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A very curious topic...

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I was wondering, how does one astral project? Is it an ability we are all born with, or are only some of us gifted? Do you do it subconsciously, or when you are asleep, or is there some kind of physical/mental/spiritual/emotional trigger? Where do you go, does the world look the same, are you even IN this world when you project? Are you alone or do you see others like yourself out there? Is there anything out there that can hurt you?
How do you find your way back to your body? How do you get back into your body, and what happens if you can't find your way back?
Do you remember anything about it afterwards? How long can you stay outside your body? And what psychological side effects are there?
Would love to hear your thoughts on this.


Welcome to my world....
You should read Nobody True by James Herbert. A guy leaves his body then some one killed him while he's.. er.. not there so to speak and he's stuck... drifting...
Other than that, never experienced it myself. The cloest I've felt is being in my body but it not feeling my own... I did have a few vodkas though :/

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
oh like that well my body made me start shouting penis as i banged on the desk in front of my teacher then i came back that detention was a long one


Welcome to my world....
Shame you couldn't have left your body while doing detention.. and cause more mayhem!
Seriously though, if I had that kind of power I would totally abuse it… unashamedly :p

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.

it felt like i was fighting over the body like a evil conscious thats why i'm mean and nice


Well-known Member
It's basically like an out-of-body experience, if you need a short explanation.
Like an LSD trip basically?
You might as well as give me the long explanation because I'm not following.

EDIT: Whoops, just saw DS13's post above yours. Can't say I ever experienced that before. I can't really wrap my head around it actually. (Could just be because I'm really tired XD) Although, the Wikipedia post mentioned sleep paralysis and now I feel like I'm gonna vomit because I had that before and it was the most horrifying experience of my life. I'm gonna go cry in a corner. No really, it was that terrible. ;_;


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Like an LSD trip basically?
You might as well as give me the long explanation because I'm not following.

EDIT: Whoops, just saw DS13's post above yours. Can't say I ever experienced that before. I can't really wrap my head around it actually. (Could just be because I'm really tired XD) Although, the Wikipedia post mentioned sleep paralysis and now I feel like I'm gonna vomit because I had that before and it was the most horrifying experience of my life. I'm gonna go cry in a corner. No really, it was that terrible. ;_;

I've had sleep paralysis before. I felt as if someone flicked a switch and turned the gravity way up. It was scary as hell because I was half-awake and half-asleep so I was hallucinating...


Well-known Member
I've had sleep paralysis before. I felt as if someone flicked a switch and turned the gravity way up. It was scary as hell because I was half-awake and half-asleep so I was hallucinating...
I was fully awake, so no hallucinations, but completely unable to move for several minutes (felt like hours). I had a crazy panic attack and kept trying to cry, but couldn't. When it finally passed I rolled over just to confirm I could move. I stayed there feeling terrified. Finally I went into my mom's room screaming and crying bloody murder. Didn't sleep much that night. :D

Actually now that I think of it I think I hallucinated a bit. Maybe? ._.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I was fully awake, so no hallucinations, but completely unable to move for several minutes (felt like hours). I had a crazy panic attack and kept trying to cry, but couldn't. When it finally passed I rolled over just to confirm I could move. I stayed there feeling terrified. Finally I went into my mom's room screaming and crying bloody murder. Didn't sleep much that night. :D

Actually now that I think of it I think I hallucinated a bit. Maybe? ._.

I was like, four when it happened too. .,,,.


The future that we hold, is so unclear
I still... Don't get soo much.. aww.. I should get out of here..

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
what does it meen when you befreind your worst nightmare DAMN YOU CARVORE!!! YOU HAVE BEEN REPLACED BY SOMETHING SCARIER and uglier too


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I've also had sleep paralysis, several times -.- The last time I had it there was a dark figure sitting by the side of my bed, laughing and telling me it was going to hurt me (Scary stuff, considering I couldn't move).

I would associate Astral Projection with Near Death Experience, as apparently you Astral Project yourself whilst you're having a Near Death Experience (But then again, there is more to Astral Projection than just the relationship it shares with NDE).

Looking into it more, it states that there are Astral Planes. The Planes are Realms of sorts, between our own World and Heaven itself. In these Realms are beings, such as Angels. But how you would leave your own body to enter these Planes is beyond me. It does say that Astral Projecting yourself is a spiritual thing, so I would assume a certain belief of the procedure would have to be in place before attempting to go about Astral Projection.

Since you essentially leave your physical body, I'd assume that nothing can hurt you. Since the form you are taking is essentially your own soul, your own spiritual being, then you do not possess your body. But it depends really on whether the soul or spirit of you can be harmed. What with Religion, exorcists defeating evil spirits (And thinks alike) I think the only thing that could potentially happen to you if you were Astral Projecting would be to be sent back into your own body (Therefore ruining your journey through the Astral Planes). But then again, those Planes aren't related to evil because they are Planes between our World and Heaven, as I said before (The whole Heavenly point of view is due to the fact that you go to Heaven when you die, because of the relation between AP and NDE).

