I seriously need a time killerr :/


The devoted
GamblingGambitCloud;187094 said:
well...i like the sound of it...except paying...how much does guild wars cost though....and wat does that translate to in american money?

Guild wars trilogy, $44.99

I haven't heard of GW2... I got shown this, and I watched some vids. The graphics do look a bit WoW llke, but ti's a step up from RS. I'm making the money to pay for it from not eating at school, and my mum doesn't know about the monthly fee, so that's one way to spend it without her realising.

I've got to admit, that £44.99 for the collectors edition is a bit much, as is the £9 monthly fee. But The graphics look good, the overall system looks good and I think that it's got enough customiseibility for me. You say that there are 16 different options that you can end up with, but this isn't enough for you. Who is used to about 30-40?

Something which will be happening is that me and my friend, Harry, will be playing through this together. We're both getting it Friday and will be both doing as much as we can at the same time over skype. The problem with Guild wars is that I don't like being in large groups, maybe one or two people at once is enough for an MMO team. This means that while we will be going through this alone, we won't have to work with other noobs that always annoy you until the sun sets on both sides of the Earth.

Although I'm pretty much against WoW because of the noobish idiots that play it, dominate it and overall ruin it, I don't mind the graphics and the concept. It's just too popular for me to like it really. I think that, although the graphics are similar to those of WoW, it doesn't mean it will be like Wow. At least I really hope it's not like WoW.

Thanks for you input Kyle, I'll be pointing your post in Harrys direction and seeing what he thinks of it after you gave your hating view on it. :p

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
My main problem with the lack of character classes is just...Well, I played a game with that problem previously, and the lack of ability to truly develop your skills into what you want it to be is infuriating.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but GW allows you to take a given class and really mess around with it, adding a second class with all their abilities on top of your first class is awesome, for example, taking an Assassin who can make themselves immortal for a time, mixing that with a mage's ability to reflect a huge chunk of damage whenever you become the target of attack makes for the fun times.
With stuff like that, a lot of strategy comes along depending on where you are and what you're doing at the time.

Games like Aion, that lack the whole true customization have this nagging problem of only being able to go in with one set up of skills and hoping that does the job, making for no real challenge or strategy, but when you can mix and match classes to whatever the hell you like for your current situation, things really get interesting.

That's the main factor that sold GW as one of the best, if not the best MMOs for me, there's nothing quite as satisfying as one minute being a ranger, able to unleash a massive barrage of arrows, destroying massive groups of enemies, and then in the next instance, being that same ranger making use of the ability to summon spirits at will to do your work for you, mixing and matching like that, and especially when you have a fairly confident group of friends with you, with skills that compliment your character's, makes for hours of entertainment.

I forsee Aion being a letdown in that regard, as I said, with such limited class customization, it'll probably be the "one-build-fits-all" problem that is so common in so many MMOs.

EDIT: Here's an example of what I mean about having friends with skills that compliment your own, there are several areas in Guild Wars that either require incredibly confident self ability to do solo, or a very confident team, there's a team build dedicated to taking down this incredibly difficult areas in just under 20 minutes, providing you do it right.
I used to do stuff like this with my guild, before this whole internal mess which caused an unfortunate number of people to leave.
I'd take a few of the higher ranking members, and a couple of the lower ranks who were still getting used to making money, take them to these areas, show them the skills, show them what to do, then waited a week for them to perfect the art.

After that, I'd gather them all up, take them through these areas and we'd make tens of thousands in a matter of minutes, there's something so satisfying about the strategy concept of Guild Wars, especially when you're able to do it with good friends.

I miss my guild. ;_;


The devoted
With you saying all that, it does tempt me to GW because it's got great rangers, and everything just works so well. But I don't have any kind of team, I'd be the only one to play it and I just don't think that I'd be able to play it on my own. Plus the level cap of 20 isn't really that great either. But that's because GW is much more about playing, than being the best, which I find a great thing.

I might have words with Harry and talk to him about waiting for 1. The price to drop and 2. reviews of it.
We may end up going to GW, but hopefully not WoW because he hops guilds on a weekly basis.

Something I'd like to check out before buying is how much conent there is, it's a 15GB game so I'd expect there to be very few updates for a while and I'd expect alot from it. However, I don't really want to go spending £30 on a game that could well end up not being good enough to pay for.

I read on Amazon that it has a different feel to most MMOs because of the japanese input. Music, scenery, etc. As a fan of japanese culture, I'd like to see some more of this before I can really tell, or if it's just some idiot not knowing japanese from asian. >.<

Yahtzee should have a good review of this if he does one and it'll be one that I'll be keeping an eye out for, aswel as on Five lives.


The devoted
Sorry for the double post but I wanted Kyle to see this, I know he won't if I just edit my post, and I have to go...

What's your view on GW2, coming from the same company as Aion and Gw you must be a little concerned about it?


Devilicious Devi
An MMO built on Cry Engine, the version used for Far Cry...Guess how many people will actually be able to play it...
These new MMOs bring no challenge whatsoever and your still forced to pay to play? Screw that. Why is there no challenge? - Left click on monster to highlight, one more left click to start attacking, num pad 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,-,= to cast some skills from time to time... Or just leave your char to attack while you go to the kitchen and make tea. Challenge. Great.
Currently there is only one game that has ever brought the ultimate challenge of leveling, PvP, MvP(boss fights) and WoE(guild wars) and it`s called Ragnarok Online. Private servers are not only free, they have donation items if you decide to donate some cash, but otherwise you don`t lose anything if you don`t pay.
I would like to see a WoW player get a high level on a low rate RO server ;) That would be hilarious. Those who ahve played it know.
Oh i went off topic... Aion - crap

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Vauxchen-kun;187163 said:
Sorry for the double post but I wanted Kyle to see this, I know he won't if I just edit my post, and I have to go...

What's your view on GW2, coming from the same company as Aion and Gw you must be a little concerned about it?

Not from the same company, same publisher, yeah, but not the same company, GW2 is ArenaNet, published by NCsoft, Aion is both published AND developed by NCsoft, so I'm not that concerned.


The devoted
Angelo Credo;187181 said:
Not from the same company, same publisher, yeah, but not the same company, GW2 is ArenaNet, published by NCsoft, Aion is both published AND developed by NCsoft, so I'm not that concerned.

Oh right!

I don't really follow these things, I just see the name and associate them XD


The devoted
That's talk about GW, GW2, this is Aion chat really...

IDK that answer to your question, you're better off googling it.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Vauxchen-kun;187191 said:
That's talk about GW, GW2, this is Aion chat really...

IDK that answer to your question, you're better off googling it.

Pretty much this.

I feel like I properly derailed your thread. :lol:


The devoted
Angelo Credo;187192 said:
Pretty much this.

I feel like I properly derailed your thread. :lol:

That's probably because you did.

You go off topic too much to be a mod :p jk jk

I'll be putting the money in my acc tomorrow, then pre ordering it. although I'm finding it hard to find the collectors edition for UK delivery. If anyone sees it PLEASE tell me and link me up.


The devoted
Does anyone play this apart from me?

I'm a level 11 ranger ATM, and stuck on a quest already XD

My friend got bored and went back to Wow -.- I might be joining GW in a couple of weeks, but Aion is alright for now. :p
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