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A Roleplay Proposition. (For anyone interested in a VERY in depth, complex RP.)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Alright, I want to put forward a proposition for a roleplay, however, before I make the thread I want to post here to see if it attracts any interest, I don't want to be wasting my time on creating some massively in depth and EXTREMELY complex roleplay, only to have it fall flat.

The roleplay will be based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series of games, in particular, near the events of Shadow of Chernobyl, however, it will have nothing to do with the main plot line of the games.

For those who are unaware, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series of games are entirely free roam first person shooters incorporating some RPG elements, essentially it works in an alternate-reality timeline where a second disaster takes place at the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor near Pripyat, in the Ukraine.

The second disaster basically causes all manner of changes to occur in the environment, mutations take place in local wildlife, animals turn into hideous monsters, dangerous anomalies are formed which possess certain lethal effects, the terrain in the area shifts, it becomes quite desolate and some areas are highly radioactive.

This area is known as "The Zone", the disaster killed the vast majority of people inhabiting The Zone, however, years after, people from the outside ventured into The Zone to seek out money, valuable artefacts created by the anomalies and scientific information.

The anomalies mentioned earlier are highly dangerous, they are essentially small, pocketed areas of altered physics, each having different effects that are triggered when a person or animal comes into close proximity with them. For instance, there are anomalies which set off massive electrical charges when triggered, create intense tornadoes and even alter the passage of time inside them.

The anomalies are very difficult to see visibly, however, everyone involved in this roleplay will possess an anomaly detector, which creates an intermittent, high pitched noise when you come into close proximity with one. The anomalies do produce visible distortion to the air and light around them, and can be triggered by throwing objects into them too.

These anomalies have the ability to create "artefacts", these artefacts are one of the major reasons as to why people have ventured into The Zone, they provide benefits, ranging from increasing endurance, reducing a person's rate of bleeding, increasing strength, speed, resistance to radiation, overall health and so on. They are very valuable items, very powerful and very dangerous in the wrong hands.

Everyone comes equipped with a Geiger counter too, to detect radiation.

There are three main factions within this roleplay, one of which your character MUST join, they are as follows, Duty, Freedom and the Loners.

Duty features mainly of a band of military or ex-military personnel and Stalkers who believe that The Zone is a blight on the face of the Earth, Duty's primary goal is to close off The Zone from all external access and eventually wipe it out of existance, they currently do this by destroying mutants and killing anyone who who openly opposes them, they are neutral to all factions, bar bandits and their long time rivals, the Freedom faction.
Due to their military background, they have deep connections with Spetsnaz and the KGB, they are the most heavily armoured and hold the biggest guns of the lot, their home of operations is Rostok, a small town located in the middle of The Zone, acting as a checkpoint.
The 100 Rads bar in Rostok acts as their base of operations, their primary trader is located there, known only as "Barkeep", it is from here that all Duty members will obtain their equipment.

Next there is Freedom, Freedom are a group of anarchists, daredevils and other Stalkers who believe that The Zone should be open and available to anyone who dare wishes to enter. They are the polar opposite to Duty and as such, are in constant conflict with them. They are the largest faction in The Zone, but are not as heavily armed or armoured as Duty, their base of operations is located among the Army Warehouses, located in the northern area of The Zone, just above Rostok, it was abandoned by the Ukraine Military after the second incident, it is from here that Freedom obtain most of their equipment, ammo is plentiful, as are weapons and armour.
Their trader, Skinflint, is where all members of Freedom will obtain their equipment from.

Finally there are the Loners, essentially the Loners are a neutral group of Stalkers who live off The Zone to earn money for their daily lives, they are neutral with all factions, bar the Bandits whom they openly oppose for preying on free Stalkers, they have no strong beliefs about how The Zone should be treated.
Loners are the worst off for armour and weapons, though are often given the most opportunities for very lucrative, but dangerous contracts.
Their base of operations is located in The Cordon, a village to the south of Rostok.
Their primary trader, Sidorovich, is where all Loners will get their weapons and equipment from.

Now, if you choose to join either Duty or Freedom, you are STUCK with your choice, if you are a Loner however, you are free to join either Duty or Freedom at a time of your choosing, to do so however you must battle your way to either faction's respective headquarters, before taking up a contract offered to you by their leader. After this contract is completed, you will be a member of your chosen faction and granted the basic starting equipment of that faction.

