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A question about offensive media representation


Fake Geek Girl.
I've seen some people that hate The Big Bang Theory because it portrays nerds and even gamers in a stereotypical loser, non cool way, being a nerd and gamer, I'm not offended at all, I find it funny.
I think the problem with The Big Bang Theory is that it uses what most would consider outdated stereotypes and marketed as a show for nerd culture with the people behind it saying "we're one of you." Thing is, it's clear in the writing that the writers are the infamous fake nerds but to me personally, I saw an episode and didn't really find it all that funny. But that's just me.


Fake Geek Girl.
We live in a world where people take things too seriously and are too ready to get offended. And a lot of it stems from the want to not be like we were in the 1950s but to prove that the times are changing. It's a good thing that the social conscious is thinking this way.

To view the bigger picture and try to improve the world to be more accepting however, they kind of start running in circles when it doesn't come down to what offends them personally but, what others will think of them if they don't try and stop the potentially offensive content. To be politically correct out of fear of what everyone else will think about you when in reality most people honestly don't care and aren't offended.

For example, do you see how many times a white person will step in playing race defender if something offensive is aimed towards a person of another race? In reality I've seen plenty of times when both parties aren't actually offended on any personal level but the white person is playing race defender so they don't get accused of being racist.

That's just an example but I'm sure you've all seen this happen before. I'm native American but do you see me asking for anyone to defend me if someone insults my race? No because I usually don't care or can handle it myself. And I can also laugh at myself.

It's not a bad thing at all to stand up against the bad things that are truly offensive but, you don't need to freak out about everything that is or potentially offensive. Simply, people need to lighten up and know when that line is actually drawn than thinking it is.

A recent examples is the Redskins controversy. The NFL team the Redskins is going through a bunch of crap because people think the name should be changed because it seems racist. Well, this team has had the name for what, over 50 years now and you're just NOW thinking it needs to be changed? I think a lot of people honestly don't give a crap. I sure as hell don't and I am the race that name is supposed to be offending.

Push for change and the greater good but, don't curl up in a ball freaking out at every fork in the road.
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Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
When it comes to media feminism, I can't really say I care for the argument other than to laugh and eat popcorn. Even when I'm browsing 4chan or Tumblr, I can't see a single decent point either side makes.
First, the feminist side never seems to come across as unbiased or attempting for equality. They always seem to go directly for the idea that women can't be sexualized, yet they have no problem with doing the same to men. It also doesn't help that the community famously is known to use rape accusations willy-nilly. Regardless of whether or not it was rape, sexual harassment (Which IS a charge below physical violation), or just simple flirting that could've been stopped with a simple 'no'. This has formed the modern day feminists stereotype.
At the same time, the anti-feminists really don't bring anything to the table themselves. A lot of the times, they do nothing more than simply ride on the gaping flaws of the feminists argument. Not to mention, they have lived up to getting their own stereotype as a bunch of male supremacists.

Eventually the blatant ignorance of any actual issues is thrown back and forth, to the point where I shrug and just say 'Let's look at the situation before we decide if this was misogyny.'


Well-known Member
It's actually pretty easy to offend me :/
It just takes a lot to make me actually speak out or do something about something I found offensive.


Fake Geek Girl.
When it comes to media feminism, I can't really say I care for the argument other than to laugh and eat popcorn. Even when I'm browsing 4chan or Tumblr, I can't see a single decent point either side makes.
First, the feminist side never seems to come across as unbiased or attempting for equality. They always seem to go directly for the idea that women can't be sexualized, yet they have no problem with doing the same to men. It also doesn't help that the community famously is known to use rape accusations willy-nilly. Regardless of whether or not it was rape, sexual harassment (Which IS a charge below physical violation), or just simple flirting that could've been stopped with a simple 'no'. This has formed the modern day feminists stereotype.
At the same time, the anti-feminists really don't bring anything to the table themselves. A lot of the times, they do nothing more than simply ride on the gaping flaws of the feminists argument. Not to mention, they have lived up to getting their own stereotype as a bunch of male supremacists.

Eventually the blatant ignorance of any actual issues is thrown back and forth, to the point where I shrug and just say 'Let's look at the situation before we decide if this was misogyny.'
There's a fine line between feminism and just blatant idiotic and hateful sexism.

The people who call themselves feminist and think women are better than men, are sexist and stupid.

If you believe in equality for females, that makes you a feminist.
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