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A very curious topic...


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I most often sleep on my stomach... If I sleep on my back, my body has the annoying habit of balling up my comforter and putting it on my face.


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
I am a wiccan, i believe in astral projection as well recarnation. All of you have explained astral projection beautifully so I dont have to say anything here. Expect that I have done it. Its hard.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I've had out-of-body experiences before, now that I think about it. I remember seeing my body in the third person when a tornado smashed it's way right over my campground.


Oldschool DMC fan
Gah, I have to sleep on my side in one particular way or I get that 'falling'/tripping sensation and wake up every time. There's only two ways I can sleep, like that, or on my back, and I've had that sleep paralysis once on my back, and that was spooky, so I'm not keen on sleeping that way. I knew my body was asleep, but 'I' was awake, I had to go through the mental motions of realising that I couldn't control anything, and 'waking out of waking' about eight times or something like that before I could finally break out of it and move. Sort of like a lucid dream where you're aware, but the opposite in the sense you have no control.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
Thank you LoD!
It is a very religious/spiritual topic, but I've heard stories from people who are, in essence, atheists, who have had these experiences themselves. So I don't think it's exclusive to people who believe in an afterlife or a higher entity or whathaveyou.

I'm really curious about this, because I don't believe in it. I mean I'm a religious nut, but having the power to leave your body just sounds odd to me. I do believe in demons/ghosts, and I was told that if you astral project, you leave an open vessel behind. So what happens if a demon decides to put you on? I doubt it's a matter of simply kicking them out, and they're likely to damage your body beyond repair before leaving it anyway (just going on the whole 'possessed' thing).

I mean, if you believe in astral projection, then you'd have to believe in reincarnation as well, wouldn't you? People having memories from past lives? I've met a couple of people who claim to be old souls, albeit I think one just wants to believe their special. The other one who miiiight be legit or maybe just downright creepy says that they know me from another time (but he's not very forthcoming in telling me when/how/why/whut? :confused:) I was told by this person that I'm apparently very good at projecting but I'm even better at keeping myself grounded, so apparently I don't do it that often, and apparently the 'dreams' I have that turn out to be warnings of some kind of what is to come are actually predictions I receive from astral beings, like the first earthquake that hit Christchurch last year, and when I go to places and think I have dejavu, apparently are places that I've visited when I've projected. Oh, and apparently, when you get a strong sense that you've known someone all your life upon first meeting them, it's because you have known them before in a past life.

It all sounds too 'out there' for me. I mean if people are being reincarnated over and over again and again, does that mean God only created a certain amount of souls and we're all being recycled over and over? If this is the case, then why do some people believe in God and not others? Wouldn't everyone at some point or another have believed in God, if they've been around since the 'beginning'? Why wouldn't that belief stick, considering we're talking about spiritual deeds here?

I believe there IS an astral plane between heaven and earth, because in the Bible somewhere it says that there is a place where all spirits go to await the final judgement. But being given the ability to leave your body to go into that astral plane? What is the point in doing that? Why would we be allowed to do that? What purpose does that serve? I also believe that earth IS hell in the afterlife. I mean when you die, you hope you're going to a better place, so it's got to be a hellish experience to wake up and realise YOU'RE STILL HERE. I also believe that the world will be purified by the hand of God one day, eg. He will cast all the bad chops into the eternal fire. To de-romanticise it, the sun is going to grill the earth and turn it into a ball of fire, and all the bad souls are going to get dumped out of the astral plane into the fire. That's just my theory and my way of trying to figure out how it's going to work. The rest of the souls are going to get bounced up into heaven.

So... yeah. I don't know if I believe one can actually project ones soul from the body. Mostly because I don't see why we would be given the choice to do so. I don't understand it, and if I can't understand it I can't believe it, so I'm just trying to make sense of it.

As for sleep paralysis - been there, done that, got the mug, T-shirt, poster and badge. Very terrifying, no matter how many times it happens, the terror is new and fresh and intense every time. Then again if you make it a habit to sleep on your side instead of on your back, you cut your chances of experiencing it again by 70%. There's still that 30% chance of it occuring, so I make it a habit to sleep on my stomach (and with the light on, aye!) I never used to hallucinate during an episode though. I've felt things, sure, but never seen anything. I did have hallucinations at night and sometimes during the day, though (undiagnosed PNP, but that's totally off topic).

and thats a bigger mouth full ^_^


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
You're welcome =)

No I agree, but as I said, I believe it's probably more likely that people who are more religious/spiritual are going to experience something like this as oppose to the off chance that an atheist might.

