I thought I'd give a more detailed writing as to why I love DMC2 as I am not really satisfied with my previous post. I'll delete my previous post if this is a problem with the mods to avoid repetition
When playing this game, I think it's better to have the mind of a Devil May Cry player from 2003 and not to compare it to 3, 4 & 5. DMC2 made an insane amount of improvements that we take for granted today. I will not be talking about the negatives because that has been done to death already.
1 ) Mission select - Did you ever get frustrated because you noticed you missed a blue orb fragment, forgot a secret mission, or simply want to replay your favourite bosses? DMC2 fixes this by giving us the ability to select whatever mission we feel like doing.
2 ) Weapon switching - Air combos have a lot more potential because of this and if you watch DMC2 combo mads you see how well it is utilised. Kamiya wanted to do this with DMC1, but was unable to get around hardware limitations at the time.
3 ) Air combo ability - Dante and Lucia have a lot of air combos that many people look over. If you're good enough and know the technique, you can (no joke) do infinite air combos with melee weapons and if you're feeling daring even mix those with your guns. Both Dante and Lucia have a lot of air combat options. DMC1 had *some* air combat abilities, but it was far less present compared to DMC2. The game controls are smoother than the original, even if certain moves have too much recovery time.
4 ) Cool moves that would later return in DMC3 - Rainstorm, Twosome Time, Fireworks, Wall running, Quicksilver is improved upon too.
5 ) Majin form - The hidden moves it has are awesome, and even if you only use the standard attacks whether that be melee or shooting fireballs, it's epic and powerful. While the requirement is a bit odd, it's still cool, and he's so strong and cool we don't even notice he looks like a bug lol. Here's the complete AWESOME moveset (SKIP TO 4:23)
6 ) Additional Characters - Playing as Trish makes the game feel like a DMC1 DLC to me. She has Dante's moveset, with some improvements. Roundtrip especially is much better. Her gameplay is pretty awesome, and I like that you can place Sparda on the ground by holding triangle and L2 and then releasing. Trish will then do punching and kicks and you can recall Sparda whenever you want. Placing Sparda on the ground can also do damage to enemies so it's a great way to begin a combo Lucia's gameplay is actually pretty cool too and fun IF you learn her moves. If you don't, she will feel pretty clunky, but if you learn all of her moves and tech you'll have a much better time. I'd rather play as Lucia than V anyday.
7 ) Bloody Palace - While done better in later games, it's a nice addition. Stage 9999 is a boss and once you beat that stage, you'll be on a continuous boss rush that sometimes gets crazy. For example, you'll fight two phantoms at once, three bolverks (sometimes without those annoying dogs!) , five despair embodied's etc. This kind of thing wasn't really possible until the ability to replay whatever BP stage you want to in DMC5.
8 ) DT customization - While not very elaborated on, it is interesting, and is something I'd like to see in future games. There are so many different amulet ideas I have that I'd love to see in a future game.
9 ) The game DID have difficulty - Too easy at times yes, but I'd like to see someone who makes the claim that it is too easy to beat Trismagia on DMD without items.
10 ) This is more subjective, but I also give credit to the environments - Abandoned villages, caves, towns, cities, factory, Arius's tower etc were varied and in my opinion pretty cool. I'd go as far as to say the game is more visually interesting than DMC5.
11 ) Interesting enemy lore - Fun fact: the crack in Bolverks skull is from a fight with Sparda!
12 ) Cool unlockables - There are various costumes for Dante and Lucia, and you can unlock Trish. I love that you can unlock the DMC1 Dante costume after beating DMD as he looks even better wearing it in DMC2 than in DMC1.
I have never understood the hate for Devil May Cry 2. Quite honestly, I am getting tired of hearing the same criticisms 1829374293847 times when many of those criticisms are either false, the players fault, or over-exaggerated. For example, the criticism of how boring it is because you can just spam guns, why expect to have a good time if you purposely play in a boring way? I can see someone saying it's mediocre maybe, but bad? Absolutely not. A bad game is something like those clunky poorly made PS1/PS2 games that were made purely for money and based on crappy movies and I'd say DMC2 is far from that.
