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A nice change


Is not rat, is hamster
It's taken almost 12 months but I have to say there is definitely a much more pleasant air about this place than there used to be before I left. Instead of endless "we must be nice to each other" threads which never seem to bear much fruit, most people are dealing with their issues via PMs and VMs like mature adults and there is the minimum of true trolling and flaming going on. With the exception of a small minority, people seem to have gotten more of a handle on their tempers, their ability to respond without attacking one another and on the whole it's been quite pleasant returning, in however limited a capacity that may be, to a forum which (prior to the circumstances which caused me to head off in the first place) is important to me.

I guess what I'm saying is good job guys. Dark Drakan, Angelo Credo and Keaton (when he's available despite so many demands on his time) are easily proof that you pick good staff members who can not only keep things on the level but are obviously accessible enough that you all feel you can speak to them about whatever is getting to you and ask how to deal with things.

It won't mean much coming from me, but I'm genuinely impressed at the positive progression over the last year. Keep it up - you'll need all your patience when DmC does eventually get released and the real fan wars start ;)

So yeah - thanks guys. Coming back hasn't been anywhere near as unpleasant as I was anticipating. I appreciate that.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Hey, if we can make this place an even more pleasant environment than it is now, you can bet we're gonna try. ^_^


Well-known Member
Oh no, Ms. Angel. See we were only behaving to try and get you back, but now that you are we're gonna all go crazy again. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Just kidding! XD Happy to see you're back. I missed you so much! ;)


Oldschool DMC fan
It's been pretty quiet lately.

Although quite a few people have just... left. Including some I talked to...


Is not rat, is hamster
Although quite a few people have just... left. Including some I talked to...
Hopefully those people may well return - it kind of bobs up and down, the whole forum attendance thing, depending on what's happening. It's good to see some regulars have stuck it out though and stayed.

I'm not necessarily back properly, what with a baby making an appearance in the next few days, but in order to get certain things done (and to let the proper staff get on with the things that actually matter) I had to reinstate the admin role to gain access to everything in the CP. But I just thought it might be nice to say that things are looking up around here...last September it was getting pretty nasty across the DmC board in particular and I know a lot of people were struggling with certain things being said, so to come back and see far less of that sort of thing is something worth commending everyone on. Like I said, it doesn't mean much coming from me but I mean it nonetheless.


Dante enthusiast!
I think we all deserve some party rings....

*Ebs hands out party rings to everyone*

Also has it been a year? :(


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
People come and people go, no big deal and everyone is free to return at any point. Unless they are banned and then they are chained down a pit and whipped with barbed wire hourly for eternity.

Remind me never to get on the wrong side of you ;)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
People come and people go, no big deal and everyone is free to return at any point. Unless they are banned and then they are chained down a pit and whipped with barbed wire hourly for eternity.
That sounds awesome! *wants to be a mod now*

On a serious note, I'm one of the members who need to check my behaviour on here lately.
Good to see you around the forum again Angel ^_^


Entertain me.
remember the end of terminator 2?
they just killed the T-1000 by shotgunning it over the rail and into a pit of molten metal to become part of a building foundation. to stop the terminators from being built, they destroy <likeable family oriented black man>'s research so he would not create the terminator technology. the governator turns to young John Connor and points to his head and states "but one chip still remains". the movie ends both tearful and badass as they lower the robot who has been taught to bump fists into the lava to prolong judgement day that much longer....

need i say more? you staff know what to do. in order for all to be well, lower me into a pit of molten metal...or ban me...or don't. but it'll mean the end of the world.

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