Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
You, sir, deserve 10000 cookies for liking this epic band xD
on topic: Goin in for top 10 here!
10.) Lady Gaga- You and I
9) Bring Me the Horizon - Diamonds Arent Forever
8) Attack! Attack! - Smokahontas
7) The Devil Wears Prada - HTML Rulez Dood
6) Asking Alexandria - Not the American Average
5) Lil Wayne - 6 Foot 7 Foot
4) Slipknot - Butcher's Hook
3) Ramones - Do You Remeber Rock n Roll Radio?
2) Flyleaf- either Bittersweet, Much Like Falling, or Supernatural
1) GREEN DAY - BLLAAAHH! I cant choose >.< I love all of theyre songs!!! But if I gotta choose then its Jesus of Suburbia or Having A Blast ^_^