Please watch this two minute DMC2 combo video, it's awesome!
When playing this game, I think it's better to have the mind of a Devil May Cry player from 2003 and not to compare it to 3, 4 & 5. DMC2 made an insane amount of improvements that we take for granted today. I will not be talking about the negatives because that has been done to death already.
1 ) Mission select - Did you ever get frustrated because you noticed you missed a blue orb fragment, forgot a secret mission, or simply want to replay your favourite bosses? DMC2 fixes this by giving us the ability to select whatever mission we feel like doing.
2 ) Weapon switching - Air combos have a lot more potential because of this and if you watch DMC2 combo mads you see how well it is utilised. Kamiya wanted to do this with DMC1, but was unable to get around hardware limitations at the time.
3 ) Air combo ability - Dante and Lucia have a lot of air combos that many people look over. If you're good enough and know the technique, you can (no joke) do infinite air combos with melee weapons and if you're feeling daring even mix those with your guns. Both Dante and Lucia have a lot of air combat options. DMC1 had *some* air combat abilities, but it was far less present compared to DMC2. The game controls are smoother than the original, even if certain moves have too much recovery time.
4 ) Cool moves that would later return in DMC3 - Rainstorm, Twosome Time, Fireworks, Wall running, Quicksilver is improved upon too.
5 ) Majin form - The hidden moves it has are awesome, and even if you only use the standard attacks whether that be melee or shooting fireballs, it's epic and powerful. While the requirement is a bit odd, it's still cool, and he's so strong and cool we don't even notice he looks like a bug lol. Here's the complete AWESOME moveset (SKIP TO 4:23)
6 ) Additional Characters - Playing as Trish makes the game feel like a DMC1 DLC to me. She has Dante's moveset, with some improvements. Roundtrip especially is much better. Her gameplay is pretty awesome, and I like that you can place Sparda on the ground by holding triangle and L2 and then releasing. Trish will then do punching and kicks and you can recall Sparda whenever you want. Placing Sparda on the ground can also do damage to enemies so it's a great way to begin a combo Lucia's gameplay is actually pretty cool too and fun IF you learn her moves. If you don't, she will feel pretty clunky, but if you learn all of her moves and tech you'll have a much better time. I'd rather play as Lucia than V anyday.
7 ) Bloody Palace - While done better in later games, it's a nice addition. Stage 9999 is a boss and once you beat that stage, you'll be on a continuous boss rush that sometimes gets crazy. For example, you'll fight two phantoms at once, three bolverks (sometimes without those annoying dogs!) , five despair embodied's etc. This kind of thing wasn't really possible until the ability to replay whatever BP stage you want to in DMC5.
8 ) DT customization - While not very elaborated on, it is interesting, and is something I'd like to see in future games. There are so many different amulet ideas I have that I'd love to see in a future game.
9 ) The game DID have difficulty - Too easy at times yes, but I'd like to see someone who makes the claim that it is too easy to beat Trismagia on DMD without items.
10 ) This is more subjective, but I also give credit to the environments - Abandoned villages, caves, towns, cities, factory, Arius's tower etc were varied and in my opinion pretty cool. I'd go as far as to say the game is more visually interesting than DMC5.
11 ) Interesting enemy lore - Fun fact: the crack in Bolverks skull is from a fight with Sparda!
12 ) Cool unlockables - There are various costumes for Dante and Lucia, and you can unlock Trish. I love that you can unlock the DMC1 Dante costume after beating DMD as he looks even better wearing it in DMC2 than in DMC1.
I have never understood the hate for Devil May Cry 2. Quite honestly, I am getting tired of hearing the same criticisms 1829374293847 times when many of those criticisms are either false, the players fault, or over-exaggerated. For example, the criticism of how boring it is because you can just spam guns, why expect to have a good time if you purposely play in a boring way? I can see someone saying it's mediocre maybe, but bad? Absolutely not. A bad game is something like those clunky poorly made PS1/PS2 games that were made purely for money and based on crappy movies and I'd say DMC2 is far from that.
Please watch this two minute DMC2 combo video, it's awesome!