From what I've seen, the only men who are willing support women without a job are the 50 something year old dinosaur business men my dad calls friends. They live in the 1950's and think it's some kind of power dynamic where the women should be expected to look after a man, the house and children and hate their women working because it makes them feel useless. Bunch of sad and pathetic old men living in the past.I don't know if this has been said, but what about the percentage of men that won't date a woman out of work?
These are bad times for economics and industry so everyone faces the prospect of not having a job.
Are these women saying that, if their man had become unemployed because he's been made redundant through no fault of his own, they'd dump him? It's a tad unfair... kick a man when he's down.
Personally, if you love someone enough, you'd take them for who they are (as the marriage vows say 'for richer, for poorer').
And I've also learnt that you shouldn't rely on someone for financial support (especially in a relationship). I can't explain why (it's too complicated), but I have experience with that sort of 'predicament' (Not first hand, but I see it everyday).
The guys I know who are my age want a woman to work, but said that if their wife/ long time partner was made unemployed, they'd stick with her as long as she was trying to find work again. Most guys I know my age don't want a woman to stay home while they do all the work. It's also because they see their women as being able to achieve more than just staying at home; they want their women to have a social life, financial dependence and intellectual stimulation. Some even want their wives to be their business partners.
It creates a more equal partnership that way instead of one person keeping the other. Just makes me think of house pets. Plus, one partner will always have power over the other because they make the money.
I really do agree if you love someone, you should stick by them. But all too often, I see men ditching their wives for younger women and women ditching their men for richer ones, or another woman. Pretty messed up, especially with children involved. The again, these marriages were built on a woman using a man as a meal ticket and a man looking for a submissive house slave with no ambition or self esteem.
As for why so many children are abused by women, my main guess would be that they're not mentally stable women. None of the women in my family have been abusive. And having children does mess with a woman's state of mind. If she has too many, too close together, it could cause some major health problems. If she was mentally unstable in the first place, having kids can make it worse. Pregnancy changes hormone levels and basically any chemical released in the brain. At times like that, even common sense is beyond a woman's thinking. Another reason why I believe in maternal instinct is because, even though I really don't like kids, if I hear a baby crying my main instinct is to calm it down. I hate to admit it, but I do have a strong maternal instinct. Despite that, I don't think I'd make a good mother. The instinct doesn't determine how good a mother a woman will be, anyway.
Some of the abuse cases I've heard of built up as a result of the woman just not being able to cope over many months or years. This case pretty much corroborates what you're saying.
There was this one family who kept having kid after kid because their religion told them to. The doctor even advised the husband to stop having children, but he didn't listen. The wife became totally overwhelmed and started thinking the devil was going to get her children. So she drowned them all in a bath to send them to Jesus quicker.
In the case of that woman, she killed her children out of a twisted sense of love.
I don't know if she was unstable before, but having so many children in such a short amount of time either brought on her psychosis or made an existing problem worse. Either way, the children paid for it.
I wish there was some kind of test to determine which women will get depressed or just go nuts like that. At least then if women can be identified as being more prone, then they can get help prior to pregnancy, during and after. It would save her and the child a lot of problems.
Having said that, some women are totally fine, then as soon as they have a baby, they get seriously depressed and suicidal. I don't know why women do it when that's the end result. I guess they're hoping it won't happen to them or something. It seems to be worse for women who had careers before the baby came along.
I have a friend who was totally fine, no mental illness at all until the baby came along. Now she cries on the phone to me about how she regrets having this baby that she really wanted. Even those baby product adverts trigger her because she wishes she could have a happy quite baby and look like those mothers on TV. I just feel like I've lost my friend. She's a shell of the woman I used to know.
It's weird, I really like children and toddlers, I like looking after them, but if I hear a baby cry, it makes me physically angry and I just want it to shut up. I don't like the sound, it hurts my ears, I don't like how red the baby goes and its face just looks plain ugly. I can see why men and women shake their babies when they cry like that non stop. It would be enough to make anyone snap.
It makes me wonder why babies's not a very good survival behaviour in this day and age considering the amount of babies who are shaken to death for crying.