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@tehrugger Well, I was neck-deep preparation for the most exhaustive exam of my life at one point of that year, so close enough. But please...elaborate. What happened in 2016 to make it so bad for you?
@tehrugger Suit yourself. I didn't suffer during 2016...I got my first part-time job, discovered my 2nd favorite anime, passed my hardest college classes, and enjoyed every game I was looking forward to. Now if we're talking anything bad that happened socially or politically, I couldn't be any more indifferent since I don't follow politics or real-world events at all.
I don't think it was all that bad, but not as good as other years.
Like, there was Overwatch, Hyper Light Drifter and Dark Souls 3.
Still I bought way more titles this year than I did 2016, which says something for me.
@Erian1Mortal I think it was one of the best, personally. I got Star Fox Zero, Doom, TWO Fire Emblems, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Super Mario Maker, and possibly my favorite game of this generation, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. That really outranks 2015/14, for me. The only way I think 2017 has any kind of edge is that the PS4 is (finally) getting some worthwhile exclusives.
@WolfOD64 I haven't bought this many titles at launch in a while (in 2017). I bought Persona, Nier, Yakuza Kiwami, Divinity Original Sin 2 and some more. Can't rember the last few years when it comes to games to be honest, since I wait till prices drop most of the time (and because I don't have the time to play all those games)
I mean, this really isn't the PS4's launch...that was 2013. It's taken 4 years for good exclusives to come in bulk, which is just shameful. However, 2017 gave us Yakuza 0 & Kiwami, Berserk Musou, Nioh, Nier, Persona 5. All great to be sure, the Switch JUST launched, with Breath of the Wild, Fire Emblem Musou and Mario Odyssey in the first year alone.
I feel like Nintendo has greater control over those things, I'm still a bit kranky that Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin wasn't a worldwide launch title for the PS4...
With launch I meant the release date for the individual titles actually, guess my wording needs a bit of work.
Ah, I see. I myself typically don't buy a game on release unless it's a series like Yakuza, whose Western releases literally depend on sales. Inshin was a special case, because it was the sequel to a prior spin-off game that will never be released Westward due to controversial plot matter.
Wasn't it just another spin off?
I thought Kenzan and Ishin are two different things, or did I miss a game in the franchise (still new to the series, currently playing Kenzan and Kiwami 1)