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Hahaha ;p
Well they are something like Rock and metal ;p
I think xD
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Haha lol. Let me give them a lesson, have a favorite song I should listen to first?
Well I have 2 fav songs from them
"The Legacy" and "Perfect Weapon" :D
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
I'm listening to "The Legacy" now and it reminds me a lot of Avenged Sevenfold. This is really good actually. And I think they're hard rock, although your guess is as good as mine XD. Do you like Avenged Sevenfold too? Oh wow, the double bass in this song.
I LOVE A7X!!!!:D:D:D
Well you are the BEST:D
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Woah o_O lol. And I love A7X myself, I own every one of their albums. Even their old metalcore stuff! And you're the best too, haha. Songs like Afterlife, Chapter Four, Nightmare, Bat Country and Critical Acclaim I can't stop listening to. What's your favorite songs?
Well my favs are:Seize the day, Afterlife,Almost Easy,Critical Acclaim,Victim,So far away, Trun the other way and manyy moreeeeeeee;p
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
I'm surprised you like the old Metalcore stuff. I don't know of too many people that listens to that aside from me lol. To be honest, it's easier to list the Avenged Sevenfold songs I don't like. Which is none XD. Do you like the "Waking the Fallen" album?
Well it's very rare is a girl to listen Metalcore but that's me ;p
I don't hate any of them XD
Yeah I like it :D
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
I only know of one other girl that does at my school, very uncommon indeed lol. I'm afraid I must go now, the misery that is school calls for me D: see you later or whenever you're on. I'm going to take a bunch of Avenged Sevenfold songs on my mp3 player to pass the time!
Well okay see you later :)
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
I went to College, but my professor did not show up today. So I get a free day off, hooray! This rarely happens. Now I don't know what to do with my day lol. Any ideas?
Yay!!! ;p
Well you can go out with friends ;)
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
Their professors showed up though, so I have nothing to do xD lol. Hmm, maybe I can go watch a movie. Or play a game...Or finish watching something. I have no clue. Any ideas? Maybe I'm missing an anime or something. There's so much to do that deciding between it is hard D:
lol xD
So you can play a game
You can watch Clannad or FMA xD
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
I don't know about Clannad, I'm not in the mood to cry (manly tears) on a free day off lol. Hmm, I guess I'll continue Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Forgot about that one, thanks! So do you have school soon? Or do you have a day off? If the question is private, please ignore it.
Well today we had only 4 hours ;p
The 1st week is very calm but I don't know now how it will be next week.We don't have books so we can't do anything yet ;/
And it's not private it's just an everyday question ;p
Ember To Inferno
Ember To Inferno
You're very lucky, only 4 hours lol. And no books? My college requires the books prior to when class starts, it's really dumb. And sorry about asking if it's private, I have a bad fear of possibly offending someone. Also, sorry for the late reply, watching an episode of FMA :D
Yeah here in Greece the school system is terrible.We have to wait one month to take our books;/
We I have to go.I have supplementary class for school
See you later :D