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AIM? Yahoo! Messenger? ICQ? LOL


Fearfully and wonderfully made
So, I'm pruning some of the redundant contact options from the Admin CP, and I see those relics hiding at the bottom of the list.

Anybody still use these programs? Has the Facebook generation made then totally redundant? Unless there's an overwhelming desire to keep them, I'm probably going to remove them as profile contact options in order to de-clutter a bit.

In other news - probably going to add Skype and Twitch profile options today because relevance.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
@Steve Powell: I used to use Messenger and ICQ. I think times are changin' bro. Seems to be Skype, Twitch and Facebook is for the cool kidz these days. Yes, I put a 'z' instead of an 's'. I have no idea how to stay relevant with the times.


Supporter 2014
Actually, I heard facebook was going out of style in favor of other sites but whatever. Yeah, they should probably be cut.


Entertain me.
Skype is good. Twitch is good.

Check out Discord steve. New program currently in alpha. Free dedicated hosting for chat servers, sub chat groups, recognizes if you have a game playing, all sorts of cool stuff.

It has browser support, a lightweight client, and a mobile app.

If for some reason you ever wanted a free hosted chat server or something.
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Well-known Member
I have to use instant messenging for work. We're a hip company.


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
Im using mostly Steam, FB, Tumblr and sometimes Skype on means of communicating or interacting with gamers since some of them are on those sites and in FB case on some VG themed groups what I myself also as member
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