The plot will largely involve Duty and Freedom, each faction are attempting to reach the "Wish Granter", whilst in the games it's nature is much more sinister, for the sake of this RP, it does what it says on the tin.
How the plot goes will determine which faction reaches the Wish Granter first, it is the goal of the Freedom faction to reach the Wish Granter and request that Duty be eradicated and that The Zone will be open to all, whereas the goal of the Duty faction is quite the opposite, players of the Duty faction will request that not only will Freedom be eradicated, but the entire Zone itself.

Now, that's not all however, faction members will be granted contracts, opportunities to carry out missions for their factions, or for customers interested in their services, these contracts will be decided and outlined by me, three sticky threads will be opened, each dedicated to contracts for one faction, it is here you will find the contracts, including details, who it's from and rewards upon completion.

You will have two choices of contract, each contract will remain available for one day, the types of contract are as follows.

Type 1: Faction contracts.
Faction contracts are, as the name suggests, contracts issued by your faction, the payouts are usually very low, however, each successfully completed faction contract increases your faction's hold on The Zone, getting them closer to discovering the location of the Wish Granter.

Type 2: Anonymous/Mercenary contracts.
These are contracts that benefit your character the most, they range from simple fetch quests to assassination missions, monster hunting and everything else in between. The payouts for these contracts are the highest, rewards can range from huge amounts of cash, to armour and weapons or valuable artefacts, however, completing them will not get your faction any closer to finding the Wish Granter.

How I will calculate which faction wins is like this, whichever faction completes the most Faction Contracts in an as of yet undecided amount of time will be granted the location of the Wish Granter, only I will know it's location, and at the end of that time frame I will PM the location to the winning faction's leader.

Okay, I know it's long, but read it and tell me if you're interested, I REALLY want this to happen.
This is the meat of the RP, but there are some finer details to add should people show enough interest.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Dude! How long was this plotting in your head?
Count me in :cool:
I call a spot in the Duty faction. I'm fed up with being evil at the moment. I wanna see what it's like on the other side.

Angelo Credo;214112 said:
How I will calculate which faction wins is like this, whichever faction completes the most Faction Contracts in an as of yet undecided amount of time will be granted the location of the Wish Granter, only I will know it's location, and at the end of that time frame I will PM

*hands over keg and mother of a sandwich* Tell me the location. C'mon, I won't tell you told ;) JK


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Duty, all the way. Not because they're evil, but they seem to be doing the right thing. I don't see what's so evil about them. Besides, having the biggest guns is always a plus.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
DreadnoughtDT;214182 said:
Duty, all the way. Not because they're evil, but they seem to be doing the right thing. I don't see what's so evil about them. Besides, having the biggest guns is always a plus.

clairavance;214147 said:
Dude! How long was this plotting in your head?
Count me in :cool:
I call a spot in the Duty faction. I'm fed up with being evil at the moment. I wanna see what it's like on the other side.

*hands over keg and mother of a sandwich* Tell me the location. C'mon, I won't tell you told ;) JK

No faction is necessarily good or evil, it could be argued that morally, Freedom have the high ground, wanting free access to the wealth and scientific marvels of the Zone available for everyone, though the same can be said for Duty, wanting to protect the world from the sheer horror that the Zone can be unleashed, all in all, they're both "good" in their own way, neither are particularly evil, but both factions WILL do whatever they have to in order to accomplish their aims.

Also, I only thought of this last night, funny how huge ideas come to me when insomnia strikes at 5am. :p

Vergil'sB*tch;214178 said:
I gotta pass on it...

I've sent you a message about it Credo.

Yep, no problem, though if you get time to join I'd love to have you on board.


Also, before we can actually begin, I need at least one or two people allied to Freedom, the Loners I'm not so concerned about because the plot isn't focused so much on them, Loners are for people who are unsure about which faction they want to join just yet, which is why they can make the decision later if they join them.

I do plan on being the acting as the Duty leader, but if too much interest in Duty is displayed, I may have to go for Freedom instead, which is fine by me, because Freedom are the sniping dicks of the Zone. :p

I'll also be acting the roles of each faction's trader, unless people want to take those roles too.

Still, glad there's a decent amount of interest here, I know Incomplete Dani is interested too.

EDIT: I'm going to leave this thread open for about two days or so before I actually do kick off the RP, I've already got the opening scene ready however, so if enough interest is shown in both factions, I'll start sooner.

