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10,000 Discussions!


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
We've hit 10,000 discussions on these forums! Ain't that a milestone or what? Let's all take a moment to reflect on our favorite moments on here. ^_^

For me, my favorite moments have to be anything involving RPing. Those were amazing, and for anyone who wants, yes, I'm still up to it. XD To anyone that hasn't been involved with RPing but is still my friend, hat's off to you, sir or madam, for bein' my friend. ^_^


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
For some point of time I been Inactive on forum or disscusions as having net problems, and now I like to get active here, so for me was been rambling on reeboot of DMC threads and disscusions XD, or other forum games and activities :)

Satsui no Hado

Any memories....if I had to pick one,I'd say the RPs.Only got involved in a few but it was still nice.Other than that,sadly,I don't think I've gotten involved in other events too well.Shame too,you guys throw such crashing forum parties.


Dante enthusiast!
Memories? Hmmm I've enjoyed reading the fanfic, creating sigs for people and avoiding the DmC forum when the game first got announced - remember the mayhem?! ^_^


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I feel so old, being able to say that I was around when the first three threads were created. I still find it hard to believe those were made way back in 2006. I've moved house, gotten married and had kids -- well, technically, the missus has -- since that time. :eek:


Well-known Member
Just realised how much I miss some of the members who have since moved on...
Yeah. :( Only having me and Cheez around must be rough.

I remember when I first joined and was too nervous to say much of anything because I didn't know anyone. When I was about 13-14ish I posted on forums a lot and was seen as the dumb kid that posted too much. So I was worried about posting on a forum again. I have matured quite a bit in the two years I've been here and I think that growth shows in real life, but on here as well.

I remember Aka was one of the first people that started talking to me and I didn't care for him right of the bat. XD Oh how worse it got....

I also remember Ebony was this weird but funny lady with a love for Dante, so I liked her right away. She makes pretty sigs too! :D

DS was this scary smart lady that writes really well. ._.

DT was actually really annoying at first. Oh I thought he was decent enough, but his constant talk about anthros and how awesome his characters are was irritating. Sorry. :p

Annnnnd I remember when we hit 10,000 posts mark in the WAYT thread. I was bummed I wasn't the 10,000 post and Tonks sent me this amazing pic to cheer me up. XD

What else? Well a shout out to Chaos Raiden, LoD, SRS, and SpawnShooter. They are all cool guys. Some of our newer members are great too and I hope they stick around. Here's to 10,000 more discussions!


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
DT was actually really annoying at first. Oh I thought he was decent enough, but his constant talk about anthros and how awesome his characters are was irritating. Sorry. :p

Oh come off it. We both know you were charmed by me. ;)

But really, cut a guy some slack. I was 14 going on 15 at the time I met you! XD

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
I like how it took me two hours to come up with the name I joined with i always have trouble coming up with names.
Shout out to my favorite people here hopefully you know who you are.


Obsessed Green Day Fangirl ^^
10,000 discussion, huh?? Well.......................... THATS OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAND *spazes*!!!!!! *ahem* but yea, thats great!!! I gotta say, meeting such great people and getting to know each them is one of my favorite things but this forum ^_^ Lets all keep the amazigness coming :]

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
I remember i made a lot of threads when i came here :p, lots of members that were active back then, and all the RPing that took place in the forum :).

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014

Favourite moments would be:
* setting the roleplay phenomena in motion - booja! Admittedly I was a bit of a control freak... okay, okay, I still am, but I've learnt to chillax about the small things.
* waking up one morning and logging on to MSN only to be bombarded by a list of my DMC friends going 'have you seen the trailer?!'
* ragging on Twilight. Instant win.
* the writing challenges - I really did enjoy those ^_^ ish good for the soul, yes?
* catching up with BD and Zany on Xbox (still real sorry about my accent guys, totally understand if you were o_O half the time)
* when Xevnas pawned Vergil. I swear. I was sitting there for five minutes staring at the screen like this O.e and thinking 'lol...whut..you can NOT be serious!'
* Angelo Credo's modrage. Every time. It's an epic event =)
* Sparda gone bye-bye ^_^
* ...when I realised that I've actually made some genuine friends here :)


Well-known Member

Favourite moments would be:
* setting the roleplay phenomena in motion - booja! Admittedly I was a bit of a control freak... okay, okay, I still am, but I've learnt to chillax about the small things.
I'm the same way. It's like, I have a set plot that I want to see happen, so when someone tries to change events I'm like :mad:!! I have a feeling a RP between me and you, DS, would consist of the two of us struggling for power....LET'S DO IT! XD


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
Wow, its hard to believe i've been here since 2007. I was actually looking through the old threads recently, and its weird seeing a lot of members that aren't active anymore. I wasn't really an active poster here, thats why my post count is really small compared to others. But i've had a blast being here :). I don't have a fav moment:
meh, all moments here are my favorite
So i'll just say this as well :D


Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
The Original Nicknaming thread..... Those were epic times *sigh* Yeeeeeeeeeah was totally not obnoxious then XD
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