I'm somewhat in the middle with believing all of this. I read a while ago, when I was at School to be precise, of someone who had a Near Death Experience. Now like I said before, we can't say the two things are completely the same, but it was the first I had heard of Astral Projection. What I read was someone who had been on the operating table. They technically had died during an operation, but they Astral Projected from their body and they were able to see the room they were in. One of the doctors had placed an item somewhere in the room during the procedure, I believe. And the funny thing is that when the person came back to life, thankfully, they knew where that item was. If you believe the story that is, then that's quite something. But then again like you just said, you're religious and you don't buy into Astral Projection. So the grounds are simple, I guess it depends where people stand on the matter. I think you can only leave your body in certain circumstances. Most of it sounds related to Near Death Experiences. Other areas of it are in relation to 'finding things out' and 'discovering/understanding' yourself by taking some sort of spiritual journey (I know, it does sound a bit silly).

However, I did say that I would look into other things related to Astral Projection, and these are just some of the other things I managed to find. Not related to Near Death Experiences, we go back to how you could Astral Project normally (Or what would appear to be not having to experience an NDE). From what I have learnt, three things are required in order to achieve an Out Of Body Experience (Which allows you to Astral Project). Firstly, you have to learn how to Dream Recall (Learning how to remember your dreams). Secondly, you have to become a Lucid Dreamer (Where you are aware that you are dreaming whilst you're dreaming). And lastly, meditation. Once you have worked on all of those things then being able to Astral Project and leave your own physical body to adopt a spiritual body will become easier.

Looking into demonic possession and all of that sort of thing, again it simply depends on where you stand on the matter. I myself do believe in demons (Of sorts) and ghosts (Of sorts), to a specific extent. To my knowledge the only way to rid a demon from the person it's possessing, is to exorcise the demon out. Sometimes, depending on the strength/will of the demon, this can be a hard procedure that could last for hours or even days perhaps. I haven't truly looked into demonic possession to be completely honest. I am aware that the Exorcist films are supposed to be based off true events that were changed to fit the film, of a real life exorcism. If I remember rightly, in real life a boy was possessed by a demon and the priest had to exorcise it out from the boy. The procedure was successful and the boy came back to us as he was before being possessed. It depends on what you believe and how far you'd go into believing this and that about demonic possession and indeed exorcism.

I believe there are several Astral Planes between Earth and Heaven. The place you mentioned where people wait to be judged in the afterlife is Purgatory (Afterlife's waiting room). But as I stated before, if you believe in the good of something then surely you must also believe in the evil of something. The fact that I believe there are Astral Planes from our World to Heaven, also means I believe there are portals/realms on Earth that are indeed of evil nature that connect Hell to our World (Hence demons/evil spirits can invade our World and reek havoc) probably hence why we have disasters in our World and stories of evil things etc.

I can't truly answer that question for you, but I'll give my opinion on the subject. Say for instance that these Worlds are indeed real (So far we can only believe/speculate of Astral Planes, Heaven and Hell) Belief of something and proof of something are two entirely separate things. But you'd have reason to believe that whatever makes you believe in something is in some way a sort of 'fact' to you that the something you believe in is real. Let's just say that we KNOW for a FACT that Astral Planes, Heaven and Hell are real. Whilst we are in our own World, these Worlds are still existing. They always exist as far as we're aware and are concerned. It is through Near Death or other means, meditating (Anything that separates our spiritual being to our actual being) that we are able to see/view these other Worlds. There is no purpose of this, it's just a way to tap into your inner power and be able to see things greater than you are meant to be able to see them (Like having a secret eye on you that can view things others can't see). And if you have a Near Death Experience, you wouldn't be in this World (When you die, you'd see what you are meant to see for when you are dead). That may be Heaven or Hell. It did not specify that the Astral Planes are purely for good means. You could see good or bad where you go, I guess it depends on the person and the life they have lived.

I can't say I truly believe in Astral Projection, but I'm open minded. Anything is possible, right? I mean in life I don't think we should all set ourselves to believe in one specific thing or whatnot, but to have the choice to believe in whatever we so wish as freely as we would like to (Considering it's not wrong or anything). So personally, having a lack of knowledge/understanding towards something does not mean I'll disregard it. In fact, personally until you can prove something for fact you can disregard most things. But then that's why we have ignorance in this World. Too many people saying things aren't so unless they have a million pieces of proof and whatnot, and those that can't be bothered to hear other people's points.


The one true son of Sparda
i want to be a wolf:D
thats so awesome

i dont believe in reincarnation but astral projection i do cuz my granmother had it when she had an open heart transplant and she said she could see the whole process and was terrified.theres even a movie like that its called awake.after listening to my grandmother i started to believe in astral projection and it creeps me out


Is not rat, is hamster
enough with the off-topic stuff please. all off-topic content (that took up 2 whole pages) has been deleted.
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