DOUBLE EDIT: Also, I know it seems like a silly request, but to be involved in this RP I do expect you to have a decent grasp on grammar, that is, punctuation, capitalisation, correct spelling etc. Truth be told I'm a little bit of a grammar nazi, and one of the few things that puts me off roleplaying is when people's ability to formulate coherent sentences get flushed down the toilet. I will forgive mistakes in spelling, but please, try the best you can.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
As I said, neither are particularly good or evil, each have their own motivations and own reasons for doing what they're doing, both are doing what they think is right.

Also, I shan't be handing out names, one of the requirements when I open the RP is for you to submit a character bio, so go nuts. :p

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Angelo Credo;214188 said:
Also, I know it seems like a silly request, but to be involved in this RP I do expect you to have a decent grasp on grammar, that is, punctuation, capitalisation, correct spelling etc. Truth be told I'm a little bit of a grammar nazi, and one of the few things that puts me off roleplaying is when people's ability to formulate coherent sentences get flushed down the toilet. I will forgive mistakes in spelling, but please, try the best you can.

Well i will try to spell, and use punctuaton the best i can.

Another question, will you decide if the characters get artifacts.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Thanks, again I know it seems like a silly request, but I appreciate it. :p
Also, no, it works precisely like a regular RP, I just dish out contracts etc, when I open the thread I'll give you a comprehensive list of artefacts that you can discover, they're created by anomalies, as such, they're likely to be found near them.

In the actual games the ratio tends to go like this, you'll often find a staggering amount of very common, yet cheap artefacts lying around, which fetch you around £650 on every outing, you'll find more valuable ones usually every two or three trips out into the Zone and the rarest ones can takes up to 10 trips out before you find anything.

You can sell any artefacts you get for money too.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
HQQR - Solid;214286 said:
This sounds very interesting actually. I think i'll want to be a loner. The neutral spots always catch my eye.

This. Loners for the ****ing win! \m/

Like I said, and you said, I'm 100% in. But I don't think I'm going to be here when the RP starts up, though, since I have an overnight field trip with my choir and band tomorrow and Tuesday.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I'm glad there's a decent amount of interest in this, seriously, it's great, all the people I was after have expressed an interest in joining which just makes my day really, as sad as it sounds. :p

And Dani, no problem, you can drop in when you get time, we may have to start without you because, well, Wednesday is my 18th, from then until Friday I'm basically going to be off my face wasted, so I'll be in no condition to post. :lol:

But yeah, do feel free to drop in when you like.


Super Penguin Number 2
I like the idea that both factions have, though I have no interest in starting as a Loner. I think I'll join Freedom due to the massive amount of people already in Duty. I've never played the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series of games, but this sounds interesting. More so than Fallout 3 anyway. That game is too slow. First two were better.

But yeah...I'll be Freedom. Just...I know I might sound kinda of selfish/jump-a-headish...but would it be okay for my character to start out with a decent set of armor and perhaps a burst rifle with a scope of some sort? Tis all I ask. If it's too much, I understand x3

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
That's fine, however, if that's the case then you'll be a test subject for a new idea I'm implementing.

As of now, there are several members in Duty and a number in Freedom, these members will make up a part of a strike team, if you want to start off with decent, mid range equipment then you'll be in charge of that strike team for the first mission, you'll have to take responsibility for the issuing of orders, gathering up your team etc.

We'll see how it goes, my character is Duty and is a higher ranking official, he has a solid weapon and decent armour, so if you're willing to play the role of a higher ranking Freedom official, then it's fine to go for that sort of equipment.

Everyone else is acting as a new recruit to the factions, as such, they'll start with basic equipment, they'll get a choice out of starting gear which I'll post in the character biography thread, however, in time, you can upgrade your equipment as you see fit.

This is, however, dependant on the fact that any other members of Freedom are okay with you acting as the strike team leader.

Also, I have the first contracts written up for each faction, they're Faction Contracts only however, this is because I want you to get a feel of what it's like to be working for the benefit of your faction, to help them win the war before giving you the chance to strike off on your own.

After you've done the first faction contract, I'll start writing up Mercenary contracts.


Super Penguin Number 2
Alrighty. You hear that other Freedom guys and gals. >>
>>' Vote for Pedro...er...me XD
If you do, I promise to send all of my monies to the Nursing Home down the road -snicker snicker lie snicker- ^^'
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