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Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Alright then, see you later.
I'm backk :D
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Hey, sorry about that. I ended up going to sleep and just now woke up. I ruined my sleeping schedule, dang it lol. But enough about that, how was everything?
It's okay :)
It was good :)
How many hours have you been sleeping ?;p
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
I slept for about 10 hours, roughly. And I'm still awake when I shouldn't be lol. Maybe I should go get something to drink to help keep me awake. I assume you just woke up or finished school?
After summer I only sleep 8 hours because of school
Oh dring RedBull you'll stay awake for sure ;p
Well I finished school and afterwards I have supplementary class ;p
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
But I have no Red Bull :(. Actually, I have never even had a Red Bull. What does it taste like? Like other energy drinks? Or is it something specific that's nearly impossible to describe? And supplementary class would annoy me if I had to go to it right after school XD
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
I just checked my pantry where the drinks are, and wow, Red Bull. I didn't know anyone drinks this. Are you psychic? o.o
It's not right after.We have about 4-5 hours before we go to the supplementary class ;p
Well I have drunk red bull once because I couldn't stay awake but drinking that you can be full of energy.But when I saw myself that I had all that energy I never drunk it again XD
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
I drunk a can of it about 20 minutes ago. I can still taste the sugar...And knowing what you said, I probably would not have drunk this. Ah well, it can't be so bad. And oh, 4 - 5 hours is a great break, never mind then. ... Is it normal to shake after drinking this stuff?
Well you'll stay awake ;p
Yeah it's good but when we start school with the normal programm we are going to have 3 hours and sometimes 2
It'll tiring but anyway ;p
Well I was shaking when I drunk it so yeah I think it's normal xD
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
This might be too awake lol. Hopefully it lasts long enough for me to make it through class today and then I can ram my head into my bed when I get home. And the time strain may be tiring, but it'll end up being worth it in the end once it's all done. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll receive an E-Mail saying my Professor is not there. I'm going for two in a row!
Hehehe ;p
Well yeah because I want to go in higher education school of Legal :)
That would be good;p
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
I do hope you're able to achieve a higher education and become really successful! You probably get better grades than I do, so there's nothing to worry about haha. And if it's alright to ask, is English your first language? I remember you mentioning something about Greece, I'm just a little bit curious. Not sure if it's mandatory to learn another language there.
Thank you :D
No greek is my first language and English second :)
Well in school it is but I have been learning English for about 10 years :)
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Well, you've been learning longer than I have. I've been learning for about 6 years. And you probably breezed straight through your English class since you had already been learning it, lucky you xD. You type really good English as well, makes it easier on me lol.
Well isn't English you 1st language?:P
Yeah xD hahah ^^
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
No, it is not actually. I however was forced to learn it after moving here where I currently live. My first language is Russian :D. Being around pure English speakers makes you learn it a little faster than what you want it to. I've even began to think in English, and not my 1st language o.O. I must leave to College now though, hopefully he's not there *Fingers crossed*. See you later!
Wow! Russian?:D That's amazing
You can type very good :)
And where do you live now?:)
Okay byee :D
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Yes, Russian lol. And thanks, you can type great too! And I currently live in the USA, moved here a while back. Luckily I was learning English before I moved, or else this would have been difficult. And my professor was there sadly, and I just got back. I'm still shaking and I seriously want to go to bed but can't lol.