I'm listening to "The Legacy" now and it reminds me a lot of Avenged Sevenfold. This is really good actually. And I think they're hard rock, although your guess is as good as mine XD. Do you like Avenged Sevenfold too? Oh wow, the double bass in this song.
Woah lol. And I love A7X myself, I own every one of their albums. Even their old metalcore stuff! And you're the best too, haha. Songs like Afterlife, Chapter Four, Nightmare, Bat Country and Critical Acclaim I can't stop listening to. What's your favorite songs?
I'm surprised you like the old Metalcore stuff. I don't know of too many people that listens to that aside from me lol. To be honest, it's easier to list the Avenged Sevenfold songs I don't like. Which is none XD. Do you like the "Waking the Fallen" album?
I only know of one other girl that does at my school, very uncommon indeed lol. I'm afraid I must go now, the misery that is school calls for me D: see you later or whenever you're on. I'm going to take a bunch of Avenged Sevenfold songs on my mp3 player to pass the time!
I went to College, but my professor did not show up today. So I get a free day off, hooray! This rarely happens. Now I don't know what to do with my day lol. Any ideas?
Their professors showed up though, so I have nothing to do xD lol. Hmm, maybe I can go watch a movie. Or play a game...Or finish watching something. I have no clue. Any ideas? Maybe I'm missing an anime or something. There's so much to do that deciding between it is hard D:
I don't know about Clannad, I'm not in the mood to cry (manly tears) on a free day off lol. Hmm, I guess I'll continue Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Forgot about that one, thanks! So do you have school soon? Or do you have a day off? If the question is private, please ignore it.
Well today we had only 4 hours ;p
The 1st week is very calm but I don't know now how it will be next week.We don't have books so we can't do anything yet ;/
And it's not private it's just an everyday question ;p
You're very lucky, only 4 hours lol. And no books? My college requires the books prior to when class starts, it's really dumb. And sorry about asking if it's private, I have a bad fear of possibly offending someone. Also, sorry for the late reply, watching an episode of FMA
Yeah here in Greece the school system is terrible.We have to wait one month to take our books;/
We I have to go.I have supplementary class for school
See you later
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Well they are something like Rock and metal ;p
I think xD