1st N.A. fight makes me worried

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ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ғᴏʀ ғʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍ
Mar 22, 2019
** Concerning mainly mission 4 boss **

Well uhm, actually I have died like 10 times in the 1st Nelo Angelo fight ":D"
I've been hearing something like Nelo Angelo is one of the easiest bosses in DMC1... so I was wondering how worried should I be about the game difficulty compared to my personal level :P Am I doomed? (Well I think I was doomed already when I entered the gaming store and bought the HD coll)

Yeah, I know, he's not THAT hard - fairly easy to dodge and easy to attack with some patience... my biggest problems are the camera angles (take a step and suddenly your up is down and your left is right) and the second phase where you have to jump on the wall. (Don't laugh at me, I am serious about this! Everything's fine when you're just fighting against someone who holds swords and guns and axes and doomsday machines but when it comes to jumping or climbing or running against time, I'm out) I always fail the first attempt, so he starts to fire those energy balls at me while I'm still on ground level and/or slashes me instantly when I get on the top... and when on the top, I keep falling down and eventually lose all my health on the fifth time climbing up, as he is waiting for me on the edge.

Guess it's all about patience and getting to know the controls and mechanics. I was just wondering the overall difficulty.
He has audio cues before he attacks so listen for them , jump behind him to attack his back

When he charges the fireball he can't aim behind him once he has locked on and starts the animation

So he is open to attack

If you wiggle the analogue stick after every 2 sword strikes you can chain a longer combo

And use devil trigger when up close for maximum damage

Even on Dante must die difficulty it's very doable , also after he breaks parry u can dodge and hit him but his swing is wide so watch for that
Yeah, I actually figured out that the audio on this game tells me a lot of things. Like with the Phantom, I didn't really realize that hitting his legs isn't a good choice (I just thought that he takes very little damage in general), but then I paid attention to the "clang"-sound which I heard when hitting the legs and thought that this can't be the only option, the game is trying to tell me something.
Also, in the very beginning the noises those puppets/marionettes make were really useful. But yeah, I need to listen more closely, maybe turn the volume up a bit.

Last time I also learned that if I quickly attack him when he's charging, he's unable to deliver the energy ball and takes damage. Also he is vulnerable when he is resting or catching his breath every now and then.

Thanks for the help! I'll try those things soon. Atm my husband is playing Nioh (watching that gameplay and seeing him die has actually a very soothing effect :D) so I'll have to wait for my turn.
Phantom has a critical hit area by the base of his tail on his back

If you can keep helm breaker hitting that he goes down crazy fast

I won't tell you about other bosses as I don't want to spoil anything

Also I know you are playing dmc1 but the canon order is different so the story will be told to you in an odd way

Games release wise 1 is the first but story wise it's

Yup, got Phantom with a couple hits on his back (with DT). Once I figured out the tactics it was pretty easy.

Damn, I didn't know that about the story! For me the story is pretty much the most important part, so damn... Hm, wondering if I should start DMC 3 and then move back to 1.

Speaking of the story and off topic: I've heard that the DmC (meaning this one) is not related to the story in any way, it's more like a spin-off. Is this correct? (Ofc the answer would be easily found from the web, but I'm trying not to search from Google too much to avoid spoilers.)

Btw, thank you for not telling me about the other bosses! I want to cherish the surprises :D I'll just carefully search the forum for others' strategies if WHEN I have any huge difficulties.
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DmC is a separate universe, it was a reboot attempt that didn't pan out

And dmc1 would have more impact on you if you play 3 first , from a story perspective

As a character in particular in 1 will have a bigger surprise for you

Also 3 is easier lol

If you have any questions after beating the games feel free to ask us

There isn't really much we don't know about the series
There isn't really much we don't know about the series

I have no doubt about that! :D
I decided to start DMC3 and go back to DMC1 when I'm finished. Thank you for the advice!
(I'm gonna miss that epic Nelo Angelo theme tho, I love the music when he's standing on the wall and the camera circles around him and oh boy he's so epic ♥)
Also I know you are playing dmc1 but the canon order is different so the story will be told to you in an odd way

Games release wise 1 is the first but story wise it's


Hello OP, and welcome to the classic that is DMC1 but I'm gonna have to disagree with this gentleman here. Even tho according to the chronological canon DMC3 is a prequel to DMC1, I still humbly suggest playing DMC1 first, because the canon assumes you have knowledge of the events of DMC1 when you are playing 3. That's the best I can put it without going into spoilers.

In other words, knowing what happened in 1 makes 3 a more interesting and full experience.

As for your pickle regarding Nelo Angelo, I can totally understand your position because I remember having the same experience with him when I first played the game 18 years ago, so it's safe to say that there's nothing wrong with your gaming skills hehe.

He's weak at the back, as suggested above, and you might want to avoid rushing him with spam attacks from the front. When he attacks, roll out of the way, and when he's standing straight, jump over him and attack from the back. That's the simplest way to success iirc.

And don't forget to savor it! :)
While i respect with what you said , the end of the third nelo Angelo fight will have a bigger impact after the ending and the secret ending in DMC3

That's why I told her to play 3 first as it also fills in a lot of the gaps 1 doesn't really tell you about

Like the forming of the devil may cry shop and more
Thank you, both of you! So I've been playing DMC3 for now and I actually enjoyed seeing the startpoint of the shop which ef9 o shea mentioned :D so I think I'm gonna stick to that for now, although @BoBo 's got a point there too.
Though I'm not very far with DMC3 yet, like I've said a couple of times I'm so damn ill right now and haven't continued the game for some time. Last time I think I started mission 4.
So I was also wondering if I should play DMC1 and DMC3 in turns, but that might be a very bad idea... I'll just go with the 3 when I'm able to play again.

By the way, it was stated earlier on this thread that DMC3 would be easier. I disagree with you sir! :D But well it's a matter of opinion.
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Stick with 3 til the special ending cutecene at the end

1 will make more sense story wise then for 2 reasons

And mundus will have more backstory from it as well

Will also add in two characters important to the series and Dante's story

1 doesn't cover most of that
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I was going to say, the reason Nelo is easy is because you get so much time to get behind him when he teleports. Just jump behind him and attack.

If you know he's going to perry towards you as soon as you get to the platform on the second stage of the fight then you know it's coming. Just jump.
He heavily telegraphs all his moves too , and you can sword parry him then get behind him as he does his strike and get damage in