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A question concerning the existence of ghosts


Well-known Member
If people can come back as ghosts, then why aren't all serial killers across the world being tormented and/or killed by the ghosts of their victims?

Of course this only applies depending on how often you believe people turn into ghosts and how dangerous you believe them to be.

Any explanations?
(I'm only using serial killers as a single example, of course military soldiers, or mercenaries could apply as well.)


Well-known Member
I'd say ghosts are real but are different than those fictional cartoon caricatures; Reading about ghosts in ancient Egyptian culture would be a good idea.


Well-known Member
I have a feeling (If they were/are real) that they probably cant physically touch things in our world, so completely intangible.
Pretty good, but if you know anything about emotional abuse you'd know that you don't need to lay a finger on someone to seriously screw with their head.

I'd say ghosts are real but are different than those fictional cartoon caricatures; Reading about ghosts in ancient Egyptian culture would be a good idea.
But in Egyptian culture there is a type of ghost called an "Akh" which can torment living people in various ways.


the devil is not as black as he painted
i believe they're real, but on a different plane than us and i also believe you could connect with them if you suggestively open yourself to them, i don't know if it's our mind playing or not, but once you start to really open yourself you could connect..

i've done that, i hung around with these supernatural nutjobs, talking bout each of us has a guardian angel, seeing them talking to ghosts, dancing with ghosts moving them, and it didn't took long for me to experience ****s daily.. then i stopped hanging with them and suggestively thought them peoples supernatural bubs are weirdos.. it stopped..


Well-known Member
Don't ghosts of killed people usually hang out at the place where they were killed? That's why we have stories of haunted houses and such. If that's the case, they can't really torment a killer if he or she ain't at the scene of the crime anymore.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Serial killers aren't haunted by the ghosts of their victims because when they kill someone that area becomes emotionally charged. The victim's ghost is attached to that area and either doesn't know or is completely unaware that they've died.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Al Capone was tormented by the ghosts of the guys who were killed by his order in Valentine's day. If killers are tormented or not, it isn't well documented.
It doesn't help people usually lie about his experiences and parapsychology is seen under a bad light.


Elite Hunter
There was an old woman serial killer in a town near to the one I live who made soap and food out of the bodies of their victims. When brought to court, she said that the ghosts of the people she killed haunted her.

She always killed in her house, yet she said that those ghosts followed her anywhere she went.

But she was just crazy. Even for serial killers' standards. Which sane person turns their victim into soap? I can understand food, cause cannibalism (which is not necessarily connected to madness), but soap, man.


Well-known Member
There was an old woman serial killer in a town near to the one I live who made soap and food out of the bodies of their victims. When brought to court, she said that the ghosts of the people she killed haunted her.

She always killed in her house, yet she said that those ghosts followed her anywhere she went.

But she was just crazy. Even for serial killers' standards. Which sane person turns their victim into soap? I can understand food, cause cannibalism (which is not necessarily connected to madness), but soap, man.

I read about her, she was always mentally unstable, but death of most of her children and fear she will lose the remaining four was the final straw. She started killing cause something in her mind told her she needed to sacrifice people to save her eldest son from dying on the battlefield.
She lived in times of WWII, when soap wasn't some cheap thing you get in the store. In fact, if I recall right it was one of very popular gifts. And turning bodies into cookies and soap, while certainly crazy, was also a very efficient way to get rid of them.


Well-known Member
Pretty good, but if you know anything about emotional abuse you'd know that you don't need to lay a finger on someone to seriously screw with their head.

But in Egyptian culture there is a type of ghost called an "Akh" which can torment living people in various ways.

Oh yeah trust me I know, but if they are completely intangible in this world there isn't much they could do anyway I don't think, unless they have special ghost powers which allows them to make sounds, communicate telepathically, or maybe get into peoples heads and mess with them mentally ala Ginjutsu lol


Well-known Member
Its believed that Ghosts are one of the explanation of Déjà vu.

And its also believed that many of these sightings could have an even more exotic explanation: parallel worlds bleeding into one another. A ghost, a specter, the haunting visage of the deceased — perhaps this person is alive and well in another world, and you’ve simply caught a glimpse into their universe.


Well-known Member
Alright, so most of you have pretty thoroughly answered my question; and you've also brought up something I hadn't considered.

Serial Killers are usually not very sound of mind, so even if they do claim to have seen ghosts haunting them, it's hard tell if it's genuine or just them being crazy.


