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20 years of Ripping and Tearing!! :D


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Today marks the 20th Anniversary of the all mighty grandfather of the First Person Shooter Genre, the one and only "DOOM" :D

Well yeah, Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein are 2 years older than Doom, but still Doom is THE historic and legendary game that kickstarted the FPS genre to it's dominate state and gave birth to revolutionary FPSs like Duke3D, Quake and Half Life.

The happiest memory I have with Doom was back in primary school when we had this awesome temporary teacher who made us do all fun school work like art and stuff instead of normal boring school work and one day he brought in Doom & Doom 2 for PC, in less than a week the games were installed on every PC in the whole school and everyone was playing it all day and every day whenever we had him teaching us.
I'll never forget those times with Doom :D

Happy Birthday Doom :)

What are your happiest memories with this legendary game?​

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Out of them all I actually liked Doom the least, always played plenty of Quake, Duke and Half Life though.


Fake Geek Girl.
I never played Doom but i'm interested in trying Doom4.
You should get the Doom BFG Edition. It has the classics Doom I and II as well as a better version of Doom 3 with its extra content. It's a pretty badass package and if you've never played Doom before then it's the perfect thing to have to get in on the series.


Oldschool DMC fan
FTW. Still love Doom I and II as much as the first time I played them when the graphics were 'so good'. I have to wait in between playing to forget a bit, but yeah.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
I never played Doom but i'm interested in trying Doom4.
I wouldn't get your hopes up for Doom 4, Id Software has restarted development on Doom 4 like 3 times and is still struggling, not to mention that John Carmack, John Romero and Tom Hall(Dooms creators and developers) have left Id and are doing other things now.
Id just doesn't know what to do with Doom anymore, they tried to take it in the modern, gritty, story focused direction but canceled and restarted cause they knew fans would rip and tear it apart, I would too, Doom 3 was good IMO, but a good half of the fanbase did not like it.
If they take it in the classic crowd control direction it'll please the fans but won't do well with critics or even sales to please Id.
So yeah as much as I hate to say it, Id just doesn't have the magic anymore.
But Doom will always be their greatest classic.

If you're gonna play Doom, no don't go for the BFG Edition, it's a bad port and the extra content is not worth it.
Just grab Doom 1 & 2 off Steam and install the Brutal Doom mod, you won't regret that and if you wanna try Doom 3, also grab it off Steam because then you can actually modify the games settings, the BFG Edition is locked to the mediocre settings and can not be changed and that is hell for any true Doom lover.
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