But the main question is why aren't there Astral Planes (Or Realms of sorts) from our World to Hell also? Considering that not everyone is going to go to Heaven when they die. And not everyone should view Heaven if they have a Near Death Experience, since it would imply they would go there when they die (Which is misleading if that isn't the case) and to me, they should be shown Hell if that is where they will be going. So I suppose there really is a lot of Spiritual and Religious belief behind Astral Projection. Therefore if you aren't much of a Spiritual or Religious person, you are 'less' likely to be able to Astral Project.

Non related to NDE as I mentioned before, you would have to Spiritually believe in Astral Projection. But the particular ways and practice of being able to leave the body are unknown to me. On Wikipedia it shows someone meditating. I would assume this is a way (Perhaps the only way, I'm not sure) of being able to leave your body and Astral Project.

In terms of where you go when you are Astral Projecting is a tricky question. I could just say the Astral Planes (Whatever they truly are) but I find you don't actually leave this World. I find also that you probably don't reach Heaven either, because a glimpse of something like that (A true glimpse) would be immense, should you be returning back to your own body. So really, maybe a different World, but a World that is not so different from our own. In terms of whether you see other people also, I have no idea. And whether a form of communication between other people through means of Astral Projection is achievable, is totally beyond me. I'll do some research, look into it a bit more for you and then get back to you.

Hope this response has helped form a bit more understanding =)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Thank you LoD!
It is a very religious/spiritual topic, but I've heard stories from people who are, in essence, atheists, who have had these experiences themselves. So I don't think it's exclusive to people who believe in an afterlife or a higher entity or whathaveyou.

I'm really curious about this, because I don't believe in it. I mean I'm a religious nut, but having the power to leave your body just sounds odd to me. I do believe in demons/ghosts, and I was told that if you astral project, you leave an open vessel behind. So what happens if a demon decides to put you on? I doubt it's a matter of simply kicking them out, and they're likely to damage your body beyond repair before leaving it anyway (just going on the whole 'possessed' thing).

I mean, if you believe in astral projection, then you'd have to believe in reincarnation as well, wouldn't you? People having memories from past lives? I've met a couple of people who claim to be old souls, albeit I think one just wants to believe their special. The other one who miiiight be legit or maybe just downright creepy says that they know me from another time (but he's not very forthcoming in telling me when/how/why/whut? o_O) I was told by this person that I'm apparently very good at projecting but I'm even better at keeping myself grounded, so apparently I don't do it that often, and apparently the 'dreams' I have that turn out to be warnings of some kind of what is to come are actually predictions I receive from astral beings, like the first earthquake that hit Christchurch last year, and when I go to places and think I have dejavu, apparently are places that I've visited when I've projected. Oh, and apparently, when you get a strong sense that you've known someone all your life upon first meeting them, it's because you have known them before in a past life.

It all sounds too 'out there' for me. I mean if people are being reincarnated over and over again and again, does that mean God only created a certain amount of souls and we're all being recycled over and over? If this is the case, then why do some people believe in God and not others? Wouldn't everyone at some point or another have believed in God, if they've been around since the 'beginning'? Why wouldn't that belief stick, considering we're talking about spiritual deeds here?

I believe there IS an astral plane between heaven and earth, because in the Bible somewhere it says that there is a place where all spirits go to await the final judgement. But being given the ability to leave your body to go into that astral plane? What is the point in doing that? Why would we be allowed to do that? What purpose does that serve? I also believe that earth IS hell in the afterlife. I mean when you die, you hope you're going to a better place, so it's got to be a hellish experience to wake up and realise YOU'RE STILL HERE. I also believe that the world will be purified by the hand of God one day, eg. He will cast all the bad chops into the eternal fire. To de-romanticise it, the sun is going to grill the earth and turn it into a ball of fire, and all the bad souls are going to get dumped out of the astral plane into the fire. That's just my theory and my way of trying to figure out how it's going to work. The rest of the souls are going to get bounced up into heaven.

So... yeah. I don't know if I believe one can actually project ones soul from the body. Mostly because I don't see why we would be given the choice to do so. I don't understand it, and if I can't understand it I can't believe it, so I'm just trying to make sense of it.

As for sleep paralysis - been there, done that, got the mug, T-shirt, poster and badge. Very terrifying, no matter how many times it happens, the terror is new and fresh and intense every time. Then again if you make it a habit to sleep on your side instead of on your back, you cut your chances of experiencing it again by 70%. There's still that 30% chance of it occuring, so I make it a habit to sleep on my stomach (and with the light on, aye!) I never used to hallucinate during an episode though. I've felt things, sure, but never seen anything. I did have hallucinations at night and sometimes during the day, though (undiagnosed PNP, but that's totally off topic).


Well-known Member
As for sleep paralysis - been there, done that, got the mug, T-shirt, poster and badge. Very terrifying, no matter how many times it happens, the terror is new and fresh and intense every time. Then again if you make it a habit to sleep on your side instead of on your back, you cut your chances of experiencing it again by 70%. There's still that 30% chance of it occuring, so I make it a habit to sleep on my stomach (and with the light on, aye!) I never used to hallucinate during an episode though. I've felt things, sure, but never seen anything. I did have hallucinations at night and sometimes during the day, though (undiagnosed PNP, but that's totally off topic).
I usually sleep on my side/stomach. It happened to me again early this year even though I was on my side. -_-
Still, I'm to afraid to sleep on my stomach. Severe Anxiety + Sleep Paralysis = Bad Combination.
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