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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I think I'm not meant to be in relationships :p
Buddy, any kind of relationship whether it be work-related, school friends, church friends, family, romantic takes a lot of effort so you cant back down like this.

i think this is just yu feeling distant so just try getting to know him better before bringing this up. We're not saying ban him from porn but maybe understand why he does it or why you two are so distant.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Well, if this is some kind of relationship issue you're having. Why not try talking to him? You know, simply lay your thoughts out there in the open. Obviously don't try to make him feel bad about it, because he probably has his reasons. But just try to come to some sort of understanding.

At the end of the day, you can either (1) 'Allow' him to continue to watch it, whether that means in some kind of moderation or not, or (2) Don't let him watch it at all. Because if it hurts you that much to know he is/does, then you're within reason to express your upset. I'm sure if the relationship as a whole is completely worth it, he'll respect you enough to stop. (3) Watch it with him or just ask him what 'turns him on' and try to spice things up. No harm in getting a general run down on what turns you both on, and it saves you having to watch any of it at all if it's not your thing to want to try. Those are just some suggestions.

It all comes down to considering each other's feelings. There's absolutely no harm in discussing it like two grown adults, but how you want to handle it is up to you. This is just my advice.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Wait... what?
Mate... are you serious right now? You need to watch more of the pornz. XDDDDD

I've been with him almost 2 years..youd think I'd know him by now but I don't feel that I do. I feel that he hides a lot. He doesn't really talk to me.
Sounds like you've hit the plateau in your relationship.
I mean I don't know the details of your relationship, but maybe you need to do more stuff together that you both enjoy. Reconnect as friends. It makes communication a whole lot easier too when you don't worry yourself over whether this or that will break you up. You're likely to be more open, and so is he.
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