Fake Geek Girl.
Because the ghost are too shy.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Maybe because serial killers aren't sound of mind to start off with? So they can't tell the difference between what is right and what is wrong, or what is real or what is in their head. Take, for example, the many killers who claim that 'voices' tell them to kill. Or the disconnected killers who kill because of the compulsion they have to do so without remorse. I can't see how they would be bothered by the ghosts of their victims if they have no guilty conscience.

The mind is the most powerful thing in the human body. It's amazing what it can do. I've heard of people seeing or hearing a person who had just passed away, with or without them knowing of the passing. So it's not a far fetch for serial killers who develop a conscience after a while to be 'haunted' by their victims.

I guess on a more spiritual/religious note, you'd have to be open or sensitive to experiences with ghosts. If your mind is in a different place, you're not going to see anything. Which makes it sound like you're simply tricking yourself into seeing or hearing things, which may or may not be the case. There's still so much about the mind that we don't know, so you never know.

Out of curiosity, does anybody know if any serial killers that have been caught and interviewed ever admitted to being haunted by their victims? I've watched quite a few documentaries on serial killers and most of them are convinced that they've done nothing worth regretting. I don't think you can be haunted, either literally or figuratively, by something that you feel no shame for.


Well-known Member
Out of curiosity, does anybody know if any serial killers that have been caught and interviewed ever admitted to being haunted by their victims? I've watched quite a few documentaries on serial killers and most of them are convinced that they've done nothing worth regretting. I don't think you can be haunted, either literally or figuratively, by something that you feel no shame for.

I remember watching a documentary about the brain a long time ago. And in that they said that they did scan the brains of a group of serial killers. and they found out that the size of the Serial Killer's Amygdala is really small compared to normal people. The Amygdala's primary role in the processing of memory, decision-making, and emotional reactions.


Crimson Sentinel
I've opened myself to the idea of the existence of ghosts, and been to places where other people said they experienced ghosts, but nothing. Zip. I think people really want to believe ghosts exist, but in the end there's no evidence for it. Most things that mediums ascribe to ghosts can be explained logically. I always wondered why ghosts would show themselves in reflective surfaces, or even shower curtains 'n stuff. It has no apparent logic behind it, no reason why ghosts would do that. Or why they'd feel the need to show themselves if they can't really converse with you. I think cases like that are similar to seeing Jesus's face in a sandwich. People just want to see things, and so they do. The mind's powerful like that, and we already know the mind's biologically programmed to see human shapes and faces.

Another problem is that nobody seems to know what ghosts are or what they can do. Everybody's got a different explanation and some people just make stuff up on the spot and decide ''yup, that's what ghosts do''. It's just not based on evidence, or even logical reasoning many times. Some people say ghosts can move things, others say they can't.

Mediums I've pretty much accepted are full of crap. Nobody has ever passed James Randi's (fair) challenge. If they're psychic, why the need to ask you questions (they should already know the answer) and expect a response to be able to continue? Cold reading and stuff like that has been debunked (or explained I should say) many many times.

On the question, not all serial killers lack empathy. Some just feel that they 'need to' kill. Others simply have negative emotions that overpower their 'positive' ones. Why, no idea. Some kind of chemical imbalance in the brain that causes it, perhaps? I'm no expert on these things. Just saying this whole debate about serial killers not ever being perturbed by the ghosts of their victims... useless. And if they were tormented by ghosts, you think they'd tell people? Or that the people they tell it to care? They're killers. Also, how do you ''develop a conscience''?'If you don't have one by the age of 20 or so, I don't think it's possible for you to 'obtain' one.
In the end nobody even knows if ghosts (if they even exist, for which there is no evidence nor anything that makes it likely) can show themselves to everyone. What if the killer is the only one who can see them? And why is it that ghosts are always seen? Why not just felt? All of this depends on human sight, which is extremely fallible.

I'm more interested in the idea that you can see parts of parallel universes, but then again, why would a few people be able to see it, and like 99,9 % of the earth's population can't? It's all a bit weird. And why would ghosts from parallel universes perhaps look exactly the same as dead relatives, or wear the same clothing style as that of the prime universe? But these are all questions, who knows, maybe it's possible.


Well-known Member
I can't see how they would be bothered by the ghosts of their victims if they have no guilty conscience.
Maybe it was a little unclear, but when I said "haunt", I meant try to scare, possess, kill, or try to mentally break their killer.

I was not suggesting that they would try to guilt-trip the person who murdered them.
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the devil is not as black as he painted
okay screw this, i'll say it, am i the only one always getting distracted with @VampireWicked 's avatar? like everytime i sees her posts.. not that it's a bad thing..

i have a soft spot for distraction
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